Re: kB, MB or KiB, MiB

2007-06-13 Thread Dimitris Glezos
consistently. -d -- Dimitris Glezos Jabber ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED], GPG: 0xA5A04C3B "He who gives up functionality for ease of use loses both and deserves neither." (Anonymous) -- ___ gnome-i18n mailing li

Translations, Damned Lies and Transifex

2007-07-03 Thread Dimitris Glezos
nding from language maintainers or something, but this is a bit in the future for now. :) Oh, BTW, I'll be at GUADEC and will be glad to discuss it with anyone also attending. Here's my proposal for a lightning talk, not yet accepted though. So, this is

Re: integrating vertimus in damned-lies

2007-07-24 Thread Dimitris Glezos
DL already uses SQLObject and Cheetah templates) and a learning curve for existing contributors. However both of these are trivial compared to the maintainability IMO. -d -- Dimitris Glezos Jabber ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED], GPG: 0xA5A04C3B "He who gives up

Re: intltool-update command

2007-07-29 Thread Dimitris Glezos
O/H Yannig MARCHEGAY έγραψε: > Any idea on how I could batch-download all these po files (there are > more than 100 and I'm supposed to translate all :P). wget -nd -r -N -l 1 --accept *el.po \ -d -- Dimitris Glezos Jabber ID: [EMAI

Re: Can we add avahi to d-l?

2008-08-30 Thread Dimitris Glezos
. With good user groups, permissions and stuff, this might even make L10n suck less! Elves & hackers wanted. -d [^1]: This of course doesn't prevent any community to have its own Tx instance too. -- Dimitris Glezos Jabber ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED], GPG: 0

Re: GNOME 2.25/2.26 on Damned Lies

2008-11-07 Thread Dimitris Glezos
gt; > Claude > > [1] Good job guys. Impressive migration -- it looks as if nothing changed! =) The app feels very responsive too. -δ -- Dimitris Glezos Jabber ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED], GPG: 0xA5A04C3B "He who gives up functiona

Re: GNOME 2.25/2.26 on Damned Lies

2008-11-09 Thread Dimitris Glezos
ote computer? > > We should be able to produce any output you want. > Ideally, what data and in which format would you like to have ? Exposing the API as JSON instead of XML-RPC hits two birds with a stone, by allowing us to do AJAX as well. -δ -- Dimitris Glezos Jabber ID: [EMAIL PR

Re: New release of Damned Lies with Vertimus included

2009-01-03 Thread Dimitris Glezos
year for the GNOME Translation Project! It seems it will be a year with good stuff happening in open source translations in general. =) Keep up the good work. -d -- Dimitris Glezos Jabber ID:, GPG: 0xA5A04C3B "He who gives up functionality for

Fwd: Announcing Transifex 0.5

2009-03-19 Thread Dimitris Glezos
/. Enjoy. :-) -δ -- Dimitris Glezos Founder and Chief ninja Indifex ltd. -- Forwarded message -- From: Dimitris Glezos Date: Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 7:05 AM Subject: Announcing Transifex 0.5 To: Transifex-devel list Indifex and the Transifex Community are proud to announce the newest

Re: Using two translation workflows for one module

2010-02-23 Thread Dimitris Glezos
r involvement the classic "Our way or the high way". Insisting too much on upstream makes websites like Github (purely Bazaar) seem like they'll never work. But they do. Amazingly well. I know I put too much depth here, but I think some perspective on the topic might do good. -d -

Re: Using different translation workflow

2010-02-24 Thread Dimitris Glezos
to quality check the file and > then commit it like any other GNOME module. Indeed -- this seems to work easily for the translators and the existing tools. Claude and Debarshi -- thanks for taking the time to talk this over. I suppose we're suggesting this as a temporary solution,

Re: Translating shared-mime-info

2010-03-01 Thread Dimitris Glezos
/p/shared-mime-info/teams/ The maintainer will be notified by email right away and he'll approve you. -d -- Dimitris Glezos Transifex: The Multilingual Publishing Revolution -- ___ gnom

Re: Cathedral, bazaar models and DL

2010-05-15 Thread Dimitris Glezos
out > bazaar model. Initially it will host only selected modules to give us feel > about > overall quality, speed, etc. Let me/us know if we can help in any way with the setup of the instance, or anything else. We hang around #transifex on Freenode. -d -- Dimitris Glezos Transi

Re: l10n for clutter

2010-07-19 Thread Dimitris Glezos Hope this helps! -d -- Dimitris Glezos Transifex: The Multilingual Publishing Revolution -- ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

Re: l10n for clutter

2010-07-19 Thread Dimitris Glezos
On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 3:40 PM, Tao Wang wrote: > > On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 9:39 PM, Dimitris Glezos wrote: >> >> You can define per-project teams in two different ways. A project like >> Clutter can either: >> >>  1. Have its translation teams with team lea

Re: l10n for clutter

2010-07-27 Thread Dimitris Glezos
On Mon, Jul 26, 2010 at 10:32 PM, Petr Kovar wrote: > Hi! > > Dimitris Glezos , Mon, 19 Jul 2010 19:03:56 +0300: > > (...) > >> Tao, I think you're 100% right that certain projects and translators >> would prefer having a more "global" system of tran

Re: packagekit - sync problem?

2010-08-18 Thread Dimitris Glezos
> organized/synchronized. You should probably ask packagekit maintainers. Indeed, this is the case. is the repo used by committers, and the freedesktop repo is the one publicly available for reading. It updates almost every day, AFAIK. -d -- Dimitris Glezos Tra

Re: fprintd translations

2010-08-20 Thread Dimitris Glezos
ate/join the appropriate team and the maintainer/team coordinator to approve you: Once that happens, you can submit your translations by clicking the "Edit translation" or "Upload file" next to your statistics bar.

Re: Transifex instance for GNOME

2010-10-15 Thread Dimitris Glezos
easy. So any functionality missing could be added, now or in the future. An example addon would be projects categorization (Development Tools, GNOME Desktop, etc). Let me know if I can further help in any way. =) -d > * Test Transifex global functionality (pilot languages?) > * Deci

Re: GNOME Moduleset Reorganization vs. L10N

2010-10-18 Thread Dimitris Glezos
ages: -d -- Dimitris Glezos Transifex: The Multilingual Publishing Revolution -- ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

Re: GNOME Moduleset Reorganization vs. L10N

2010-10-18 Thread Dimitris Glezos
On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 6:52 PM, Shaun McCance wrote: > On Mon, 2010-10-18 at 18:11 +0300, Dimitris Glezos wrote: >> >> Now, having said this, I just realized a potential issue with Tx & >> GNOME. Tx 1.0 does NOT support intltool projects which do not have a >> PO

Re: Module accountsservice in Damned Lies

2011-08-15 Thread Dimitris Glezos
Usually though things aren't so nice and it's really up to the developer whether the repo file will be used. It seems that the developer hasn't setup auto-updating of the POT file from the repo.

Re: Translating udisks

2012-05-06 Thread Dimitris Glezos
ransifex would be to > reuse freedesktop teams. > You can do this in the Manage tab on Transifex, and choose "Outsourced > project", then "". Yup, I think this action, together with a message to the FDO teams (either through the Transifex discussion

Re: Workflows for DL-Transifex co-hosted PO files.

2012-10-21 Thread Dimitris Glezos
upstream in Transifex? This depends on the developer. Developers often use Tx to resolve conflicts and consider it to be the canonical place where translations live (vs the VCS). You can simply request to add the language there and upload files just to be sure. -d -- Dimitris Glezos Transi

Re: pulseaudio

2012-11-05 Thread Dimitris Glezos >> > > > ___ > gnome-i18n mailing list > > > > -- Dimitris Glezos Transifex: The Multilingual Publishing Revolution ___ gnome-i18n mailing list

Re: Web interface for translation for GNOME

2013-08-28 Thread Dimitris Glezos
ace can make > > it easier to find files and send translations. > > There are a number of established web services nowadays, like Transifex. > In case it helps putting some context, here is how the Transifex Web Editor looks like today: -d

Re: Web interface for translation for GNOME

2013-08-29 Thread Dimitris Glezos
higher. This is why in Transifex, we want to reach a point where people open the editor and just go on, not even switching between projects and files. Discussions & reviews on translations happen in the editor itself etc. Smoother, more focused translat

Re: Web interface for translation for GNOME

2013-08-31 Thread Dimitris Glezos
data Gettext does not support. Git just mirrors this (with automated commit scripts etc). This is also one of the biggest differences with the current GNOME workflow/setup. But, Gil is right, it is possible for specific teams which choose it. Hope this helps. -d -- Dimitris Glezos Transife

Re: Web interface for translation for GNOME

2013-09-03 Thread Dimitris Glezos
y from the VCS. They don't need access to it any more, and translation commits do not show up in the VCS history. - There are no merge conflicts. Tx handles them on an entity level. Source code line changes do not create issues, etc. Hope this helps. -d -- Dimitris Glezos Transifex: T

Re: Web interface for translation for GNOME

2013-09-04 Thread Dimitris Glezos
on of an image? > (as some language teams do for documentations) or if we need to send our > locale version > of some audio files (for instance in GCompris)? > > Thanks a lot, Enrico. > ____ > > Em 04/09/2013 00:34, Dimitris Glezos escreveu: > >>

Re: Translation QA tool

2006-09-04 Thread Dimitris Glezos
> interested, I could import some other languages, or provide the source >> code so that you can run your own server. >> >> Feedback is appreciated, >> ___ >> gnome-i18n mailing list >> >> http://m

Re: Team report at GUADEC

2016-08-10 Thread Dimitris Glezos
For what it's worth, the Transifex team would be happy to host and support GNOME's localization projects. -d On Aug 10, 2016 10:02 AM, "Fòram na Gàidhlig" wrote: Sgrìobh Rafael Fontenelle na leanas 10/08/2016 aig 18:50: > > 2016-08-06 17:45 GMT-03:00 Alexandre Franke