Hello all :)
I'm updating gnome-applets, and checking my translation against the
file quoted [1].
Using the information recorded for Sài Gòn (a.k.a T.P. Hồ Chí
> <_name>Ho Chi Minh
> 10-49N 106-40E
the lat. and long, are fine, but how do I fill in:
On 14/08/2006, at 2:11 PM, Changwoo Ryu wrote (in conclusion):
But when a bug is not obvious and when it goes to the long discussion,
sometimes on translation policies, I guess the discussion is going
to be
in our mailing list, not in the bugzilla. Well, the bugzilla is
language b
2006-08-07 (월), 14:39 -0700, Young Song 쓰시길:
> Hi!
> Sun Globalization has a group of QA engineers who test localized Gnome. We
> plan to start entering bugs we find in Bugzilla. I heard that for translation
> bugs (i.e. unlocalized strings, typos, etc.), many of the language
> communities di