I wouldn't classify sipp contributions as expense. You'd be incorrectly
reducing your net worth whenever you contribute to it.
On Fri, 1 May 2020, 5:23 pm Ruaraidh Sackville Hamilton, <
ruaraidh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ah yes you are right! I didn't think of the case where an employer pays
> direc
> Ignore me. I'm a novice to GnuCash and naive in economics. I just find it
> interesting, learning new concepts as part of learning GnuCash.
> On Fri, 1 May 2020 at 10:41, Christopher Lam
> wrote:
>> I wouldn't classify sipp contributions as expense. You'd b
Your major design challenge is to decide how and why you'll link these
completely separate transactions together. It does not seem necessary to
use business features (AP/AR) for them. So, you have no internal links to
marry up the 4 transactions.
However these are (hopefully) regular transactions
These issues would benefit from bugzilla reports, ideally with anonymised
On Wed, 6 May 2020 at 11:07, Fross, Michael wrote:
> I have to keep importing the same QFX file over and over until I get
> “nothing to import” message. If I don’t, it seems to miss transactions in
> the file. Not su
Are you discussing qif or ofx. The main difficulty is qif code written 20
years ago and has not modernised.
The multi to multi issue will always be very difficult, hence I'd
previously imagined a two pane register, qif/ofx on left, existing register
on right, and drag and drop to marry up the spli
t; On May 6, 2020 8:09:03 PM Christopher Lam
> wrote:
> > Are you discussing qif or ofx. The main difficulty is qif code written 20
> > years ago and has not modernised.
> >
> > The multi to multi issue will always be very difficult, hence I'd
> > previous
You'll need to use [Gg][Oo][Dd][Aa][Dd][Dd][Yy]
On Sat, 9 May 2020 at 16:06, Fran_3 via gnucash-user <
gnucash-user@gnucash.org> wrote:
> When using Reports > Transaction Report
> I want to use the Transaction Filter to do a case insensitive search for
> some word like, for instance ... godaddy
The Transaction Report will convert a split amount to the nearest price if
I think the OP is reporting issues with the TXF report.
On Wed, 13 May 2020 at 03:44, Adrien Monteleone <
adrien.montele...@lusfiber.net> wrote:
> The Transaction Report doesn’t offer this option. (not sure when
The cashflow report is not wrong and not right either.
See https://bugs.gnucash.org/show_bug.cgi?id=797093 for the full dev
On Sat, 16 May 2020 at 20:45, Matthew Clay wrote:
> Gnucash Community,
> I have a question about the "Cash Flow" report. When I set up a simple
Bugzilla will be a better forum to discuss issues with the multicolumn P&L
On Mon, 18 May 2020, 7:31 am davygc, wrote:
> Just want to share what I will do as I don't think there will be a solution
> soon.
> I will create a sub-account for each currency under all my i
Until 4.x is ready, yes you'll have to use this syntax.
On Thu, 21 May 2020, 12:19 am Fran_3 via gnucash-user, <
gnucash-user@gnucash.org> wrote:
> Transaction Filter seems to be case sensitive as searching for "Chevron"
> will not find "CHEVRON" so you must use regx like
> [Cd][Hh][Er][Vv][Rr][O
The full list of free-text fields available to use are:
per-Transaction: Num, Description
per-Split: Action, Memo
The book property 'Use Split Action Field For Number' will internally swap
Num & Action IIUC.
The main purpose was originally likely to mimic Quicken behaviour. Quicken
(DOS) is avai
A couple of notes:
- Balance-sheet is reverted back to the legacy report: multicolumn
balance-sheet had a few more bugs identified related to currency
conversions, so, isn't ready yet. The latter is downgraded back to
experimental submenu.
- gnucash-cli --report run --name "VAT Report" --export-typ
Hi, enhancements should be logged in bugs.gnucash.org
On Fri, 5 Apr 2024, 8:56 am Tom Balazs, wrote:
> >I think it already does that for the Scheduled Transactions. It says
> something like, oh some time has passed, would you like me to create these
> transactions which you created in the Schedu
Correct Geoff, and the latest nightlies will have the correct fix.
On Sun, 7 Apr 2024, 12:10 pm Geoff, wrote:
> I suspect this bug fix in the 5.6 release notes is the cause:
> Bug 799225 - QIF Importer Crashes Silently after "Start Import" Button
This is the formal terminology that the accountancy expert bodies deem
"revenue recognition". Numerous formal (see IFRS and GAAP) publications
exist, with a much better supporting evidence than our informal discussions
On Tue, 9 Apr 2024, 6:12 am R Losey, wrote:
> Since I first learned abo
The importer has had some upgrades in the past couple years. You can sort
by description in the importer, select multiple transactions with similar
descriptions, mass assign to a particular account, mass rename the
description too, via the right click menu.
On Tue, 16 Apr 2024, 4:14 am Adrien Lave
ience was
> great.
> I have done the hard work and quicker than expected.
> Let's see for future updates how the automatic detection works.
> Thanks everyone
> El mar., 16 abr. 2024 5:19, Christopher Lam
> escribió:
>> The importer has had some upg
Welcome to Gnucash userlist.
GnuCash will happily handle most of your bookkeeping needs.
IMHO Learning double-entry is an important business skill that you can
acquire via the GnuCash Tutorial & Concepts guide, or
https://www.dwmbeancounter.com/bookkeeping-course.html is another that I've
Please pick a recent build from
On Sun, 28 Apr 2024 at 21:54, Hao Huang wrote:
> Hi,
> The original problem was "The erroneous transaction seems to be the last
> of those imported". If that's the case, it won't apply. What is shown in my
> case is
See Sorting/Show Account Description. This is a bug which will be fixed
On Wed, 1 May 2024 at 22:07, Paul Kroitor wrote:
> Is there a way to get the Transaction Report to show Account Description
> rather than Account Name in the gr
recently or is about
> to be fixed.
> Also, I should look for the fixed version in the nightly builds, right?
> Is that right?
> Sorry for double-checking, I just want to be sure I understand,
> Paul
> *From:* Chr
Please file a bug on https://bugs.gnucash.org/
On Tue, 25 Jun 2024 at 16:39, David Sumbler wrote:
> I am using GnuCash 5.5 on xubuntu 24.04.
> Every couple of months or so I need to export about 30 accounts, all of
> which are members of the same placeholder account. I export them using
Please file all bugs in bugs.gnucash.org
On Mon, 1 July 2024, 2:16 pm Jan Lubach, wrote:
> LS,
> I encountered the following bug in the new version GnuCash 5.7
> The import qif file procedure has a bug. After trying to apply the qif
> file, the application closes. After trying to open it again,
No one's replied with a direct answer to your query.
On Sun, 7 July 2024, 11:55 pm rsbrux via gnucash-user, <
gnucash-user@gnucash.org> wrote:
> This has led me to consider merging the two credit card accounts in
> GnuCash. How easy is this?
Easy-- just delete one of the credit card accounts a
This is fixed in 5.8 -- please get a newer release
On Wed, 10 July 2024, 2:59 pm Keith Edmunds, wrote:
> I've just upgraded vrom v4.13 to v5.6. I have my ledgers filtered to hide
> reconciled transactions. With 4.13 the autocomplete would search a
Unfortunately the transactions created via Scheduled Transactions are
indistinguishable from regular transactions. There's no way to search for
them specifically*.
*However you could run a Transaction Report, select all accounts, like
start and end dates as "today", and set the General>Date Filter
On Mon, 2 Sept 2024 at 21:36, David Houlden wrote:
> Thank you Martin. That is just about perfect and I think it is probably
> close enough for me.
> There are two things that would be really nice to have but I can live
> without them.
> 1. Display dates along X axis instead of numbers.
Wed, 19 Dec 2018 at 23:10, Derek Atkins wrote:
> Christopher Lam writes:
> > With regard to selecting a 'wildcard' type of accounts selection, it's
> > a good entry-level idea for a budding scheme hacker :)
> I think it would require significantly more work
On Wed., 26 Dec. 2018, 02:55 John Ralls
> > On Dec 25, 2018, at 9:08 AM, Michael or Penny Novack <
> stepbystepf...@comcast.net> wrote:
> >
> > On 12/25/2018 4:45 AM, Colin Law wrote:
> >> You could be right though, perhaps the Close
> >> Books feature built into the s/w does what she wants.
That's the purpose of the current balance sheet.
Set price-source to 'most-recent' and it should calculate all
unrealized/realized (and trading) gains/losses, and add the appropriate
adjustments in the net worth calculator.
I'm not sure whether *any* other report will calculate these gains.
Try digging into Gnucash.app and find taxtxf.scm
Then find "!0,2f" in line 590 and replace it with "~0,2f"
On 1/1/19 3:40 am, Tim Quinn wrote:
I’m on a Mac with High Sierra. Using either GnuCash 3.4+ (downloaded 30 Dec
2018) or 3.3 trying to export the tax report in TXF format crashes GnuCash
There may not be any internal technical restrictions preventing you from
directly decreasing the share count of a share account, and increasing in
However this is pretty much uncharted territory when it comes to reports
and reporting assumptions.
Typically I'd expect someone who tries to
You may open the .html from Libreoffice Calc (not Libreoffice writer).
File > Open, and click on the exported .html file.
On 3/1/19 8:09 pm, Finbar Mahon wrote:
Thanks both, but I still seem to be having a problem.
I have a file -
/gnu p&l2018.html
If I try to cut and paste the data to
This set of options sounds about right. What's the output? You can attach a
screenshot, blanking out confidential data.
Don't forget to set General/Add options summary to 'always'
On Thu, 27 Dec 2018 at 17:47, Finbar Mahon wrote:
> Thanks, but I am not too sure what options I should chose to get
On 4/1/19 12:00 am, Jon Leech wrote:
I don't know how typical my use case is, but that seems like an
unwise thing to do, in general. I wouldn't want to realize capital gains
or losses solely as a side effect of moving shares from one broker to
All brokers I have accounts with hav
Hi Stephen
Both your questions are answerable
When doing double columns for the amount (DR/CR), the sub-totals/totals
only show the combined total. Is there an option to show the totals per
column? (similar to what the Reconciliation report shows).
There's no option to disable double-colum
On Tue., 8 Jan. 2019, 13:01 Adrien Monteleone <
adrien.montele...@lusfiber.net wrote:
> If I read Liz’s latest reply correctly, the issue is with an asset
> account. (bank)
> The status changed when she changed the description.
> The status did
Well the SCM has numerous references to "round" and "rounding errors" so
it's to be expected.
Please file a bug with example numbers, and hopefully these errors may
be fixed.
On 9/1/19 7:35 am, David Carlson wrote:
Thanks for the reference. Alas, I will need to do some homework to
In the balance sheet, Retained Earnings is calculated as the difference
of non-void balances between the selected income and expense accounts as
of the balance-sheet date.
There must be an errant transaction associated with the pre-payment
somewhere in your books?
On 11/1/19 5:49 am, bwip
The "Reconciliation Report" was modified to search via Reconciliation
Date as per following bug. https://bugs.gnucash.org/show_bug.cgi?id=796614
I think the date filter is irrelevant in the reconciliation report.
Perhaps it should be removed altogether; and should by default show
*all* unrecon
There's "Sorting / Show subtotals only (hide transactional data)"
You may be right that 'Display / Amount' = none is not completely
handled as before.
Please file a bug, and screenshot a sample report, anonymised; please
enable 'General / Add options summary' to display options used.
This seems to be the eguile-based "tax invoice" report.
Perhaps you can try the other "Printable/Easy/Fancy Invoice" reports and
let us know?
With MacOS it'll be very difficult to investigate this; usually we'd
advocate 'bisecting' i.e. try various releases until the exact breaking
one is fo
t; The only difference is that the Account name is not presented before the
> total line. I consider that to be an improvement, actually.
> >
> > Bug avoided.
> >
> > David
> >
> >> On Jan 16, 2019, at 6:01 PM, Christopher Lam
> wrote:
> >>
the user that they have control over something they Nik longer can control.
> David
> On January 17, 2019, at 6:27 AM, Christopher Lam <
> christopher@gmail.com> wrote:
> This is by design.
> Previously a transaction report including *al
store and calculate values internally to the
> report but display results the way the user requests to see them?
> David
> On Thu, Jan 17, 2019 at 7:13, Christopher Lam
> wrote:
> Sadly, the gnucash project has a long history of never removing features.
> Th
the wiki, so that people
> may be made aware of them and work around them.
> David
> On Thu, Jan 17, 2019 at 8:04, Christopher Lam
> wrote:
> I don't know, sorry. You're very welcome to dive into code and try.
> https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash/pull/229 will b
This is now added in the FAQ.
(Please note the FAQ is not necessarily the final position; reversal
strategy may be improved with suitable solutions)
On 24/1/19 9:14 am, D via
Two ideas:
1. The error relates to the first column in the spreadsheet. The first
column may include several budget periods. Please let us know the report
general options.
2. The total amount may include amounts in the placeholder "expenses"
account -- please check if this parent account has any tr
Hi David
I run 2.6.21 and 3.4 side by side on my machine on the same data file
> without trouble. The visual experiences can’t be optimized for both since
> they use different UI engines but the same configuration files it seems.
> There are also numerous incompatibilities with the standard repo
I think this is difficult. Creating and posting invoice will create an open
lot, and paying the invoice closes the lot; I'm not sure there is mechanism
to reopen the lot. I think it would be useful to document the exact steps
to pay & unpay in bugzilla and further internal discussion takes place
I think only the Transaction Report will offer this flexibility.
Account/Accounts - Bank account
Account/Filter Type - "include"
Account/Filter By.. expense accounts.
On Tue, 5 Feb 2019 at 05:35, Steve Cohen wrote:
> I wish to make an expense report (pie chart, bar chart, not important
> which)
Sure you're welcome, but it's customary here to reply-all to list.
-- Forwarded message -
From: Steve Cohen
Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2019 at 07:28
Subject: Re: [GNC] Restricting expense report to single checking account
To: Christopher Lam
On 2/4/19 5:12 PM, Christopher Lam
Feel free to experiment your transactions; I'd recommend doing a simplified
transfer on a simple data file first and testing the output.
Please test the portfolio and advanced portfolio reports because they may
not handle these types of transfers, and file bugs on bugzilla if the
reports produce u
Hi Peter,
May I ask what are you currently using to generate the VAT reports? Are you
using the Income&GST statement?
Do you intend to use bridging software? If so the GST report could be
upgraded to use them.
On Sun., 17 Feb. 2019, 05:55 Peter von Kaehne Hi,
> We are using Gnucash very grate
At this moment your options are:
1. Income bar/line chart and enable 'Display/Show table' - displays totals
2. Select relevant accounts (all assets+liabilities or all income+expense)
in Transaction Report, and tinker with the primary/secondary key sorting
options, enable Display/Subtotal-ta
Hi David and Peter,
Just a couple minor amendments
On 17/2/19 5:23 pm, David Cousens wrote:
The paragraph following that on Digital Links is also instructive in that
cut and paste is not permitted. Since CSV and or XML links are valid i.e.
export of an XML or CSV file with the required data fr
>Subject: Re: [GNC] UK VAT and "Making Tax Digital"
>From: "Maf. King"
>To: gnucash-user@gnucash.org
> On Sunday, 17 February 2019 12:23:39 GMT Maf. King wrote:
> > On Sunday, 17 February 2019 1
> Sent from my mobile. Please forgive shortness, typos and weird
> autocorrects.
> Original Message
> Subject: Re: [GNC] UK VAT and "Making Tax Digital"
> From: Christopher Lam
> To: ref...@gmx.net
> CC: "Maf. King" ,G
Unfortunately there is *no* income statement type report which will
calculate unrealized gains for you.
Your best bet is to reevaluate periodically using the usual balance sheet.
On Tue, 26 Feb 2019 at 06:28, Chary Chary wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> thank you for help, but I just can't make it work
Should be fixed in 3.4
On Wed, 6 Mar 2019 at 04:33, John Dablin via gnucash-user <
gnucash-user@gnucash.org> wrote:
> Has anyone any ideas about this? Should I have sent it to a different list?
> John Dablin
> On 01/03/2019 12:20, John Dablin wrot
I wouldn't book this gift of shares as a zero-cost purchase.
I'd book it as as a full-priced BUY transaction, but with corresponding
account from Income:Gifts rather than Asset:Bank.
Because I'm not accountant I don't know what is the tax treatment of this
gift and would ensure the Income:Gifts i
Run the Transaction Report
Accounts/Accounts select Income and Expense accounts
Display/Subtotal table: enabled
Sorting/Primary Sortkey: account-name
Sorting/Primary Subtotal: true
Sorting/Secondary Sortkey: date
Sorting/Secondary Subtotal: monthly
Sorting/Hide transactions: enabled
On Fri, 8 Ma
On Fri, 8 Mar 2019 at 23:34, Adrien Monteleone <
adrien.montele...@lusfiber.net> wrote:
> (snip)
> This option will get you the monthly figures all in neat columns along
> with a total and average column as well as account names for each row.
> You’ll just need to add total lines for Expenses and
On Fri, 8 Mar 2019 at 14:04, wrote:
> Thanks Derek,
> Good to know the feature has been added to Version 3.x. I take it by
> current
> you mean stable? Still a little reluctant to upgrade as version 2.6.17 is
> working for us. If it ain't broke...
fwiw invoicing in 3.3 onwards has been merge
you can customize?
> When you upgrade, do you have to re-establish your saved report formats?
> Roger
> On Fri, Mar 8, 2019, 10:39 PM Christopher Lam
> wrote:
>> On Fri, 8 Mar 2019 at 14:04, wrote:
>>> Thanks Derek,
It has not quite been merged in yet, but I see no further issue that I can
fix myself, so, I'll see about getting in for wider use and bug finding, in
an "experimental" submenu. It won't report unrealised gains though, too
difficult to hack it as it is.
On Fri., 22 Mar. 2019, 23:06 Derek Atkins,
I'll throw some more confusion I'm afraid. I'd think a Split is somewhat
unique to GnuCash, for better or for worse. I don't think there's an
equivalent word in general usage. If we define Split as a "that which links
Transactions to Accounts" then there's no confusion here.
Technically a Transact
In the balance sheet, retained earnings refer to total income minus
expenses on the report date.
On Thu., 14 Mar. 2019, 04:35 Andrea Borgia, wrote:
> Il 10/03/19 10:16, Adrien Monteleone ha scritto:
> > The fact that this is also the same amount as this particular
> > transaction you entered
The cash flow report is not very well documented nor understood. There are
users who report bugs based on incomplete understanding of issues and
design decisions made by the report writers.
I strongly recommend tweaking the Transaction Report which is much more
predictable, and if you select the *
There's no ui for modifying the summary bar currency unfortunately. It is
set when you create your book.
To modify afterwards you'll need to modify the data file and change the
currency for the (invisible) root account.
A book property option *could* be implemented; I doubt that it will have
sure how to change the data file. I am not very experienced with
> coding and programming.
> Do you have some link you can point me to how to follow along?
> Regards,
> Stefan
> On Thu, Mar 28, 2019 at 10:44 AM Christopher Lam <
> christopher@gmail.com>
The transaction report in more recent versions has much better grouping
options and can also summarise the periodic totals in a grid format.
On Mon., 8 Apr. 2019, 09:55 Ron Eggler, wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using GnuCash 2.6.12 and would like to create an annual report for tax
> reporting purposes. F
on or similar.
On Tue., 19 Feb. 2019, 22:33 Christopher Lam,
> To all interested in beta-testing CSV export, for now I think it's safest
> to export CSV in carefully selected reports, because all reports do tables
> differently.
> After version 3.5 is out of the door
> A comment elsewhere in this thread is that GnuCash does not tax submission
> or preparation. I think that this will have to change - probably by
> development of a collection of country-specific tax plugins or tax reports.
> The reason is that governments in insisting on tax being done
> electr
This can be fixed, but this will require modifying some files in the
C:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\share\gnucash\scm\ and C:\Program Files
(x86)\gnucash\share\gnucash\scm\gnucash\report\standard-reports\ folders.
See the following for details how. If you're not confident please hold on
until 3.6
If you're not confident, please hold on for 3.6.
On Mon, 15 Apr 2019 at 15:00, Christopher Lam
> This can be fixed, but this will require modifying some files in the
> C:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\share\gnucash\scm\ directory
You can always run a portableapps session.
On Mon., 15 Apr. 2019, 23:59 Greg Feneis, wrote:
> Win 7-64, GnuCash 6.2.21
> Hi Folks,
> Is there a way to install a new version without uninstalling the old
> version? The install wizard doesn't seem to let me select the install
> location, while
The "Retained Earnings" part of the Balance Sheet has nothing to do with
IIUC on the balance sheet date X, the retained earnings simply means the
total income up to date X, minus total expenses up to date X.
If the books were 'closed' on date X, the income&expenses would be zeroed
Ok if there is a error message on a blank page then we want the
https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Tracefile and a bug report in
On Tue, 16 Apr 2019 at 14:35, Denis wrote:
> I may have found a problem with my "french" version of Gnucash ? It would
> be
> a question of date f
umber whether the books are closed or
> not.
> > > > > GnuCash has to work accurately with all businesses whether small
> or big, instead of using workarounds.
> > > > >
> > > > > -
> > > > >
> > > > > Regards,
> >
Fix: https://bugs.gnucash.org/show_bug.cgi?id=796696#c9
Better Fix: Upgrade to v3.5.
On Sun, 21 Apr 2019 at 16:58, Martin wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using version 3.2
> When I run Reports=>Income & Expense=>Trial Balance
> I get the error message "An error occurred while running the report"
> I'
Hi Laurel
Quarterly VAT reports are a breeze if your VAT collected/paid accounts are
set up as liability/asset accounts. Use the "Income & GST Statement" report
present in version 3.0 and above, select income & expense accounts and your
VAT accounts.
You'll probably wish to select 'start of last
Assuming you both have individual accounts, you can already set up a
hierarchical structure with parent 'owner' (set as placeholder) with
children asset accounts 'husband' and 'wife'. If you have a joint account
then stick to 1 account for both.
The main advice we can offer is to stick to "1 GnuCa
ng that might be nice to include in the CSV output is
> the
> date period, but I haven't tested that for format etc yet.
> I'm not signed up for the -devel list, can do so if you'd prefer to keep
> this
> off -user for now.
> thanks & best r
r 2019 at 15:08, Christopher Lam
> Hi Maf
> I agree your asset purchases are not going to be accounted for in the
> current iteration. This was not thought of during the design.
> A short workable answer is to record this asset purchase as an expense,
> and
Hi Stephen
You are very welcome to try the following report. Save it into
standard-reports folder, found deep within the Gnucash.app package, and it
will automatically add a new multicolumn income-statement and balance-sheet
report as you describe.
typo: This report is a work-in-progress for nearly 1 year due to such
unresolved questions
On Mon, 6 May 2019 at 14:31, Christopher Lam
> Hi Stephen
> You are very welcome to try the following report. Save it into
> standard-reports folder, found deep within the Gnucash
t in the
> Reports Menu.
> --
> Stephen C. Camidge scami...@fastmail.fm (519) 363-3912
> On Mon, May 6, 2019, at 10:31 AM, Christopher Lam wrote:
> Hi Stephen
> You are very welcome to try the following report. Save it into
> standard-reports
Thanks Adrien.
I've realised that unless the multicolumn report is merged into mainstream,
it will never gain enough exposure for bug reports. So perhaps it'll be
better to merge for 3.6 into an 'experimental' submenu within reports.
On Wed, 8 May 2019 at 13:24, Adrien Monteleone <
I think I'll get the draft multicolumn report into v3.6 due approximately
end of June.
No guarantees it's bugfree (especially involving multiple
currencies/stocks) but at least it'll have increased exposure, and I'm sure
many users will find them useful.
Multi-date balance-sheets aim to report on r
These benchmarks are always useful. Would you mind describing
characteristics of your books? e.g. number of accounts, number of
currencies/commodities, approx no.transactions etc? I'm sure 3.5
average-balance should be faster than prior versions.
This may be moot if average-balance will be hidden
I'd think that it would be worthwhile to have a good set of debugged and
documented gold-standard reports.
There are far too many reports (*guilty as charged*); with many overlapping
and many obsolete ones which become hard to work on because they make
assumptions upon the data and are incredibly
e as the price source [When using nearest in time it's faster still,
> but trying to compare fairly], and all accounts). Average balance took
> 14:30 to load the exact same options.
> Thanks,
> Matt
> On Saturday, May 18, 2019, 8:15:54 PM CDT, Christoph
You'll have to explore the Display -> Parent account subtotals/balances
On Sat, 25 May 2019 at 22:52, cerr wrote:
> Hi,How do I sum up all the accounts' numbers and display them accumulated
> at
> the top under "Assets"?Currently, I have something like:
> Assets
> $0.00
> Deposits in
I think your Price Database for foreign currency <-> CAD is empty.
Either populate the database, or change the Income Statement's price source.
On Sat, 25 May 2019 at 22:06, cerr wrote:
> Hi,I had income in a foreign currency during my last period and I regularly
> kept track of the amount in my
Your best bet is the 'Balance Forecast' report, a recent contribution.
On Sun, 2 Jun 2019 at 15:20, AEG via gnucash-user
> Hi Liz,
> Thank you for your suggestion.
> Liz wrote
> > On Sun, 2 Jun 2019 02:09:27 -0500 (CDT)
> > AEG via gnucash-user <
> > gnucash-user@
> > > wrote:
ser a little
> more context? Like, maybe to say which option is in play?
> Furthermore, I'm not sure what you're asking me to provide. Do you want
> the entire section of saved-reports.2-8 for this report? I imagine I could
> locate that...
> David
> On
> "4322bd7828a171da309da04240c76cc5" "6469c54555664253dca60732551d617e"
> "badc921d02f436739b1eb734ec8062e6" "25bbafd4cc6640ba1101d09f2ac6c7ff"
> "45635f3e47702e63917ae0e2acf9ee4e" "655f4f8023f379d9a7356d444535a1
Thanks John for the hard work in releasing 3.6.
With regards to reports, the balsheet-pnl means that finally balance sheet
and income statements can be reported across unlimited multiple dates. Some
assumptions have been made for foreign currency conversions, and values not
all confirmed correct.
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