On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 10:41 AM, Claude Paroz <cla...@2xlibre.net> wrote:
> In recent discussions about new GNOME modulesets reorganizations,
> several people have expressed the proposal to install a Transifex
> instance to replace Damned Lies.
> I'm absolutely not opposed to such an idea. But I'm also not convinced
> that we will be able to keep current D-L functionalities. However if we
> get some new ones, maybe the global balance might still be positive.
> I think the main objective would be to support (a) auto-commit in GNOME
> git infrastructure (the blocker is currently on sysadmin side) and (b)
> auto-commit in an i18n branch of each tracked branch for modules not
> hosted in GNOME infrastructure.

Using a new system (especially compared against an in-house one) will
definitely poke our comfort zones a bit. But I think the global
balance will be positive. :-)

As mentioned on a separate thread, Transifex 1.0 does not require
auto-commit of files to repositories. Developers, translators or
language leaders can use a command-line tool to pull translation files
from Transifex and commit them manually (or using a cron) anytime they
want (e.g. before a release). This allows GTP to translate projects
not hosted on git.gnome.org, since the developer will simply pull
translations before a release.

> Here are some steps we could follow to go further:
> * Find a team of people to take the job
> * Install a Transifex instance on GNOME infrastructure
> * Configure Transifex for GNOME needs

This is an important step, and will give the opportunity to new people
to get involved in the GTP admin side of things. The good news are
that Tx has a nifty "addons" system, allowing the development or
tweaking of existing functionality easy. So any functionality missing
could be added, now or in the future.

An example addon would be projects categorization (Development Tools,
GNOME Desktop, etc).

Let me know if I can further help in any way. =)


> * Test Transifex global functionality (pilot languages?)
> * Decide to switch (or not to switch)

Dimitris Glezos

Transifex: The Multilingual Publishing Revolution
http://www.transifex.net/ -- http://www.indifex.com/
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