balance-sheet.scm is a core accounting report in gnc, an essential in
accounting as it allows the person presenting or viewing a report on a
set of tx to show a full set of accounts or a subset. It generally does
sums well.
it is also core in that a number of other reports are built on top of
it, i.e. if the basic balance sheet fails, the other reports fail too.
if the basic balance sheet fails we have a systemic collapse because of
over reliance on code people no longer understand.
gnc has a second balance sheet (eguile on the menu) which is useful for
auditing and similar uses but less useful for management reporting as
the detail may be considered superfluous.
balance-sheet.scm no longer understands the level of detail it was
originally expected to understand wrt currencies and commodities.
For emphasis: I don't say balance-sheet.scm is wrong, I love it and use
it, I think it is a fantastic report; it just hasn't been maintained
relative to the changing data it is reporting on ... the report no
longer understands the inputs expected of it :(
read from the bottom up of
for some incomplete details
P.S. My political comment for today is that I think my own government
consists of idiots that can't make up there minds, they're like children
in a sand box. The EU is the teacher or parent watching and waiting
until the children stop arguing and decide what they want to do next.
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