To: Discussion list for GROMACS users
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2007 2:33:38 PM
Subject: Re: [gmx-users] force=nan in frame 0
how do you turn off the interactions? e.g. setting rvdw=0 doesn't mean
turning of vdw interactions.
Yang Ye
On 11/13/2007 12:55 AM, dongsheng
-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Mark Abraham
Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2007 9:04 AM
To: Discussion list for GROMACS users
Subject: Re: [gmx-users] force=nan in frame 0
dongsheng zhang wrote:
> Dear Mark,
> Thank you for your
dongsheng zhang wrote:
> Hello,
> I have build my own FF for a copolomer. When I ran the program, I got
> KE
> is NaN. I checked the output file trr. I found the initial forces of all
> particles at frame 0 are infinite. Could anyone tell me why this
> happened? Where I
I have build my own FF for a copolomer. When I ran the program, I got KE is
NaN. I checked the output file trr. I found the initial forces of all
particles at frame 0 are infinite. Could anyone tell me why this happened?
Where I might make a mistake? Thank you in advance!
Dear Mark,
I think C2 is CH2 group, rather than N atom because of its mass (refer
to opls_071, opls_072), and it is said in ffoplsaa.atp that types 1-134
are from the united-atom OPLS.
On Sun, 2006-12-03 at 17:20 +1100, Mark Abraham wrote:
> > Sorry i'm probably being a bit slow, but
It is possible to generate new "residues". First of all, you need to
make a decision which force field you will use for your new residues.
For example, you will choose opls. then you add one building block into
ffoplsaa.rtp. As you read ffoplsaa.rtp, you can see that you need to
specify atoms' name
On Thu, 2006-09-14 at 13:10 -0700, David van der Spoel wrote:
> Dongsheng Zhang wrote:
> > On Thu, 2006-09-14 at 06:36 -0700, David van der Spoel wrote:
> >> Navratna Vajpai wrote:
> >>> Hi all..
> >>> I wrote this mail yesterday. But could not receive an
On Thu, 2006-09-14 at 06:36 -0700, David van der Spoel wrote:
> Navratna Vajpai wrote:
> > Hi all..
> > I wrote this mail yesterday. But could not receive any reply till now.
> > So if someone can suggest something about it. That would be nice.
> > Best regards
> > Nav
> >
> > Begin forwarded m
I believe this question has been asked several times. It is true that
ffoplsaabon.itp misses some parameters for dihedral for the capped
residues (ACE NAC). I think you can add some estimated values to the
ffoplsaabon.itp, or ignore the warnings.
All the best!
On Sat, 2006
Dear GMX users,
I am studying adsorption of polymers on a surface. I want to enforce all
polymers to be adsorbed, so I increase 10 times of the LJ interaction
between polymers and the surface, then I got segmentation fault. Without
increasing, the program ran fine (some polymers are not adsorbed)
s tree.
> However, I think we made the 3.3.1 release after march 9, in which
> case it is included there.
> Cheers,
> Erik
> On Aug 5, 2006, at 12:05 AM, Dongsheng Zhang wrote:
> > Dear Erik,
> >
> > I had the same problem
> Hi, all,
> I was able to fix the problem by:
> 1) Reducing my PME order from 6 to 4
> 2) Reducing my Fourier spacing from 0.12 to 0.06
> 3) Also, I had to do comm_grps = System or comm_grps =
> Protein
> Best wishes,
> Art
> --- Dongsheng Zh
Dear Erik,
I had the same problem as Arthur Roberts. So I downloaded your new
version of gmx_system_xdr.h and gmx_system_xdr.c from
Before I recompile gromacs, I checked the difference between your new
version and the old one. The result is as follow
If you want to use BD, the friction coefficient has to be large. Please
check the manual. If you change your bd-fric to 5000, it might help.
On Wed, 2006-08-02 at 23:24 +0800, PAUL NEWMAN wrote:
> Hi:
> Thanks to everybody who helped me out with my last email. But now I
> have another problem a
On Thu, 2006-07-20 at 14:55 +0200, Berk Hess wrote:
> >From: Dongsheng Zhang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Reply-To: Discussion list for GROMACS users
> >To: Discussion list for GROMACS users
> >Subject: RE: [gmx-users] segmentation fault, very high KE but n
On Thu, 2006-07-20 at 09:20 +0200, Berk Hess wrote:
> >From: Dongsheng Zhang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Reply-To: Discussion list for GROMACS users
> >To: Discussion list for GROMACS users
> >Subject: [gmx-users] segmentation fault, very high
Hello, gmx users,
I got segmentation fault during a simulation. I outputted log, xtc, trr
file every step. From the log file, I can see that the KE is very high
in the last step, so I checked the velocities of particles in the last
step. Surprisingly there is no particle whose absolute value of th
No distribution... (i0 = 999, i1 = 1)? ? ! ! ? !
Could you please tell me where is the error? Thank you!
On Wed, 2006-07-19 at 08:40 +0200, David van der Spoel wrote:
> Dongsheng Zhang wrote:
> > Hello, GMX users,
> >
> > When I tried to use g_bond -f *
Hello, GMX users,
When I tried to use g_bond -f *xtc -n *.ndx to get a bond length, I got
an error message as follows:
Fatal error:
No distribution... (i0 = 999, i1 = 1)? ? ! ! ? !
Could someone tell me what that means? Thank you in advance!
Dear GMX users,
My system is PEO-PPO-PEO triblock polymers with a coarse grained force
field. The nonbonded interactions are tabulated. The interaction range
in my tables in 5 nm. The cutoff is 1.4 nm. The table extention is 2 nm.
If I simulation only one chain, it works fine. However, the program
approach, could you please tell me how to
modify it?
All the best!
On Fri, 2006-07-14 at 10:23 +0200, Berk Hess wrote:
> >From: Dongsheng Zhang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Reply-To: Discussion list for GROMACS users
> >To: Discussion list for GROMACS use
> Yang Ye
> Dongsheng Zhang wrote:
> > Dear GMX users,
> >
> >
> > I have a coarse-grained model whose nonbonded potentials are tabulated,
> > so I have to use user defined potential in gromacs. With Yang Ye's great
> > help, I can impl
Dear GMX users,
I have a coarse-grained model whose nonbonded potentials are tabulated,
so I have to use user defined potential in gromacs. With Yang Ye's great
help, I can implement the new force field. However, the program always
crashed because of Large VCM(group rest). I have done a test by r
> >
> >
> > Dongsheng
> >
> >
> > On Wed, 2006-07-12 at 11:18 +0800, Yang Ye wrote:
> >
> >> Don't worry about that.
> >> mdrun -tablep {tablep} will follow the scheme {tablep}_A_A.xvg,
> >> {tablep}_B_B.xvg ...
> >>
laced by your own filename.
> Yang Ye
> Dongsheng Zhang wrote:
> > Yang ye,
> >
> > Thank you very much.
> >
> > I have three different monomers in my system, so I have 6 different
> > regular VMDs and 6 different 1-4 interactions. C
C A14 A14 B14 B14 C14 C14 A14
B14 A14 C14 B14 C14
If I set as the above, I wonder how gromacs know the last 6 table is for
1-4 interaction.
All the best!
On Wed, 2006-07-12 at 09:54 +0800, Yang Ye wrote:
> mdrun -tablep
> Dongsheng Zhang wrote:
> > Hello, GMX users,
Hello, GMX users,
I have a coarse-grained model. Both 1-4 and regular vdw interaction are
tabulated, but no electrostatic interaction. Since there is no entry for
1-4 interaction in energy_table. I am thinking to fool gromacs by
treating 1-4 interactions as electrostatic interactions, in other wor
Those parameters should be in **bond.itp file, and you can use four
atoms to define a dihedral angle. You can check ffoplsaabon.itp. I am
confused by that note as well.
On Tue, 2006-07-11 at 13:14 -0400, ARGYRIOS KARATRANTOS wrote:
> Hi all,
> according to the manual the proper dihedrals ar
:58 +0800, Yang Ye wrote:
> >
> >> Dongsheng Zhang wrote:
> >>
> >>> Yang Ye,
> >>>
> >>> Thank you very much for your help. I still have some questions:
> >>>
> >>> On Mon,
On Mon, 2006-07-10 at 13:58 +0800, Yang Ye wrote:
> Dongsheng Zhang wrote:
> > Yang Ye,
> >
> > Thank you very much for your help. I still have some questions:
> >
> > On Mon, 2006-07-10 at 11:35 +0800, Yang Ye wrote:
> >
> >> Dongs
Yang Ye,
Thank you very much for your help. I still have some questions:
On Mon, 2006-07-10 at 11:35 +0800, Yang Ye wrote:
> Dongsheng Zhang wrote:
> > Dear GMX users:
> >
> >
> > Could someone help me to understand these information from a position
> > restrai
Dear gmx users,
I find a force field that uses both LJ and Buckingham potential for
different nonbonded potentials. I would like to use it in gromacs. I
have try it, gromacs gave me a fatal error:
ERROR 1 [file "ffpolymernb.itp", line 49]:
Trying to add Buck.ham (SR) while the default nonbond ty
Dear GMX users:
Could someone help me to understand these information from a position
restrained tpr file?
1. excl[0][0..17]={0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15,
16, 18, 26, 28}
2. blocks[CGS][0][0..19]={0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
You can use gmxdump to check what's inside your xtc file. This may help
you figure out what's going on.
On Fri, 2006-07-07 at 19:03 +0200, karamyog singh wrote:
> Dear Users,
> When I try and convert my traj.xtc file to a .gro file I get the
> following error
> Reading frame 0 time0
Dear GMX users,
My program crashed very soon after it started. I had done EM, and the
conformation looked fine in VMD. When I investigated what's wrong, I
outputted the coordinates, forces, velocities and log file in every
step. I set some parameters in mdp file as follows:
Dear Mark,
Do you have any idea what's wrong with my simulation? You can find the
mdp file and the description how I set up my system at the bottom of
this email.
All the best!
On Thu, 2006-07-06 at 19:16 -0400, Dongsheng Zhang wrote:
> Mark,
> Thank you very much for
On Fri, 2006-07-07 at 09:02 +1000, Dallas B. Warren wrote:
> > My system exploded very soon after mdrun. So I outputted the
> > log file every step. I found the initial temperature is about
> > 800 K even though I set ref_T = 300. Why does this happen?
> What temperature did you specify when g
Thank you very much for your reply.
On Fri, 2006-07-07 at 08:51 +1000, Mark Abraham wrote:
> > Hello, GMX users,
> >
> > My system exploded very soon after mdrun. So I outputted the log file
> > every step. I found the initial temperature is about 800 K even though I
> > set ref_T = 300. Wh
Hello, GMX users,
My system exploded very soon after mdrun. So I outputted the log file
every step. I found the initial temperature is about 800 K even though I
set ref_T = 300. Why does this happen?
The following is from my mdp file:
tau_t= 0.1 0.1
Dear GMX users,
The following message is from a tpr file by gmxdump command:
atom[ ]={type= 4, typeB= 4, ptype=Atom, m= 1.20110e+01,
q=-5.29400e-01, mB= 1.20110e+01, qB=-5.29400e-01, resnr= 32}
grpnrs=[ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]}
Could anyone tell me what does "type= 4" mean? I have ch
I have written a new force field for my polymer. I have used this force
field for polymer in water. It worked fine. When I tried to put polymer
with nanotube in water, then I had this strange problem (My force field
worked fine for nanotube alone). Anyway I will try to rerun it.
Thank you f
On Wed, 2006-07-05 at 15:11 +1000, Mark Abraham wrote:
> > Mark,
> >
> > Thank you for your reply. When I checked step38885.pdb, I found a
> > polymer chain in my system fall apart (bond broken). If I visualize the
> > trajectory. it is fine till step38000 (last frame in my trr file).
> OK...
Thank you for your reply. When I checked step38885.pdb, I found a
polymer chain in my system fall apart (bond broken). If I visualize the
trajectory. it is fine till step38000 (last frame in my trr file).
I don't understand why the bond breaks after 76 ps simulation and why KE
doubles sudde
1184 89.90.8390 0.1510 0.1090
1182 1185 57.30.1093 0.1129 0.1090
1242 1245 61.10.1090 0.1092 0.1090
Thank you for your help!
On Tue, 2006-07-04 at 09:52 -0400, Dongsheng Zhang wrote:
> mark,
> That is a good idea. Thank you
That is a good idea. Thank you very much!
On Tue, 2006-07-04 at 15:38 +1000, Mark Abraham wrote:
> Dongsheng Zhang wrote:
> > Mark,
> >
> > Thank you for your reply. EM works fine before position-restrained MD.
> > Do you have any other suggestion b
Thank you for your reply. EM works fine before position-restrained MD.
Do you have any other suggestion besides to reduce the number of water
inside the nanotube? Thanks!
On Tue, 2006-07-04 at 15:23 +1000, Mark Abraham wrote:
> Dongsheng Zhang wrote:
> > Dear
Dear GMX users,
I am studying a system of a capped nanotube with a polymer in water.
When I use genbox, some water will be inside of the nanotube. This might
cause bad contact of water molecules inside of nanotube. Does anyone
know how to control the total number of water molecules inside the
Dear GMX users,
I'd like to use oplsaa FF format to build my own force field for my
project. After I finished it, I can use pdb2gmx. but not grompp. The
problem is from my **nb.itp file. I have specified some unusual (not
follow the combination rule) nonbonded interaction parameters after
[ atomty
Dear GMX users,
In ffoplsaanb.itp, there are 8 columns.
; name bond_typemasscharge ptype sigma epsilon
opls_001 C 6 12.01100 0.500 A3.75000e-01
4.39320e-01 ; SIG
In ffG53a5nb.itp, there are 7 columns.
[ atomtypes ]
;name at.num mass charge
Hello, GMX users,
I was running a parallel MD simulation, the program stopped (no more
output data) in the middle without any error message in the log file.
When I use command "top" to check the process, the output message showed
the program was still running, but no more output data. Therefore I
> The serial version of mdrun defaults to nice 19, i.e. it only runs
> when nothing else wants the CPU. Check if something else is running!
> Cheers,
> Erik
> On Jun 27, 2006, at 8:12 PM, Dongsheng Zhang wrote:
> > Dear GMX users,
> >
Dear GMX users,
I have run a simulation several days ago. It supposed to finish on
Sunday. However, the program seems stop in the middle. There is no more
output. If I use command "top" to check the process, it shows the
program is still running. And there is no error message in the log file
Hello, Jason,
You can download babel program and use babel -ixyz old.xyz -opdb new.pdb
to get a pdb file, then you can use gromacs now.
On Mon, 2006-06-26 at 15:00 -0700, Jason Byrd wrote:
> Hello,
> I amd working with using the Siesta program in conjunction with
> gromacs, and I
Hello, Manuel,
Thank you very much for your trick. It is neat.
Have a nice weekend!
On Sun, 2006-06-25 at 02:58 +0200, Manuel Prinz wrote:
> Hello Dongsheng!
> Am Samstag, den 24.06.2006, 17:26 -0400 schrieb Dongsheng Zhang:
> > In make_ndx, I would like to keep
Hello, gmx users:
In make_ndx, I would like to keep two groups, for instance, group 4 and
group 5. I have try it in two ways, namely, "keep 4 & keep 5" and "keep
4 | keep 5". However both ways only keep group 4. Anyway to accomplish
my task is to delete other groups one by one, but it is not so
Hi, David,
Thank you for your help. I have fix it now. Have a nice weekend!
On Sat, 2006-06-24 at 21:53 +0200, David van der Spoel wrote:
> Dongsheng Zhang wrote:
> > Hello, everyone,
> >
> > I have a system with a nanotube and a polymer chain. First I did EM
Hello, everyone,
I have a system with a nanotube and a polymer chain. First I did EM for
the system in vacuum. After that, I added some water to my system, and
tried to do EM again. This time I got some large force on some atoms.
The messages are as folllows:
Step=0, Dmax= 5.0e-03 nm, Epot= -
Dear Tsjerk,
Thank you very much for your reply. You are right. After I specify
pbc=no in mdp file, EM works fine for test2.pdb now.
All the best!
On Fri, 2006-06-23 at 08:19 +0200, Tsjerk Wassenaar wrote:
> Hi Dongsheng Zhang,
> Rotating the system with editconf
Dear GMX users,
I have generated a pdb file (test1.pdb) for a PPO chain. I can do energy
minimization for this chain using oplsaa FF. However, if I rotate the
chain by
editconf -f test1.pdb -rotate 9 -9 0 -o test2.pdb
then I can't do EM for test2.pdb. Could anyone tell me why the rotation
of a
7;re not exactly identical? Did you try gmxdump and then diff
> the output?
> David
> On 6/19/06, Dongsheng Zhang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Dear GMX users,
> >
> > I have two EXACTLY identical tpr files at two different directories on
> > the SAM
, 2006-06-19 at 14:52 -0400, Dongsheng Zhang wrote:
> Dear GMX users,
> I am studying the interaction between a polymer chain and a nanotube in
> vacuum. After I set up my system, I use vmd to visualize my gro file. It
> looks fine. The polymer chain is a little far away from the na
Dear GMX users,
I am studying the interaction between a polymer chain and a nanotube in
vacuum. After I set up my system, I use vmd to visualize my gro file. It
looks fine. The polymer chain is a little far away from the nanotube.
There is no overlap. However, after I do mdrun, I can't get edr fil
used oplsaa to get my
cnt.itp, that's the reason I need two defaults sections.
Best Wishes!
On Mon, 2006-06-12 at 17:20 +0200, David van der Spoel wrote:
> Dongsheng Zhang wrote:
> > Dear David,
> >
> > Thank you very much for your reply. I am sorry to t
Sear Mark,
Since PRODRG server only generates a itp file by using gromos type force
field, do I have to use gromos force field for my whole protein-ligand
system if my ligand force field parameters are got from PRODRG? In
another word, can I mix two different force field (one for protein, one
I think you can use editconf to convert your original pdb to a gro file.
On Mon, 2006-06-12 at 13:48 +, Tamas Horvath wrote:
> As I understand, if there are "special" molecules in a pdb file,
> pdb2gmx cannot convert it. However, PRODRG can create an *.itp file
> for that molecule, so that I
t 09:35 +0200, David van der Spoel wrote:
> Dongsheng Zhang wrote:
> > Dear GMX users,
> >
> > I'd like to study the interaction between carbon nanotube and a polymer
> > chain. I have made cnt.itp for the nanotube and poly.itp. Both itp files
> > cont
Dear GMX users,
I'd like to study the interaction between carbon nanotube and a polymer
chain. I have made cnt.itp for the nanotube and poly.itp. Both itp files
contains force field parameters (such as [ defaults ], [ atomtypes],
[ bondtypes ]), in this way, I don't need to include any force field
#x27;t work.
Thank you very much for your help!
On Thu, 2006-05-04 at 21:52 +0200, David van der Spoel wrote:
> Dongsheng Zhang wrote:
> > Thank you, David. I try it as:
> >
> >
> > mpirun -np 2 n1 /home/brasilia/dong/mdrun_mpi -replex 500 -reseed
van der Spoel wrote:
> Dongsheng Zhang wrote:
> > Dear David,
> >
> > I had tried mpirun before, it didn't work either. the command was:
> > mpirun -np 2 n1 /home/brasilia/dong/mdrun_mpi_MC -replex 500 -reseed -1
> > -multi -s replica -deffnm replica -N 2 -v
5-04 at 19:13 +0200, David van der Spoel wrote:
> Dongsheng Zhang wrote:
> > Marcus,
> >
> > Thank you for your suggestion. I try it. The computer gives me the same
> > error message. The problem is that the program always looks for
> > replica.tpr instead of replica
itzki wrote:
> If you use the -deffnm option, you do not need -s, b/c it is
> already accounted for with the -deffnm.
> Marcus
> Dongsheng Zhang wrote:
> > David,
> >
> > Thank you for your reply. I have provided replica0.tpr and replica1.tpr,
> > but the pr
doesn't work either (complains only one replica: Nothing to exchange
with only one replica). it seems the program does not recognize the
-multi option.
Best wishes!
On Thu, 2006-05-04 at 18:11 +0200, David van der Spoel wrote:
> Dongsheng Zhang wrote:
> > Dear gmx u
Dear gmx users,
I have trouble to run REMD on one node with two processors. The command
I used is
/home/brasilia/dong/mdrun_mpi -np 2 -replex 500 -reseed -1 -multi -s
replica -deffnm replica -N 2 -v >& zevel
the error message is:
Can not open file:
This error message looks strange
I have a question about these codes, why does the output process stop in
the middle? (Disk space is very large, not full)
thank you for your help!
On Thu, 2006-04-13 at 16:13 +020
Dear David,
I forgot one more information. The computer administrator told me I did
not need to use mpirun. As I told you in the previous email, I have done
tests for parallel computing. It worked fine.
On Thu, 2006-04-13 at 09:52 +0200, David van der Spoel wrote:
> Dongsheng Zh
need more information, please let me know. Thank you very much
for your help!
Best Wishes!
On Thu, 2006-04-13 at 09:52 +0200, David van der Spoel wrote:
> Dongsheng Zhang wrote:
> > dear Mark,
> >
> > Thank you very much for your prompt reply. I try to use paral
dear Mark,
Thank you very much for your prompt reply. I try to use parallel
computing. It works fine.
for example: grompp -f -c -p -o replica0 -np 2 -sort -shuffle
to get replica0.tpr
then, mdrun_mpi -np 2 -s replica0.tpr
The error message mentioned in the previo
Dear gmx users:
I am trying to run REMD with two replicas (for testing). I used
grompp -f -c -p -o replica0 to get replica0.tpr
grompp -f -c -p -o replica1 to get replica1.tpr
then used
mdrun_mpi -np 2 -multi -replex 500 -reseed -1 -s replica -deffnm replica
-v -N 2
to run it.
I got an error me
Dear gmx developer,
I want to modify repl_ex.c for my system. I have read the source code.
There is one point I am not clear. In the function
replica_exchange( ...), all dynamical information of a system will be
exchanged between two replicas when exchanging two replicas is
implemented. It looks l
Dear gmx users,
I want to simulate a short peptide in solution at high temperature (e.g.
T=800). Because of the large momentum of molecules, it is very easy to
have bad contacts to cause the system to crash. One way to prevent it is
to reduce the time step. Therefore I have tried to use dt=0.0005
Dear Tom,
Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately, mpirun is not available. I can
only find mdrun_mpi which is related with mpi.
Best wishes!
On Tue, 2006-03-21 at 21:02 -0500, Tom Joseph wrote:
> Certainly you should consult your documentation, but one possibility is:
> mpiru
Dear Erik,
Thank you very much for your help. When I check command under ../bin
directory, I only find mdrun_mpi (which is related mpi), not mpirun. I
have tried mpirun (because I find some people used mpirun in the mailing
list), the computer complained "mpirun not found".
Could you please tell
optimized for) one machine,
> but run another. Give us some info both about the command you ran and
> how Gromacs was compiled/installed.
> Cheers,
> Erik
> On Mar 21, 2006, at 6:11 AM, Dongsheng Zhang wrote:
> > Dear All,
> >
> > I
Dear David,
Thank you very much for your quick reply. The machine is IBM. Then,
could you please tell me how to fix it? Thanks again.
Best Wishes!
On Tue, 2006-03-21 at 17:00 +0100, David van der Spoel wrote:
> Dongsheng Zhang wrote:
> > Dear All,
> >
> > I w
Dear All,
I want to use gromacs in research computing center in my school. When I
used pdb2gmx as
pdb2gmx -f Ace5AlaNac -o Ace5AlaNac -p Ace5AlaNac -ignh -ter
it gave me an error message as follows,
illegal instruction (core dumped)
Could anyone give me a clue what is wrong? Thank you in advance
Dear All,
I want to run gromacs in supercomputer center at my school. When I used
pdb2gmx, it gave me an error message as follows:
illegal instruction (core dumped out)
Could anyone give a clue what's happening? Thank you in advance.
Hello, everyone,
I have finished a MD simulation of a short peptide. The initial
conformaton of my peptide is the extended conformation, soon the peptide
changed to be a helix and kept it for a long time. I would like to use
g_covar to analyze my simulation with a helix conformation as my
Dear all,
Has anyone used -check14 for grompp? When I tried it just now, I got
segmentation fault. grompp works fine without the option -check14 (or
with the option -nocheck14). The error message is as follows:
grompp -f md01.mdp -c ala5 -p ala5 -check14 -o full
Back Off! I just backed up mdout.m
88 matches
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