How are you entering these payments? That should be done with the
'Process Payments' feature where you select the document (bill/invoice)
to be paid, enter a payment amount, and select the source/destination
For existing transactions you can right-click them and choose Edit
Payment t
The Transaction Report can get you the info broken down that way, but
not quite arranged in 'landscape'/'spreadsheet' fashion.
You can set the primary sort order by Account, and then secondary sort
by Date. This will group transactions by account and then list them in
date order and you can ge
You can install the latest version via following these instructions from
David Cousens:
On 5/3/22 10:45 AM, Chris Green wrote:
On Tue, May 03, 2022 at 04:05:26PM +0100, david whiting wrote:
So you've chosen an organization method that creates the problem but
then ask for how to avoid it? The answer seems pretty obvious to me:
Don't start a new file each year.
But before that, to your original question, what files exactly in
~/.local/... are you concerned about? One rarely needs t
No there is not unfortunately.
I've seen it discussed and there is probably an RFE filed on it.
On 5/4/22 9:31 AM, Chris Green wrote:
I find I nearly always change the same five or six report options
every time I want a new report. For example I nearly always want to
select al
Export the report. The format is HTML, then you can examine it with a
text editor and/or open it in a browser and use its inspector.
Alternatively, just open it in a spreadsheet app and manipulate it from
On 5/4/22 5:40 AM, Chris Green wrote:
The Transaction Report pr
en noticed that
I have entered the receipt or payment date incorrectly and then changed
the date in the Bank Account Register.
On Mon, 2022-05-02 at 21:24 -0500, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
How are you entering these payments? That should be done with the
'Process Payments' feature where you
XCIF is your friend!
You can back-date the meta for those images and scans with something
like `exiftool`. No definitive word of if it runs on Linux, but it does
on MacOS and other Unix systems.
Otherwise there is a web implementation:
On 5/5/22 11:39 AM,
I use this method for a monthly P&L for a running 'at a glance' when I
want it. Since the report is set to reference dates (start/end of this
month) rather than specific dates, I don't have to change any options.
It just rolls over to the new month when the date changes.
On 5/
The old built-in 'stylesheets' probably do not. But there is a CSS-based
(experimental) sheet that is just open text. You spec any id or class or
element you want with your chosen rules.
Mind you, GnuCash uses Webkit for rendering, so you need to check if you are unsure about a rul
eport. (best I can tell, I didn't play with all options)
Give that a go.
I do see prominent Account Totals but I agree, the initial Account Name
starting each section should be more noticeable.
On 5/5/22 12:59 PM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
The old built-in 'stylesheets
GnuCash for Android is a separate project.
Last I heard, it isn't even an active one. (no commits since mid-2018)
You can try their GitHub page:
On 5/6/22 11:15 AM, Shaun Parsons wrote:
I have recently come across GnuCash which
Good to know. I'm sure many here will be happy if it picks back up.
On 5/6/22 10:37 PM, wrote:
There is a bit of recent correspondence on the github site with a possible new
project manager interested. I gather the main problem is in getting Ngewi Fet
I had similar problems on MacoS BigSur just before and after the release
of 4.10, and it would hang either via GnuCash or via CLI.
I figured it was just a F::Q or Alphavantage problem. And indeed, it
cleared up, but I haven't tried it lately.
On 5/8/22 9:17 PM, Fred Tydeman w
'Saves' with SQLite are supposed to be instant. That is, all commits on
changes happen right away, not on a schedule or only on exit. (same with
the other two db backends, and those are more difficult to
If you've removed Piecash temporarily from the workflow, and it still
d 2.6.12, while 18.04 had 2.6.19. The vintage of
Ubuntu might affect your options here.
And if your older system has a version greater than 2.6.19 on it, something
else has gone wrong, and more info would be needed.
On March 24, 2022 9:20:25 PM EDT, Adrien Monteleone
You c
Check out the GnuCash Wiki concerning using the Debian Archive:
It is linked there, but you can look at the list of available .deb
packages here:
Theoretically, you could down
See my reply in your 'Hang' thread.
As soon as I got my second hang in GnuCash, I resorted to CLI, keeping
GnuCash Price DB open to check each of the symbols one-by-one.
F::Q/Alphavantage would hang on the CLI too for random symbols.
Sometimes it would instantly retrieve say USD->EUR,
On 5/7/22 8:39 AM, iwaddo via gnucash-user wrote:
I’m new to gnucash so please let me know if this is not the correct way to get
This is *one* of the right places. IRC is another option.
I have successfully entered all my transactions back to Oct 21, everything
balances as I expec
So you originally jumped from 3.11 to 4.10?
If 4.0 works, did you run Actions > Check & Repair > Check & Repair all
after the upgrade to 4.0? (you should do that after each major version jump)
On 5/9/22 1:16 PM, Richard Clarkson via gnucash-user wrote:
Reverting to GnuCash 3.
Except it didn't matter if I waited a minute or so in between each call.
It even failed some days on the first call. That's what had me stumped.
But yeah, if another sources works reliably, it is probably the source
and not F::Q.
On 5/9/22 9:49 PM, David T. via gnucash-user wr
Preferences > Accounts > Default Currency.
Your choices are:
1. Locale (set by your OS preferences)
2. Specify one from the drop down.
On 5/9/22 10:20 PM, David Long wrote:
I have been using GnuCash on a Desktop, and installed it on my laptop too. It
was a messy installation
If it is greyed out, something is definitely wrong. I'm going with a
read-only preference file as mentioned by David H. But that should imply
other preferences also being greyed out. If not, more digging is required...
Permissions issue on Win10 perhaps? (Not sure why that would affect only
The issue with not being able to close the tip of the day window is the
Scheduled Transactions window has stolen focus.
First click on the Tip of the Day window to raise it to the 'top of the
window stack' and then close it.
Then use whatever means of your OS to reveal windows hidden beneath
You can file an RFE (Request for Enhancement) on Bugzilla. See the Wiki
for more on bug reporting.
On 5/10/22 9:41 PM, Fred Tydeman wrote:
It would be nice if in the Reconcile window, when the Difference is zero,
the Finish button would turn green.
That's Google being 'helpful' by 'suggesting' substitutions so as not to
be allegedly offensive. I guess it reads okay, but that doesn't mean it
conveys what you intended. (I wonder, does it edit *incoming* mail too?)
Since you brought up visual impairment, the choice of Green is a really
Right on the confirmation dialog, because there are plenty enough
threads here from those who dismissed them permanently as a nuisance and
months/years later report they weren't warned when making an edit.
On 5/11/22 9:51 AM, David T. via gnucash-user wrote:
Yeah. I've never l
I'm pretty sure the file is supposed to be:
gtk-3.0.css, not
Also, it doesn't go in your 'My Documents' folder.
The wiki explains how to make these adjustments, the proper file name,
and the proper file location for each operating system.
What distro and version?
What version of GnuCash?
Does exiting full screen help?
Does not starting in full screen help?
Are you using a second display, or have you used a second display, in
between the time it worked fine and this problem appeared? (a window
might be appearing on a 'ghost' d
On 5/16/22 3:48 PM, Jim DeLaHunt wrote:
One tedious aspect of this combination is that I need to re-author my
invoices in GnuCash after I author them in Freshbooks and send them to
the customer.
Can Freshbooks export your invoices to CSV? (or other spreadsheet format)
If so, you can then imp
In my original reply of suggestions to try, I was working on the
assumption that the user had inadvertently raised focus while the
controlling window was generated. The only way around that is to not
touch anything till all windows load.
But if a window that demands control is not also 'sticky
If you're doing this regularly, this sounds like a retail operation.
Dr. Assets::Inventory
Cr. Assets::Checking
Dr. Assets::Undeposited Funds (for amount of sale)
Cr. Income::Sales (for amount of sale)
Dr. Expenses::Cost of Goods Sold (for value of inventory)
Cr. Inventory (for
File it as an RFE (Request for Enhancement) on Bugzilla. (see the
Gnucash wiki for more info)
That way, the suggestion is documented and progress can be tracked
when/if it is taken up.
On 5/20/22 8:09 PM, Gyle McCollam wrote:
The change I suggested still is a better
Did you have any Webkit updates? That is what GC uses for rendering the
If so, maybe roll-back and pin that package for now, then file a bug
report with the details.
On 5/21/22 10:53 AM, Martin Booth via gnucash-user wrote:
Running reports has suddenly stopped w
Is it a real tax, or just a 'service fee' that *you* are charging?
(something you don't have to remit to some other entity)
If that's not the case, I'm not understanding why you want to call it a
'tax' and why you are wanting to book it to an asset. (as opposed to a
pass-through liability or r
Interesting approach.
Some reports let you search on several fields for specific matches, so
for those, you could simply include your 'tags' in the Description,
Notes, or Memo fields.
That would save lots of effort maintaining and including in each
transaction 'dummy' splits as 'tags'.
Try the 4.10 flatpak, or build from source. This should be fixed.
On 5/26/22 9:42 AM, Nick Meyne wrote:
Hi There.
I'm on Ubuntu, Gnucash Version: 4.4, Build ID: 4.4+(2020-12-28) - a newbie
to Gnucash, and was getting on just fine until...
All the reports in my gnucash account
The fq-update & manual quote commands should work if it is installed
properly. It may not be.
How did you install it?
What API are you using? Alphavantage?
You need to put your API key in GnuCash preferences for GnuCash to be
able to use it.
On 5/30/22 4:09 PM, Dieter Kip v
I'm using SQLite, but the time stamp for posting is:
2021-11-07 10:59:00
Which seems to be a regularly used stamp, for this vendor at least.
A subsequent duplicated bill (off of this one) for December correctly
calculated Net20 from 12/7 as 12/27. (also using the 10:59:00 stamp)
Not sure if this is intended behavior.
I use the 'Duplicate' bill/invoice feature to repeat something that
requires little or no change, save for the relevant dates.
But I just realized, I've got a chain of duplicated vendor bills off one
bill that already had a linked PDF copy of the bill.
Trying to edit one of these document links produced a crash. It is filed
here for anyone interested:
On 5/30/22 8:25 PM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
Not sure if this is intended behavior.
I use the 'Duplicate' bill/invoi
Interesting idea. I'll check to see if any others fall on a weekend and
got changed, but strange I haven't seen it before after several years of
On 5/31/22 4:18 AM, Fred Bone wrote:
An override for days falling at the weekend? (2021-11-27 was a Saturday).
I'll check that too, but really, it shouldn't matter should it? Net20 is
Net20. If a company independently wants to give leeway for weekends or
holidays, I don't see why GnuCash should assume it.
On 5/31/22 9:42 AM, Derek Atkins wrote:
Maybe you usually don't post on Sunday or
I checked. I've posted every day of the week, and Net20 can thus be on
any day of the week, and indeed, it is, for every invoice except this one.
On 5/31/22 12:23 PM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
I'll check that too, but really, it shouldn't matter should it? Net20
s and the moon.
(I know another alternative was to remove the terms for this one invoice
and manually set the date, but I didn't need to in this case)
On 5/31/22 12:58 PM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
I checked. I've posted every day of the week, and Net20 can thus be on
pecifying a due date. (not that it really matters, since it
was long ago paid, but just for consistency)
On 5/31/22 1:03 PM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
Interestingly, I tried unposting and reposting several times yesterday
to no avail.
I normally do not shut down GC when done,
Until now, if I wanted to examine the HTML behind a report, I exported,
opened it in a browser and used the built-in inspector, or just opened
it with an editor. (using an inspector lets you play with changes and
get instant feedback)
I happened to be right-clicking around a report just now, a
It changed on the posting day, 11/7/21, but that occurred in the wee
morning and the posting time is 10:59. And I didn't enter the bill in GC
until just before posting the thread.
On 6/1/22 2:21 PM, Geert Janssens wrote:
Was there a switch from summertime to standard time betw
Indeed, testing both 2020 and 2022 November dates result in a 19day due
date rather than 20.
I also tested the March dates for moving from standard to daylight time
and those worked correctly. (they didn't add a day)
Should I go ahead and file a bug?
On 6/2/22 1:14 AM, Geert
Yes, it is Preferences > Business > Invoices/Bills > 'Process payments
on posting'.
I use it and it auto-applies outstanding pre-payment/over-payment credit
Of course, one has to have already 'processed payment' for that
vendor/customer for the feature to 'see' the amount to appl
Thanks, done:
On 6/2/22 11:48 AM, Geert Janssens via gnucash-user wrote:
Op donderdag 2 juni 2022 18:22:40 CEST schreef Adrien Monteleone:
Indeed, testing both 2020 and 2022 November dates result in a 19day due
date rather than
If I recall correctly, there is a known limitation of the current
Balance Sheet with respect to multiple currencies.
I also recall there is only one price option that 'works', mostly, but I
don't recall which one it is. (I thought it was 'nearest' but not certain)
There are older threads on t
Looks like a rounding issue when using inclusive tax.
The latest GnuCash is 4.10. You can get a .deb for it in the Debian
Archives (see the wiki) or try the Flatpak to see if the issue still exists.
On 6/3/22 2:07 AM, Jeff wrote:
Hi Group.
I am just doing some testing testing
Sorry, last spec:
What resolution?
On 6/3/22 8:09 AM, Fred Tydeman wrote:
On Fri, May 13, 2022 at 11:05 AM Adrien Monteleone <> wrote:
What distro and version?
Linux: Fedora 35
What version of GnuCash?
Does e
Per my other reply, send over the current screen resolution.
I can play with this later today to see if I can duplicate the effects.
On 6/3/22 8:10 AM, Fred Tydeman wrote:
I was wrong. The reason I had no problems recently was:
In Preferences, I had unchecked: Run when data
There is another option:
If you already have processed a pre-payment/over-payment, the result
will be a credit on the customer's account.
If you check the box for Preferences > Business > Invoices > 'Process
payments on posting', then when you post the next invoice for that
customer, GnuCash
I'd file a bug, label it as 'Regression' since a change broke something
that worked.
Be sure to indicate the version that worked and the tested versions that
do not.
I vaguely recall some work done to 'improve' rounding due to other bugs
around the 3.x series. I guess this slipped through or
Thanks. That's weird. I use the same resolution with no issues. (though
on a Mac) I'll do some Linux testing later to see what I can find.
On 6/3/22 9:43 AM, Fred Tydeman wrote:
On Fri, Jun 3, 2022 at 7:12 AM Adrien Monteleone <>
I suppose they could be added, but those are standard for just about any
OS. They aren't specific to GnuCash.
On 6/3/22 10:43 AM, Fred Tydeman wrote:
I got a private email to me (would have been better if it went to the list),
telling me that in Reconcile, one can do Ctrl-a to
Check the Help and the Tutorial (linked from the website, but should be
available from within GnuCash). I don't recall which, but one describes
the CSV format for importing bills/invoices.
I don't *think* you can import them as paid, because it isn't just a
flag on the transaction. The
Tip of the
Day if they are causing problems. (Preferences > General)
On 6/3/22 11:42 AM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
Thanks. That's weird. I use the same resolution with no issues. (though
on a Mac) I'll do some Linux testing later to see what I can find.
problem started? (there might
be a specific SX causing the problem)
On 6/5/22 11:22 AM, Fred Tydeman wrote:
On Sun, Jun 5, 2022 at 8:03 AM Adrien Monteleone <> wrote:
Your screenshot came through, thanks.
Here is another one after movi
That's what the Description line is for.
I suppose you can use it for all sorts of things, but personally I only
use it as a 'payee' line, that is, whomever is receiving my funds.
If I'm the one receiving, then it is a 'payor' line, the one giving me
Sticking to that, you should easi
Then edit the CSV for the proper Descriptions & Accounts before
importing. More than likely, that can be scripted or at least
accomplished with some creative copy/paste (or spreadsheet
formulas/macros) to speed things up if the file is really large.
*Note! - it is always advised to import smal
Reports are HTML.
They open quite easily in spreadsheet apps.
You can then massage as needed to remove extraneous spacing columns and
then convert to CSV.
(you can also select-all and then paste non-formatted text into a
spreadsheet if you don't want to save first)
If you do the copy/paste
Please always 'reply-to-list' or 'reply-all' and always send new
messages to the list address rather than to individual users.
This keeps the discussion on the list for all to see so anyone can help
out, and others might benefit from the suggestions.
As to your question, I'm not sure
You don't need to 'select' an account before doing a search. (it has no
bearing on the search at all)
Always conduct searches when viewing the main accounts tab, and if you
want to specify accounts, do that in your search criteria.
On 6/6/22 10:30 AM, John Griessen wrote:
Interesting, I've never noticed it work that way.
On 6/8/22 10:12 PM, Liz Dodd wrote:
On Wed, 8 Jun 2022 21:25:54 -0500
Adrien Monteleone wrote:
You don't need to 'select' an account before doing a search. (it has
no bearing on the search at all)
At the least the 'other' split should be set to either the Orphan or
Unbalanced accounts.
You might need to turn on View > Transaction Journal to see it.
On 6/8/22 11:58 PM, Fred Tydeman wrote:
I just found a transaction that is not a double entry.
It is just a s
er something is off with their criteria, or they are
getting filtered results by doing the search from a particular register
rather than the Accounts Tab.
On 6/9/22 3:46 AM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
Interesting, I've never noticed it work that way.
Yeah, I wasn't thinking of this and I use it frequently.
But if you have one split *with a value*, then you'll get an
Orphan/Unbalanced split by default if you don't specify the second account.
On 6/9/22 8:53 AM, Stan Brown wrote:
On 2022-06-09 04:59, David Carlson wrote:
Thanks Derek, I forgot about that part as well. Indeed, it tripped me up
early on.
Though in this case, if you are searching based on Memo, you should get
all results, from multiple accounts, no?
On 6/9/22 12:10 PM, Derek Atkins wrote:
Another thing to consider is that the s
I find it odd though that the SX window is hogging focus. Perhaps this
is a Desktop/OS thing.
Mine is not. (on MacOS BigSur)
Though of course, I understand, all of us, regardless of OS are dealing
with GTK when using GnuCash, so I'm not *really* using Mac's desktop for
this app. (though maybe
The other folks answered the topic, but as to your screenshot, the one
from your original post came through, which means you 'attached' it. But
this one did not, which tells me you pasted it inline.
As noted elsewhere, only 'attached' images come through.
On 6/10/22 10:35 AM,
Would that Peppermint instance happen to be using LXDE as a DE by
chance? It appears the OP is using the same and I seem to recall
Peppermint once had it as a default.
I'm wondering if this has to do with certain package versions of parts
of GTK.
On 6/10/22 9:19 PM, Bruce Ir
Roger that. I guess it is my settings then. Thanks.
On 6/10/22 9:53 PM, john wrote:
There are two dialogs. The regular SLR one that shows you the transactions that were
created and gets you to input values for any variables in your SX isn't modal. The
message box that
On the accounts tab there is a header with one of the headings having a
down or up arrow in it. Use these to sort the tree.
You might be sorted by something other than Account Name.
Otherwise, they should default to an alpha sort unless you've prepended
names with account numbers. (rather than
All of my accounts *at each level* are sorted properly *amongst
themselves* in all parts of the tree.
Maybe double check that you don't have an errant space before some names?
On 6/12/22 2:12 AM, Alan A Holmes wrote:
As Adrien said in his reply if you sort on the Accou
Please remember to use 'reply-to-list' or 'reply-all' so the discussion
stays on the list. Others may benefit, and others may be able to help
out too.
As to your question, I'm guessing you want to move some accounts within
the tree. Simply select the desired account (don't open its register)
What version were you previously using? I've never seen this behavior
and I've been using GnuCash since the early 2.6 days.
On 6/12/22 10:17 AM, Top Cat wrote:
I understand your thoughts, and don't disagree; the question was more that
it DID do this until I upgraded to 4.x
On 6/12/22 10:30 AM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
Note that while you can move accounts to different main parts of the
tree (such as moving an asset to a liability) you should also edit the
account type (bottom-left pane of the account window) and if you have
The wiki page on upgrading would be a good read here.
A few caveats:
1. version numbering scheme changed with 3.x, so if you were on say 2.4,
you first need to upgrade to the last 2.6.x (which was 2.6.21, I think)
then you can move to the last 3.x, then the current 4.x.
2. You don't have to
at 8:31 PM Adrien Monteleone <> wrote:
Would that Peppermint instance happen to be using LXDE as a DE by
chance? It appears the OP is using the same and I seem to recall
Peppermint once had it as a default.
I'm wondering if this has to do with cert
There are some standard numbering schemes out there online, but of
course, the user can employ whatever scheme they want.
On 6/13/22 9:43 AM, Stan Brown wrote:
On 2022-06-13 07:31, Gyle McCollam wrote:
As someone suggested, you could assign account codes and sort on them. I
If you are viewing a report, the menu entry is found in the Edit menu,
but in this case, it is always a toolbar icon as well.
On 6/15/22 10:02 PM, Jay Thompson wrote:
Where can I find the "report options" in the menu? Thanks
The error message reports "500" as the status code. That's an Internal
Server Error, so it isn't you. Unfortunately, "500" is a generic
catch-all for server errors, so there isn't any further information as
to what type of error. There's nothing you can do but wait. (at least
for Yahoo)
Try g
That's the thing with server errors. Sometimes they are quite transient.
I've done a simple reload of a page, or re-run a command and received
expected results right after a 500-class error.
On 6/17/22 11:31 AM, Richard Ullger via gnucash-user wrote:
That's strange, I don't hav
It might be intended behavior, but I noticed on posting a Bill while
having the Bills Due Reminder window open, the list of bills does not
update to reflect the newly posted bill.
It does however remove bills upon processing a payment (though per
I'm pretty sure the issue isn't GnuCash development. (based on previous
threads) The issue is that BTC and other 'coins' don't have ISO currency
codes. When/if they get one, GC will include them.
On 6/17/22 11:05 PM, HSC wrote:
Thank you, Michael D Novack!
That's a great solu
time to search the list archives, you'll find
those discussions and explanations.
On 6/18/22 10:38 AM, Dr. David Kirkby wrote:
On Sat, 18 Jun 2022 at 16:12, Adrien Monteleone <> wrote:
I'm pretty sure the issue isn't GnuCa
On 6/22/22 4:40 AM, Charles Vincent wrote:
1. Is it possible to delete invoices? As I was setting up invoices, I made
some mistakes so I now have invoice 1, invoice 2 and invoice 3 with
different print options for the same student but I cannot seem to find a
way to delete unnecessary invoices. A
The credit note should be posted to A/R, but the line item(s) in the
note can be posted to expense accounts.
Except for the reverse posting (credit vs. debit) they are the same as
invoices & bills.
On 6/25/22 11:18 AM, wrote:
I wish to create a cred
David, sorry, you are correct. I'm not sure what I was thinking.
Create a Liability account for this purpose. The member is spending on
the Club's behalf and thus the Club 'owes' the member. I have one called
'Reimbursable Expenditures'
Make a transaction to record the expense:
Dr. Expense
Sounds reasonable.
You'd need a liability (or contra-asset) account to handle the parts of
the transaction to facilitate owing and paying your friend.
This is similar to the example in the Guide (or is it the Wiki)
concerning shared household expenses or trip expenses between
I'm pretty certain the Help or the Guide has instructions on starting a
fresh book with the same set of accounts.
Customers/Vendors/Employees however, I'm not sure about. I don't think
there is a way to export/import them in any case.
On 6/29/22 7:00 PM, Eric Hammond wrote:
Another approach idea:
1. Find a previous transaction for which you want to repeat a
description. (this can be done from the CoA, or from a particular
account, such as an expense account)
2. Right-click & Duplicate Transaction
3. Edit the new transaction as desired.
Yet another approach:
Either export/save the report and then open with a spreadsheet and
remove the balances, then print, (to PDF using a virtual printer if desired)
Select-All while viewing the report, then copy/paste into a spreadsheet,
Neither of those options require hand-editing the HTML.
And in the
On 7/1/22 11:33 AM, Stan Brown wrote:
Re-sending to the list this time.
Somebody remind me why the list manager program doesn't set reply-to to
the list? :-)
That's a function of your e-mail/newslist reader. Some do not
auto-detect lists, so don't present the option. (or hide it under a
Starting from the source account is good practice no matter the type of
Since funds in double-entry have to 'come from somewhere' and 'go to
somewhere', by always entering the transaction in the source account,
you are always choosing the destination(s).
Life is much less confus
/2/22 12:56 PM, Michael or Penny Novack wrote:
On 7/2/2022 3:38 AM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
Starting from the source account is good practice no matter the type
of transaction.
Since funds in double-entry have to 'come from somewhere' and 'go to
somewhere', by always enteri
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