O/H gil forcada έγραψε:
> during the GUADEC Danilo make a call to help in GTP[1] and after this
> (he will put the minutes somewhere I think) with him, Vincent, Sílvia
> and me we discuss about Vertimus[2] (in action[3]), a kind of
> damned-lies but with users and keeping track of who is working in which
> module and that sort of things
> all 4 agree that this could be really useful to be integrated in
> damend-lies but it's not that easy as copy a bunch of files

I agree as well, and this would be very useful for some translation teams in
Fedora as well. I am looking forward to this project and willing to help out.

> vertimus is written in php+mysql+cron (to get the po files from GNOME
> SVN) and damned-lies is written in python
> OTOH we can take advantage of damned-lies since the cron will not be
> necessary, but in a ideal world the accounts would to be integrated in
> GNOME LDAP, so it's not only rewrite from php to python (plus changes
> here and there) but we have to talk to the sysadmins guys

So the thing is that both backend-based authentication (eg. LDAP) and app-only
one (eg. with simple registration) should ideally be supported.

Maybe this is a good chance to talk a bit about TurboGears. I've been working a
lot on DL lately, and on an addon for it written in TG. Maybe I'm just not used
to do it or I'm just a lazy programmer, but I admit that it was much more fun
hacking in TG in an MVC style than plain python code.

The two projects (transifex and vertimus) have similar (new for DL)
requirements: need to access the model a lot in RW mode (non-XML), require form
handling and authentication. If there is a moment to discuss the (even remote!)
possibility of porting DL to a web framework like TG, now would probably be it. 

BTW, the fedora infrastructure has created a TG-based package that talks to the
fedora account system, which could be used by GNOME to talk to the GNOME account
system. If this happens, hooking up a TG-based app to GAS would be as simple as
installing the package on the system (either with deb/rpm or with easy_install)
and writing 3 line thing like:

  from gnome.accounts.gas import AccountSystem
  gas = AccountSystem()
  user, groups = gas.get_user_info(username)

The downside would be that there will be some initial work (not much I think
since DL already uses SQLObject and Cheetah templates) and a learning curve for
existing contributors. However both of these are trivial compared to the
maintainability IMO.


Dimitris Glezos

"He who gives up functionality for ease of use
loses both and deserves neither." (Anonymous)

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