been a while since I tried them but some don't seem to be working
Wm ...
gnucash-devel mailing list
Since I know as fact that v5 is making a mistake WHY THE FUCK is this
nagging incorrect message allowed into the group?
FFS when *I* point out a mistake *I* get complaints, jeez :(
Have some decency and honesty folks !
Wm ...
On 2023-05-09 15:42, Mark wrote:
May 9, 2023 07:50:26 Wm :
In case you are unusually stupid, try the recipe before replying you fool.
Wm ...
On 2023-05-09 15:42, Mark wrote:
May 9, 2023 07:50:26 Wm :
Wm ...
I understand that you're frustrated when you encounter bugs, but please
remember, Gnucash is developed by volunteers. They are devel
t is trashed
2 questions
Why is the person in charge of bugs still wasting people's time
masturbating over who said what years ago rather than allowing
conversation ?
Why is the person who wrote the code that broke the reporting system not
responding in bugs ?
I can't find a bug and fix in the list for the alphavantage time out
It was certainly discussed here.
Do I have to make a bug for it or hand roll again?
gnucash-devel mailing list
leader of the USA.
Further the definition of "Mild" according to the OARS is:
"Using any online api"
We do use online api's via Finance::Quote so that's why I selected it. How
much tracking actually goes on we don't know. We don't have to. We only warn
the us
d $50 separately into separate
owing date ranges.
* the Receivables Aging report shows the CN $50 was automatically used to
fund the $100 invoice, via FIFO (paying oldest invoice first).
Which behaviour should we standardise on?
accounting practice varies about this.
have a small understanding of international shipping.)
You might invert the problem, though, and use GnuCash as the accounting backend
for a stand-alone shipping management program.
Way out of gnc's scope. gnc as a backend is useful.
e not used in main code
anymore but custom .scm files may call them, and will error out after
removing these functions.
Hmmmn, OK, I still don't know what your definition of custom is :(
gnucash-devel mailing list
If so that is definitely non-trivial.
gnucash-devel mailing list
ith trading accounts.
I agree the name is misleading to some so you're welcome to suggest
changing that.
gnucash-devel mailing list
I'm not arguing for populism, I'm saying we should think
about what the gnc priorities are, merge some of them together and see
if we have some direction after that.
I repeat, I know I have upset many people here but ...
and match when it comes
to international standards and is lagging when it comes to implementation.
We love the idea but we're just to head-up-our-own-anus to do anything
about it in the next few years.
gnucash-devel mailing list
ected, it would work as gnucash
does now without trading accounts selected. So no one would be forced to
use the new feature.
gnucash-devel mailing list
uld not be available in menu for book-currency accounts. It
currently has a problem where it seems to generate multiple Realized
Gain/Loss entries under some conditions I haven't figured out yet.
It will probably take me several months to get this done. As I said above,
I welcome feed
can't agree on what it means.
gnucash-devel mailing list
On 28/02/2019 00:04, David Cousens wrote:
Diagrams are up The
wkiki markup is crude but works. I will try later to implement a scroll box
to better accommodate narrow width monitors and mobile devices. Geert
pointed out a few corrections
On 24/02/2019 17:29, Geert Janssens wrote:
Op zondag 24 februari 2019 16:23:24 CET schreef Wm via gnucash-devel:
On 24/02/2019 01:06, David Carlson wrote:
No, it is the name calling and digression from real subject matter.
I had to do the name calling because no-one was paying attention
On 26/02/2019 08:28, David Cousens wrote:
Wm and other interested parties
To help alleviate the confusion over where user configuration information is
located in V3.x cf v 2.6.x I have started adding some diagrams to illustrate
the changes in locations that occurred which are hopefully a bit
On 26/02/2019 08:28, David Cousens wrote:
Wm and other interested parties
To help alleviate the confusion over where user configuration information is
located in V3.x cf v 2.6.x I have started adding some diagrams to illustrate
the changes in locations that occurred which are hopefully a bit
accounts around?
I'm OK with Derek's answer, David T. Are you?
gnucash-devel mailing list
response as me being bored with being
gnucash-devel mailing list
On 24/02/2019 15:40, Colin Law wrote:
On Sun, 24 Feb 2019 at 15:21, Wm via gnucash-devel
That is the point, dear, you may not have said a swearword but what you
are supporting is shameful.
Please don't call me dear. That is almost as bad as labelling me a
Trump supporter.
gy but have you tried
putting it all back together? I think not, if only because the gnc bits
will be all over the place. Will you have the latest version of all the
files? Probably. Will you be able to put it together as it last was?
we might need some people to change their ideas about what
belongs to what before we can really progress. There isn't any point in
defining stuff if it isn't going to be listened to or understood.
gnucash-devel mailing list
heir right mind puts reports that depend on exact information
in another file in personal file space *AND* expects things to work when
any of so many things change.
Another e.g. someone sets up a report, their PC has got a bit cluttered,
they run a popular disk cleaner, result? Report i
on because I'm
looking at another problem that you may not have thought about yet. I
do question documenting in such detail a problem that might change or
not be there in a month or so, D.
I'm more interested in structural stuff at the moment.
27;re presuming budget.scm is a good start
It *is* a good report, the problems are
the code is overused in other reports
the code presumes values that may not be true
it is generally out of date unless you only have certain stuff
P.S. My political comment for today is that I think my own government
consists of idiots that can't make up there minds, they're like children
in a sand box. The EU is the teacher or parent watching and waiting
until the children stop arguing and decide what they want
importer is wrong.
Fact is gnc doesn't understand itself.
gnucash-devel mailing list
My secondary aim is to learn enough to be able to put some documentation
together for the importer once I have some idea of what aspects are working.
I'll happily help with that.
Unfortunately I will have another break as I am off t
with the same thing?
gnc cannot do this yet.
why does this matter?
it means gnc doesn't understand itself, that is why it matters.
I know what happens next, I get personal emails
I am honest
gnucash-devel mailing list
On 27/02/2019 00:40, Chris Good wrote:
I've updated my BackupGnuCash app to handle GnuCash V3 configuration files
as well as V2.
It can also backup the GnuCash Windows registry or the Linux dconf settings.
The new BackupGnuCash version is 1.3.1.
Please see:
uration files to backup in the default locations.
Chris Good
May I have a look at your script?
Love, Wm
gnucash-devel mailing list
on who accessed it first.
This is slightly specious but if the cleaning lady accessed the file
first she'd have all the reports in her private space on her phone
forever! It is that weird.
It is a lot more complicated than you think.
2.6 didn't store the saved repo
On 24/02/2019 17:18, Geert Janssens wrote:
Op zondag 24 februari 2019 17:19:09 CET schreef Wm via gnucash-devel:
Looks like you are now lying in public... (using your own conversation style
Nothing gets deleted by the migration so there can't be data loss.
We are talking well o
love your confidence, Cristopher Lam.
gnucash-devel mailing list
On 24/02/2019 16:51, Geert Janssens wrote:
Op zondag 24 februari 2019 12:54:35 CET schreef Wm via gnucash-devel:
On 24/02/2019 02:25, David Cousens wrote:
David, I appreciate your efforts as peacemaker, don't give up on all of
us yet, most of us are trying to be good, promise :)
seems to me you are running backwards faster than your
legs will work.
gnucash-devel mailing list
On 24/02/2019 03:12, David Cousens wrote:
You could have a startup script which copied a common user config file for
GnuCash from a backup or other central location to each users home directory
and then copied it back on exit.
On Linux the files would be those in the directories:
On 24/02/2019 01:06, David Carlson wrote:
No, it is the name calling and digression from real subject matter.
I had to do the name calling because no-one was paying attention.
I'd prefer it if I was listened to the first time, promise.
On 24/02/2019 09:19, Colin Law wrote:
On Sat, 23 Feb 2019 at 23:28, Wm via gnucash-devel
You, Colin Law, seem to be the sort of person that votes for Trump
because you aren't bothered if a black women gets shot.
I fail to see what I have done to be so vilely abused as
my suggestion.
gnucash-devel mailing list
at I am being told to move on, who do you think is right
or wrong, Geert?
gnucash-devel mailing list
he scattershot storage of data
that are integral to a set of books (whether reports, settings, or other data)
Get elected, David! :)
gnucash-devel mailing list
hat, this is how accounting is meant to work.
You seem to think adding an account is something to be thought about by
a panel of wise men and women, that isn't how modern accounting works.
All brainstorming of course. No implementation in sight...
Why no implementation change? Th
If the default was near or with the book I'd run with that.
gnucash-devel mailing list
ve to a file and put them in a place that will be
different for *every* person on *every* computer.
If I was a conspiracy theorist I'd say someone at gnc HQ was not acting
in the interest of the people.
gnucash-devel mailing list
to do "end of next
month" and similar for reports.
David, I am always unhappy if I upset someone, I often find myself in
the situation of not knowing what else to do as no one listened the
first time.
gnucash-devel mai
On 24/02/2019 02:25, David Cousens wrote:
David, I appreciate your efforts as peacemaker, don't give up on all of
us yet, most of us are trying to be good, promise :)
If you draw a diagram from the information in the wiki page
On 23/02/2019 23:09, David Carlson wrote:
Obviously this is not worth reading
Why? it is all about people presuming placement of significant personal,
charitable and corporate assets and getting it wrong.
Why is that not worth reading?
en't that many people like you out there, Colin Law, and you
should let this community know which side you are on.
There are, in truth, very few developers and they are diminishing. It
is possible the project could die.
My data is safe because I understand accounting
think you have actually said something stupid.
Let's fight.
You'll lose because you are wrong.
gnucash-devel mailing list
an is.
gnucash-devel mailing list
ork like that, so no.
gnucash-devel mailing list
*has* been discussed
before and I am going to say *you* Geert are a liar if you think it was
all new.
I hate dishonest people.
gnucash-devel mailing list
if 2) above was changed so that a new book:id is
generated. Shall I raise a bug?
Go for it, bugs sometimes get listened to more than conversations.
gnucash-devel mailing list
nd in "/gnucash" unlike the
XDG_DATA_HOME to which gnucash will always append "/gnucash")
it is just a messy breakfast spread across a table rather than on a
plate, really
nothing is in one place, nothing is where one might expect it.
I am still very angry about thi
On 05/06/2018 13:53, Chris Good wrote:
Hello, Chris
I'm working on my BackupGnuCash stand-alone app.
I have 2 questions today:
and weep at how bad things have become
The last time i addressed this our idiots in charge were so r
. But if I am
running a busy lfe and/or a business as I used to, I would be more
reluctant. Again not a show stopper, only a limitation on general
David Cousens
Have a hug.
gnucash-devel mailing list
fault language's word list), but for windows some other choice has to be
written into the script. Currently this isn't the case, so it
will just complain about the missing word list.
you know perl has a built in complain, I presume
sers don't use F::Q.
True, there are number of farmers that don't know why the person they
voted for changed the price of their crops.
gnucash-devel mailing list
On 03/02/2019 04:10, David Carlson wrote:
OK, I want to try but I am
not a computer programmer. I have no clue how to use it. Can someone help
it is perl, if you have F::Q working you probably have enough kit to run it.
o be added to the gitolite admin repo too.
Well, that was a fascinating insight into trust.
Good thing the bad people don't read lists like this :)
Motto: keep some people you trust in your trust model.
gnucash-devel mailing lis
On 10/02/2019 19:46, Alex Aycinena wrote:
It is possible that Wm is noting a problem in gnucash that I'm trying to
address with my 'Book Currency' enhancement (unfortunately, a bit delayed).
I'm not antagonistic to your idea, Alex, just not sure I understand it.
For most
On 21/02/2019 21:47, Christian Kluge wrote:
I’ve just seen that my final words I have to say to Wm haven’t reached
the general public.
Wrong, it is normally me that gets blocked not other people. I survive
because I have residual project value.
I’ve considered giving up on trying to make
citizen of the world [1] I object to what Alex is
proposing without more clarity.
[1] USA folks have lost your chance, you elected the idiot Trump
gnucash-devel mailing list
On 12/02/2019 17:29, Alex Aycinena wrote:
-- Forwarded message --
From: John Ralls
To: Wm
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2019 20:48:53 -0800
Subject: Re: [GNC-dev] book currency is what ... question mark
On Feb 11, 2019, at 6:49 PM, Wm via
On 20/02/2019 16:03, Frank H. Ellenberger wrote:
I have also no problem with the Islamic perspective, which is the same
as the medieval Christian view.
I wasn't aware of that. Thank you for informing me.
gnucash-devel mailing
On 20/02/2019 20:05, Christian Kluge wrote:
Am 20.02.2019 um 14:09 schrieb Wm via gnucash-devel:
On 17/02/2019 19:50, Christian Kluge wrote:
I think this should be in user not devel
It might be your so called valuation exercise, but it annoys me very
much that Finance::Quote doesn’t fetch
t in the UK.
Yup, other countries too, but making the report can be made easier.
I am hoping the ATO here
does not catch a case of the HMRC bloody mindedness as we still have a fall
back to a web portal into which we can cut and paste the required
It gets worse in some places
to me
to remove all references to it. If person doesn't like it they
shouldn't use it, that is their choice. Denying the existence of
borrowing costing money or similar seems bizarre.
gnucash-devel mailing list
to do with these new
gnucash-devel mailing list
etting and similar markets.
Let me put it this way, no matter how much you try to affect the ECB by
buying or selling it, the ECB is probably just going to be the same anyway.
gnucash-devel mailing list
soon :(
gnucash-devel mailing list
On 17/02/2019 19:50, Christian Kluge wrote:
Am 17.02.2019 um 19:58 schrieb Wm via gnucash-devel:
On 15/02/2019 01:44, David Cousens wrote:
If I start in Savings RUB , select the Savings EUR account and enter
100 it
is assumed to be in RUB not EUR as GnuCash operates at present. This is
if you're really interested.
gnucash-devel mailing list
On 15/02/2019 01:44, David Cousens wrote:
My apologies for being long winded in the following, but I think it is
necessary to achieve clarity in what is proposed or intended.
Not at all, I appreciate your effort and have read what you have written
more than once.
The "book cur
On 12/02/2019 04:48, John Ralls wrote:
On Feb 11, 2019, at 6:49 PM, Wm via gnucash-devel
at the risk of appearing to be an imperialist, what is "book currency" ?
I think of "home currency" as whatever currency most people close to you (the
reader) use to b
ane yet, does anyone know what a "book
currency" is?
If someone really wanted to run a set of accounts in another currency
gnc isn't stopping them, the underlying transaction stream works
perfectly regardless.
Curious minds, etc.
On 11/02/2019 17:30, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
Please tell me the intent is to *add* the book currency value, not replace the
actual currency value.
Our USA friends are still thinking about what a TB is for.
I would hope that the actual currency transaction data would still be available.
On 11/02/2019 04:03, David Carlson wrote:
Wm, before you run off at the mouth with all your innuendos, look at facts.
I'm hoping you get a message from Liz
If you don't there is something rotten in this list's administration.
Did you try running a test on one of your back
treat the tx in date+time sequence adding one day
each time a difference is noted. This will produce a time compressed
file that obfuscates when someone actually did something.
gnucash-devel mailing list
ve put in your
file that is screwing up the transaction stream.
gnucash-devel mailing list
table showing ordinary tx to people I don't know, it
is that simple to me.
Q: Why does someone need to see *my* (or your) tx to fix a problem?
A: they don't
So, we are stuck.
gnucash-devel mailing list
abase on a date and use a Balance Sheet report.
The TB is about *actual* tx not values at some putative point in time later.
gnucash-devel mailing list
On 10/02/2019 22:52, David Carlson wrote:
Wm, Where does unrealized income fall into tb if there is no price in the
database on the closing date for one or more security or currency accounts
because it was not sold?
Essentially it doesn't occur, it is just a number of something if you
x27;s last-reconciliation-date.
Ummm, ChristopherL why are you being nice to the fool?
I can think of other stuff you could be doing!
gnucash-devel mailing list
Transactions don't have a reconciled date but splits do because it's splits
that are reconciled.
xaccSplitGetReconcile gets the flag (n/c/y), xaccSplitGetDateReconciled gets
the date it happened.
a far as I can tell Christopher Lam (who I like) and Stephen M. Butler
(who I don'
On 10/02/2019 19:46, Alex Aycinena wrote:
It is possible that Wm is noting a problem in gnucash that I'm trying to
address with my 'Book Currency' enhancement (unfortunately, a bit delayed).
I am certainly interested. I went to the end of your message and read
that just in c
ts with some data even if the report configurations are
scrupulously checked to be identical.
That's scary.
Now, where do we want to go from here?
I think we need a new TB. The problem is it can't be implemented
however good it is because we
the devil's own work
it will probably be good enough. Otherwise I think it is time we said,
not fit for purpose.
The logical problem for me is that the SQL is so simple and the Scheme
involved in a new report when it is being deprecated is largely pointless.
he numbers that we are seeking to balance, not their values
in english language accounting we call it the trial balance because it
is for testing the stuff we produce later (p+l, bs, etc)
gnucash-devel mailing list
On 09/02/2019 07:00, Wm via gnucash-devel wrote:
Background: My gnc TB has been wrong for years. This hasn't been a
problem for me because I can do my own TB in sql and satisfy myself all
is relatively well with my accounts. Over the last week or so I decided
to try again and I think th
On 09/02/2019 07:00, Wm via gnucash-devel wrote:
Background: My gnc TB has been wrong for years. This hasn't been a
problem for me because I can do my own TB in sql and satisfy myself all
is relatively well with my accounts. Over the last week or so I decided
to try again and I think th
On 02/02/2019 18:00, John Ralls wrote:
So maybe we should just forget it and continue the practice of asking users to
send their account files directly to a developer with the promise of
confidentiality if they're unable to reproduce the bug in a test file.
That's what I'm thinking.
No one
On 02/02/2019 17:44, Hendrik Boom wrote:
On Sat, Feb 02, 2019 at 04:30:30PM +0100, Geert Janssens wrote:
Op zaterdag 2 februari 2019 14:31:43 CET schreef Hendrik Boom:
On 2/1/19 5:36 AM, Wm via gnucash-devel wrote:
[2] as long as the transaction stream balances the actual numbers
don't m
help me to see what is wrong with my tx.
have a joke: Trump wants to be the Dutch boy, first he needs a dyke,
then he realises his fingers are tiny :)
gnucash-devel mailing list
The question then becomes, why was
the person so stupid?
As far as I am concerned this conversation is ongoing, if only because
Geert says he still needs a file from me to replicate a basic problem
that I don't think needs any data from me at all.
On 02/02/2019 13:31, Hendrik Boom wrote:
On 2/1/19 5:36 AM, Wm via gnucash-devel wrote:
[2] as long as the transaction stream balances the actual numbers
don't matter (their will be occasions where the numbers are important
but these tend to be number extremes related to commodities r
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