Project reboot proposals - any guidance?

2013-10-24 Thread Nick Burch
Hi All I'm currently helping the XMLBeans community put together a proposal to reboot their project, which is otherwise destined for the attic. However, while I've helped a few new projects enter the incubator in the past, I've never tried helping with a reboot. As such, I'm not quite sure if

Re: Project reboot proposals - any guidance?

2013-10-24 Thread Nick Burch
On Thu, 24 Oct 2013, Christian Grobmeier wrote: But of course it would be interesting for me about the motivations. I mean, the project was almost dead and now a few people want it to be revived. Why? Was the problem in the previous project to less interest? Problems in the community? The pre

Re: permission to edit wiki

2014-02-10 Thread Nick Burch
On Mon, 10 Feb 2014, Enis Söztutar wrote: I would kindly request edit perms to UserName: EnisSoztutar Karma granted, enjoy! Nick - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For

Re: Mentor needs wiki permissions

2014-03-11 Thread Nick Burch
On Tue, 11 Mar 2014, Ted Dunning wrote: Sebastian Schelter is a new mentor for Drill and needs wiki write permissions to sign off on monthly reports. Can somebody help by giving him permissions? I copied him so you have his apache email address. The important piece of information isn't his e

Re: Mentor needs wiki permissions

2014-03-11 Thread Nick Burch
On Tue, 11 Mar 2014, Sebastian Schelter wrote: the username is SebastianSchelter. Karma granted, go help your podling :) Nick - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: Request to have my account added to contributors group on wiki

2014-04-02 Thread Nick Burch
On Wed, 2 Apr 2014, Will Vaughan wrote: I would like to have my account added to the contributors group on the incubator wiki so that I may fill out the report for datafu. Added, enjoy! Nick - To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-

Re: [VOTE] Pre-clear ODF Toolkit Podling to use Alternate Release Voting Process

2014-04-22 Thread Nick Burch
On Mon, 21 Apr 2014, Rob Weir wrote: The process is described here: As one of your sporadically available mentors, I'm happy that you're in a state to switch to the alternate process, so +1 (binding) from myself Nick --

Re: [VOTE] Accept Slider into the incubator

2014-04-27 Thread Nick Burch
On Sun, 27 Apr 2014, Roman Shaposhnik wrote: That's actually a great point. The way I look at it is this: there's nothing wrong with an alternative healthy community, but it has to be healthy. So I guess what I'm really saying is this: it may behove us to double click into the health of communi

Re: Require write access for incubator wiki

2014-05-11 Thread Nick Burch
On Sun, 11 May 2014, Rahul Sharma wrote: I think the mails are back in business, so I would like to request write access for the wiki. I need to file report for May. My userid is rahul.sharma. Karma granted Nick - To unsubsc

Re: [Proposal] Add me as Mentor for ODF Toolkit Podling

2014-05-21 Thread Nick Burch
On Tue, 20 May 2014, Rob Weir wrote: I looked around and did not see a process defined for adding a Mentor to a podling. I see how they are added at podling initiation, but not after. So apologies if I'm missing something. As a currently mentor of the project (sporadically...), I'm +1 to add

Re: Wiki access

2014-06-09 Thread Nick Burch
On Mon, 9 Jun 2014, Richard Downer wrote: Could "RichardDowner" be granted access to write to the Incubator wiki? Karma granted, enjoy! Nick - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional co

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache ODF Toolkit 0.6.1-incubating

2014-06-25 Thread Nick Burch
On Thu, 26 Jun 2014, Justin Mclean wrote: This VOTE has now been going on for more than a month. Anyone able to help out here? I thought the vote had passed? Only there was a release announcement about 3 weeks ago for 0.6.1-incubating:

Re: Wiki access

2014-07-01 Thread Nick Burch
On Tue, 1 Jul 2014, Martin Kleppmann wrote: Likewise, could you please give write access for my wiki account "MartinKleppmann". Sure, karma granted, enjoy! Nick - To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@incubator.apache.o

Re: Wiki access

2014-07-01 Thread Nick Burch
On Tue, 1 Jul 2014, Martin Kleppmann wrote: Thanks! Could you please also give me write access on the Samza wiki ( Sorry for the spam, I didn't realise each wiki has a separate user account. I don't have karma on that wiki, sorry https://wiki.apache.or

Re: wiki access

2014-07-02 Thread Nick Burch
On Wed, 2 Jul 2014, Justin Mclean wrote: If I can't granted access can someone please give access to user HendrikSaly so he can fill in the Fleece podling report. I've granted karma to HendrikSaly Nick - To unsubscribe, e-mai

Re: Wiki Access

2014-07-10 Thread Nick Burch
On Wed, 9 Jul 2014, Rob Weir wrote: On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 5:11 AM, Svante Schubert Can somebody please give me (user svanteschubert) access to the Wiki Anyone? Karma granted. (I guess everyone else was like me and off on holiday for a few days! We do normally manage to turn these round qu

Re: Wiki Access

2014-07-11 Thread Nick Burch
On Thu, 10 Jul 2014, Alan Cabrera wrote: Does one have to be a infrastructure team member to grant access or can IPMC members provide that? You need to be listed on the AdminGroup page: There's currently 21 IPMC members on there who can grant karma.

Re: Wiki access

2014-08-05 Thread Nick Burch
On Tue, 5 Aug 2014, Byung-Gon Chun wrote: I don't have write access to the wiki page: Could someone give me permission to update the page? My user name is "Byung-Gon Chun". Karma granted Nick

Re: Request for write access to incubator wiki

2014-09-03 Thread Nick Burch
On Mon, 1 Sep 2014, Prasad Mujumdar wrote: I am part of Apache Sentry PPMC and requesting write access to incubator wiki in order to add the project status report ( wiki login: prasadm Karma granted, enjoy! Nick ---

Re: [Request] Wiki Access

2014-11-05 Thread Nick Burch
On Wed, 5 Nov 2014, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote: On Wed, Nov 5, 2014 at 11:02 AM, Tresch, Anatole wrote: I opened a new user on User Name: Anatole Tresch ... Username with a space, really? I didn't think that wiki supports that, can you confirm? It does, and

Re: wiki write access

2012-10-02 Thread Nick Burch
On Tue, 2 Oct 2012, Pepijn Noltes wrote: Could anybody grant me write access to the incubator wiki, I need this to fill in the Celix report. Karma granted, enjoy! Nick - To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@incubator.a

Re: key signing

2012-10-15 Thread Nick Burch
On Mon, 15 Oct 2012, Benson Margulies wrote: Choices: There is another option, which I mentioned in the other key signing thread on members@, which applies equally here too. Reposting my answer from there, with a few tweaks... In-person keysigning doesn't just have to be at ApacheCons, the

Re: How to use an apache webpage

2012-12-20 Thread Nick Burch
On Thu, 20 Dec 2012, Shane Curcuru wrote: I put the DRAFT on because I originally wrote these for my personal Community Over Code site, and I wanted to ensure the style was appropriate for a path under a.o/foundation, which makes it official. I wonder if a label like "work in progress" might b

Fast Feather Track at ACNA13 - The incubator's chance to get involved!

2013-02-13 Thread Nick Burch
Hi All Hopefully all of you know that it's ApacheCon in Portland in just under 2 weeks. The Community Over Code track in particular should be of great interest + help to many in the incubator community, as we've some excellent speakers talking about all sorts of things around our projects, de

Re: Wiki privs

2013-02-20 Thread Nick Burch
On Tue, 19 Feb 2013, Arun C Murthy wrote: Help, please? I've added you to this list. Two things though, firstly usernames with spaces in aren't that usual, so you should check it works. Secondly, an account with the username "ArunMurthy" already had karma, so is it possible you previously cr

Re: [WIKI] Permissions to create new wiki page for new proposal

2013-02-21 Thread Nick Burch
On Thu, 21 Feb 2013, Hyunsik Choi wrote: I missed my account of incubator wiki. My account is HyunsikChoi. Karma granted Nick - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: Permission to edit wiki

2013-02-25 Thread Nick Burch
On Mon, 25 Feb 2013, Jordan Zimmerman wrote: May I have to edit the Curator Proposal wiki, please? My id is "JordanZimmerman". Done! Nick - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional comm

Re: Edit access to incubator wiki

2013-04-12 Thread Nick Burch
On Fri, 12 Apr 2013, Seetharam Venkatesh wrote: I trust you are doing well. I'd appreciate if someone could grant access to to work on the falcon project homepage among other things. You'll first need to register for an account on the wiki, then let us know the usern

Re: Permissions to edit the Incubator wiki

2013-08-05 Thread Nick Burch
On Mon, 5 Aug 2013, Florian Müller wrote: Please give me permissions to edit the Incubator wiki. My account is FlorianMueller. Done, enjoy! Nick - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additiona

Re: [VOTE] Apache Chemistry OpenCMIS 0.2.0-incubating (RC1)

2011-01-17 Thread Nick Burch
On Wed, 12 Jan 2011, Gabriele Columbro wrote: The release has passed the Chemistry PMC vote: During the vote, also 1 IPMC (Jukka Zitting) vote has been collected, so we'd need 2 more IPMC +1 to proceed with the release. Appologies for not having the time to review it durin

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Chemistry cmislib 0.4 incubating

2011-01-27 Thread Nick Burch
On Tue, 25 Jan 2011, Jeff Potts wrote: The release has passed the Chemistry PMC vote: During the vote, 1 IPMC vote was collected (Nick Burch), so we need 2 more IPMC +1 votes to proceed with the release. Is anyone able to review and vote on these for us? The other two

[VOTE] Graduation of the Chemistry Podling

2011-02-11 Thread Nick Burch
olumbro ( * Jeff Potts( * Jens Hübel( * Jukka Zitting ( * Martin Hermes ( * Nick Burch( * Paolo Mottadelli ( *

[RESULT] [VOTE] Graduation of the Chemistry Podling

2011-02-14 Thread Nick Burch
On Fri, 11 Feb 2011, Nick Burch wrote: The vote has received 12 PPMC approvals, of which 2 were also IPMC approvals (Jukka Zitting and myself). I'd therefore like to ask the IPMC to approve the graduation. We've had 8 further IPMC +1s, so the graduation votes passes! I&#x

Re: Apache Incubator Proposal

2011-06-01 Thread Nick Burch
On Wed, 1 Jun 2011, wrote: That would be great. There is also another project (or set of projects) that IBM and Sun/Oracle have worked on over the past few years, called the :ODF Toolkit". For example, this component was just released today:

Re: Apache Incubator Proposal

2011-06-01 Thread Nick Burch
On Wed, 1 Jun 2011, Luke Kowalski wrote: The following project is being sent in as an incubator candidate. As there are likely quite a few people new to Apache interested in and coming with this proposal, I thought I should send a quick note pointing out some community releated resources and

Re: Apache Incubator Proposal

2011-06-02 Thread Nick Burch
On Wed, 1 Jun 2011, William A. Rowe Jr. wrote: On 6/1/2011 12:48 PM, Nick Burch wrote: This would possibly warrant a seperate discussion though, especially if the codebase were to be destined for POI rather than a new TLP. And note, this is a decision that can be made *during* incubation

Re: Apache Incubator Proposal

2011-06-02 Thread Nick Burch
On Wed, 1 Jun 2011, wrote: But I see this as pulling in two directions: 1) On the one hand it is a good fit for a module in an OpenOffice SDK, so the OpenOffice project might be a good fit. On the other hand ODF is an application-independent document format, not necessari

Re: OpenOffice Proposal: Relationships with Other Apache Products

2011-06-03 Thread Nick Burch
On Fri, 3 Jun 2011, wrote: Are there any other Apache projects where there might be an interesting relationship? Anything jump out? We have spreadsheets, word procesor, presentation, mathematical formula, graphics editor, they export PDF, HTML, ODF, MS Office, raster gra

Re: [VOTE] Accept for incubation

2011-06-10 Thread Nick Burch
On Fri, 10 Jun 2011, Sam Ruby wrote: Please cast your votes: I'm +1 If accepted, I'll try to help out with the podling, but alas I've not got time at the moment to take on a full mentorship role of it. Nick - To unsubscrib

Re: ODF Toolkit Incubation Pre-Proposal

2011-07-01 Thread Nick Burch
On Fri, 1 Jul 2011, Rob Weir wrote: We continue to discuss moving this work to Apache. Feedback so far has been to try for an eventual TLP. We're starting to draft the Incubation proposal. We talked to the maintainer of the C#/AODL component and he confirmed that it is not really active anym

Re: [VOTE] Accept ODF Toolkit for Incubation

2011-07-29 Thread Nick Burch
On Thu, 28 Jul 2011, Sam Ruby wrote: Please cast your votes: +1 Nick - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: [VOTE][RESULT] Accept ODF Toolkit for Incubation

2011-08-01 Thread Nick Burch
On Sun, 31 Jul 2011, Sam Ruby wrote: On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 3:53 PM, Sam Ruby wrote: As the discussions on the ODF Toolkit threads seem to be winding down, I would like to initiate the vote to accept the ODF Toolkit as an Apache Incubator project. This vote will close 72 hours from now. Vot

Re: ODF Toolkit

2011-08-01 Thread Nick Burch
On Mon, 1 Aug 2011, drew wrote: Wondering if it is still appropriate, acceptable, to add myself to the list of initial Committers Alas not, now the proposal has been accepted, that initial list is final The good news is that as soon as the lists are set up, the podling would be able to vote y

Re: Podling accounts created

2011-08-01 Thread Nick Burch
On Mon, 1 Aug 2011, Alan D. Cabrera wrote: Sendingasf-authorization-template svn: Commit failed (details follow): svn: access to '/repos/infra/!svn/ver/793489/infrastructure/trunk/subversion/authorization/asf-authorization-template' forbidden If you could post the diff, then one of us

Re: Karma to asf-authorization-template

2011-08-01 Thread Nick Burch
On Mon, 1 Aug 2011, Craig L Russell wrote: On Aug 1, 2011, at 10:52 AM, Daniel Shahaf wrote: There are 30 PMC chairs on the Incubator PMC, which is more than enough to sort its own authz needs without bugging infra every time. It would be nice if this fact were better known, so mentors-who-ar

Re: [VOTE][RESULT] Accept ODF Toolkit for Incubation

2011-08-09 Thread Nick Burch
On Mon, 8 Aug 2011, Dave Fisher wrote: If you have been waiting for three volunteers before moving forward then I'll raise my hand as well. Thanks for the offer. We did hit the required number of moderators last week, we're now waiting on infra[1] to have the cycles to create the lists. Once

Re: [VOTE][RESULT] Accept ODF Toolkit for Incubation

2011-08-09 Thread Nick Burch
On Tue, 9 Aug 2011, Mohammad Nour El-Din wrote: I would like to help as well if you still need more mentors :). If you've got the spare cycles, please feel free to give us a hand! Currently we have our minimum of 3 mentors: Nick -

Re: [VOTE][RESULT] Accept ODF Toolkit for Incubation

2011-08-15 Thread Nick Burch
On Tue, 9 Aug 2011, Nick Burch wrote: we're now waiting on infra[1] to have the cycles to create the lists. The lists have now been created for the ODF Toolkit podling Anyone who's interested in the project should sign up to the user and dev lists. These are odf-us...@incubator.

Re: Add committer to asf-authorization-template

2011-08-15 Thread Nick Burch
On Mon, 15 Aug 2011, Christian Grobmeier wrote: but I have no access. According to the guide below mentors should be able to do it but it seems there is a further restriction? It looks like someone needs to correct the guide you were following If you look at the recent account creation notices

Re: [PROPOSAL] Any23 to join the incubator

2011-09-03 Thread Nick Burch
On Sat, 3 Sep 2011, Davide Palmisano wrote: Here's a link to the proposal in the Incubator wiki Any chance you could expand a bit on interactions with the Apache projects that Any23 is built on? eg how have you engaged with the communities, have

PPMC membership lists?

2010-06-03 Thread Nick Burch
Hi All I've just had a question from someone in Chemistry, one of the projects I mentor, about ppmc vs committership. Having explained it, I wanted to check who was currently on the Chemistry ppmc, but I couldn't seem to find the list anywhere... At the bottom of: http://incubator.ap

Re: PPMC membership lists?

2010-06-03 Thread Nick Burch
On Thu, 3 Jun 2010, Jukka Zitting wrote: So far the approach in Chemistry has been to make all committers also PPMC members, so the committer (+ mentor) list on the Chemistry status page is also a list of the PPMC members. I'd thought that was the case, but wanted to check! I agree about it

Re: PPMC membership lists?

2010-06-04 Thread Nick Burch
On Thu, 3 Jun 2010, Jukka Zitting wrote: I agree about it being a good idea to use the status page to explicitly list the composition of the PPMC. For Chemistry that can be achieved by simply adding a note like: "The Chemistry PPMC consists of all the committers and mentors listed here." OK.

[IP Clearance] Chemistry CMIS PHP Client Codebase

2010-06-10 Thread Nick Burch
Hi All We've another contribution for the incubating Chemistry project, this time a PHP CMIS library. Full details of the grant are in the form: As per incubator policy, please shout in the next 72 hours if you can spot

[RESULT] [IP Clearance] Chemistry CMIS PHP Client Codebase

2010-06-13 Thread Nick Burch
On Thu, 10 Jun 2010, Nick Burch wrote: Full details of the grant are in the form: As per incubator policy, please shout in the next 72 hours if you can spot a problem with the grant, otherwise it will proceed by lazy

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Chemistry OpenCMIS 0.1.0-incubating

2010-06-28 Thread Nick Burch
On Mon, 28 Jun 2010, Gabriele Columbro wrote: this to vote is the first incubator release for Apache Chemistry OpenCMIS, with the artifacts being versioned as 0.1.0-incubating. Sorry, but I'm -1 on this. I think you need to fix at least one of the problems raised in

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Chemistry OpenCMIS 0.1.0-incubating

2010-06-28 Thread Nick Burch
On Mon, 28 Jun 2010, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote: I think the key point in is that NOTICE is for *required* third-party notices, so it should be as small as possible and contain only notices that the owners of third-party code require. OK, so havi

Re: [VOTE] Accept Gora into the Apache Incubator

2010-09-20 Thread Nick Burch
On Sun, 19 Sep 2010, Mattmann, Chris A (388J) wrote: Over the past week or so we've been discussing the Gora project and bringing it into the Apache Incubator [1]. It's time to call a VOTE thread on the issue. Please VOTE below: +1 (binding) Nick -

Fast Feather Track at ApacheCon - submit your talk now!

2010-10-04 Thread Nick Burch
Hi All We've under a month to go now to Atlanta, and hopefully you've all registered and are all looking forward to a great week? Other than our packed schedule of talks, our growing list of meetups (see Shane's email from Friday for more details on hosting your own), what could be more exci

Release guidelines for python and php libraries?

2010-10-07 Thread Nick Burch
Hi All Does anyone happen to know of some pre-existing release guidelines for python or php libraries, either in an apache TLP or a podling? For Chemistry we've got the docs sorted for maven-based releases of the java codeline, and now we're looking to sort something similar for our python an

Re: Release guidelines for python and php libraries?

2010-10-08 Thread Nick Burch
On Thu, 7 Oct 2010, Paul Querna wrote: Things to look at... this invokes to build out source tarballs and then uses the hash/sign script to make the gpg/asc/sha1/md5s: contains lots o

Fast Feather Track at ApacheCon - talk about your incubating projects!

2010-10-27 Thread Nick Burch
Hi All If you're going to be at ApacheCon in Atlanta next week, and no-one is already speaking about your incubating project, then you really ought to sign up for the Fast Feather Track! The Fast Feather Track is running on the Thursday, and sessions are about 20 minutes long. It's a great c

Re: Git to SVN

2011-11-09 Thread Nick Burch
On Wed, 9 Nov 2011, Leo Neumeyer wrote: Perhaps there are concerns about relying on a third party but for an organization powered by volunteers, using a free service like this could be a great benefit. Perhaps there are good reasons why this cannot be done but was wondering if it was discussed

Re: Actively retiring projects (was: Incubator Board Report November 2011)

2011-11-17 Thread Nick Burch
On Wed, 16 Nov 2011, Sam Ruby wrote: Meanwhile, I will personally focus on JSPWiki. If others wish to join me, here is a a current list of projects that have been incubating more than a year: I've been meaning to try to help out with JSPWiki for a while, but I've not yet had the time. If ther

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache ODF Toolkit 0.5-incubating RC5

2011-12-19 Thread Nick Burch
On Tue, 20 Dec 2011, Devin Han wrote: I also see Apache POI keeping JUnit statement in their LICENSE file: We do ship the junit jar in some of our release artifacts though, which is why it's there (It's also worth pointing out that lon

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache ODF Toolkit 0.5-incubating(RC7)

2012-01-10 Thread Nick Burch
On Mon, 9 Jan 2012, Devin Han wrote: The vote is open for 72 hours, or until we get the needed number of votes (3 +1). Looks good to me, I'm +1 to the release (IPMC binding) Nick - To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@

Re: [VOTE] RAT Ready To Graduate As Apache Creadur Top Level Project

2012-02-26 Thread Nick Burch
On Sun, 26 Feb 2012, Robert Burrell Donkin wrote: The graduation guide[1] recommends that the Rat community demonstrates it's willingness to govern itself through a free VOTE before asking the IPMC to approve graduation. So, here it is :-) +1, good luck! Nick

Re: Incubator Wiki write access

2012-05-02 Thread Nick Burch
On Wed, 2 May 2012, Marvin Humphrey wrote: I went to go take care of this so Jukka wouldn't have to, but I don't have write access yet myself. :) Can someone please add me? Wiki user: MarvinHumphrey I've added you to the admin group[1], so you can add others to the Contributors group[2] goi

Re: Incubator Wiki write access

2012-05-02 Thread Nick Burch
On Wed, 2 May 2012, Raymond Feng wrote: I need write access too to copy and sign off the Amber report. RaymondFeng Should be granted now Nick - To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@incubator.apache.or

Re: Request for permissions to edit Blur Proposal

2012-07-13 Thread Nick Burch
On Fri, 13 Jul 2012, Aaron McCurry wrote: I am requesting permission to be able to edit the wiki page, so that I may respond to comments made on the proposal. Karma granted. Please remember though that the mailing list is often better than the wiki

Possible software grant for POI

2008-09-24 Thread Nick Burch
Hi All With my POI PMC chair hat on, I've been speaking to the company behind the OpenXML4J[1] library. Within POI, we use OpenXML4J for the fiddly bits in dealing with ooxml files. The company behind OpenXML4J would like OpenXML4J to become part of POI. Having spoken with Robert Burrell Don


2008-11-12 Thread Nick Burch
Hi All As per the IP Clearance template, POI has received a software grant for OpenXML4J, and we'd like to get the OK for this. The template in svn is filled out as openxml4j.xml, and the source bundle is available from . An appropriate software


2008-11-17 Thread Nick Burch
On Tue, 11 Nov 2008, Nick Burch wrote: As per the IP Clearance template, POI has received a software grant for OpenXML4J, and we'd like to get the OK for this. Lazy consensus 72 hours would appear to run to 18:00 GMT on Friday 14th. The last consensus 72 hours passed without commen


2008-11-19 Thread Nick Burch
On Mon, 17 Nov 2008, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote: Could you please add this when you do the final update of the ip-clearance/openxml4j.html page? OK, I've added in the md5 to the document, along with links to this thread etc And maybe move the code archive to a JIRA issue so that it stays ava

IP clearance template - tweak sanity check

2015-08-22 Thread Nick Burch
Hi All I hit a snag when trying to fill out the IP clearance template, in the "Identify name recorded for software grant" section, as it used to only refer to grants.txt. Based on advice from Craig wearing his secretary hat, I've updated that to handle grants given as part of a CCLA, as well a

IP clearance template - tweak sanity check

2015-08-22 Thread Nick Burch
Hi All I hit a snag when trying to fill out the IP clearance template, in the "Identify name recorded for software grant" section, as it used to only refer to grants.txt. Based on advice from Craig wearing his secretary hat, I've updated that to handle grants given as part of a CCLA, as well a

Re: IP clearance template - tweak sanity check

2015-08-26 Thread Nick Burch
On Sat, 22 Aug 2015, Craig L Russell wrote: Nice work. Just one comment, typo “form” should be “for”. Original: If recorded in the cclas.txt document, use the company name (field 2 without submitter name) and the form name (field 4, without any people's names). Proposed: If recorded in the ccl


2015-09-15 Thread Nick Burch
Hi All We think we've now done everything for the IP Clearance of the Visio XDGF contribution to Apache POI. The completed template can be found at: Please do let us know if we've missed anything / done anything wrong! Otherwise, we'll s

Re: Wiki Access for project proposal

2015-09-15 Thread Nick Burch
On Tue, 15 Sep 2015, Kris Popat wrote: Can someone give me write access to the wiki so I can put up the ORDs project proposal. I’ve registered an account and my username is krispopat Karma granted Also, assuming you're based in Oxford too, while I don't have the cycles to help mentor ORDS a

Re: Request for write access to Incubator Wiki

2015-11-05 Thread Nick Burch
On Wed, 4 Nov 2015, aditi hilbert wrote: I would like to be granted write access to the Apache Wiki for the Apache Incubator. I shall be posting the status report content on behalf of the new Mynewt project. My username is ‘aditihilbert' Karma granted, good luck with the report! Nick -

Re: Wiki account activation

2015-12-03 Thread Nick Burch
On Thu, 3 Dec 2015, Tony Faustini wrote: Hi, would it be possible to activate my account so I can populate the incubator Wiki with the proposal I sent to this mailing list yesterday? Karma granted, good luck! Nick - To unsubs

Re: Edit Access For Wiki

2015-12-07 Thread Nick Burch
On Tue, 8 Dec 2015, Gaurav Shukla wrote: I would like to request edit access for concerted wiki. My username is GauravShukla Karma granted, enjoy! Nick - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For ad

Re: Request wiki access

2016-02-21 Thread Nick Burch
On Sun, 21 Feb 2016, kellen sunderland wrote: Hello, I'd like to request wiki access. My username on the wiki is KellenSunderland. Karma granted, enjoy! Nick - To unsubscribe, e-mail:

Re: Need access to Incubator Wiki

2016-03-03 Thread Nick Burch
On Thu, 3 Mar 2016, Gino Bustelo wrote: I need access to be able to push Apache Toree updates. You'll need to tell us your Incubator wiki username if we're to be able to help! Nick - To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubsc

Re: Need access to Incubator Wiki

2016-03-03 Thread Nick Burch
On Thu, 3 Mar 2016, Gino Bustelo wrote: lbustelo Karma granted, enjoy editing! Nick - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: Need access to Incubator Wiki

2016-03-05 Thread Nick Burch
On Wed, 2 Mar 2016, Gino Bustelo wrote: I need access to be able to push Apache Toree updates. If you can let us know your username for the incubator wiki (register if you haven't already - it doesn't use your main apache credentials), then one of us can grant you the karma Nick --

Re: [DISCUSS] [PROPOSAL] Omid for Apache Incubator

2016-03-19 Thread Nick Burch
On Fri, 18 Mar 2016, Greg Trasuk wrote: I don’t think it’s the Incubator’s job to choose which competing projects should join the foundation. All we’re here to do is to make sure that a community knows how to act like an Apache community, and that the artifacts are licensed properly. This is

Re: Please add me to the incubator's contributors group

2016-03-19 Thread Nick Burch
On Wed, 16 Mar 2016, Siddharth Anand wrote: Siddharth Anand If you can tell us what username you signed up to the incubator wiki with, then one of us can do so for you Nick - To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@incu

Re: The Apache Way incubator page

2016-03-22 Thread Nick Burch
On Tue, 22 Mar 2016, Christopher wrote: The page at needs to be updated to reflect the new location of the ComDev mailing lists. It is no longer (and, but is instead

Re: Need access to Incubator Wiki

2016-04-04 Thread Nick Burch
On Mon, 4 Apr 2016, Gino Bustelo wrote: I tried to log in with 'lbustelo'. I don't have a password so I asked it to be sent this morning. Still no mail. Normally the process is to create an account, setting your password at that time, then ask us to grant that new account wiki karma What hap

Re: Need access to Incubator Wiki

2016-04-04 Thread Nick Burch
On Mon, 4 Apr 2016, Gino Bustelo wrote: Ok... so then lets try it with user 'GinoBustelo' OK, GinoBustelo granted karma too! Nick - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-m

Re: wiki access

2016-04-04 Thread Nick Burch
On Mon, 4 Apr 2016, Matt Post wrote: I am a contributor to an Apache incubator project (Joshua) and have created a wiki account (MattPost). Can I please have write access to: Karma granted, good luck with your report this month! Nick -

Re: Request to grant write access on Incubator Wiki to aditihilbert

2016-04-05 Thread Nick Burch
On Tue, 5 Apr 2016, aditi hilbert wrote: Please grant me write access by adding my account to the ContributorsGroup. My Incubator wiki username is aditihilbert. Karma granted, enjoy! Nick - To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-uns

Re: Request to grant write access on Incubator Wiki to aditihilbert

2016-04-06 Thread Nick Burch
On Wed, 6 Apr 2016, Sean Zhong wrote: Can you also grant mine? My wiki id is: seanzhong, and the project is Apache Gearpump. Done! Nick - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional comman

Re: wiki access

2016-04-06 Thread Nick Burch
On Wed, 6 Apr 2016, William Marshall wrote: I am a committer to the incubating Apache Quarks. Can I please have write access to ? You'll need to let us know your wiki username first! Note that the incubator wiki doesn't use the main Apache LDAP syste

Re: wiki access

2016-04-06 Thread Nick Burch
On Thu, 7 Apr 2016, Masatake Iwasaki wrote: I am a committer of Apache HTrace (incubating). I would like a permission to edit wiki to update board report. ( My user name in the wiki is MasatakeIwasaki. Karma granted! Nick --

Re: Request for Incubator Wiki Access

2016-04-19 Thread Nick Burch
On Tue, 19 Apr 2016, Christopher wrote: Can I get edit access to the Wiki? Username: ChristopherTubbs Karma granted, enjoy editing! Nick - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional comma

Re: Editing ACEU16PodlingSharkTank

2016-04-26 Thread Nick Burch
On Tue, 26 Apr 2016, Jean-Baptiste Onofré wrote: I would like to update: However, the page looks "immutable". I've temporarily changed the permissions on that one page, so anyone can edit. We can leave it like that until the event, or u

Re: Shark Tank Wiki

2016-04-26 Thread Nick Burch
On Tue, 26 Apr 2016, Steve Blackmon wrote: I (Apache/wiki id ’SteveBlackmon') would like to present podling Streams during Would someone please grant me edit access That page should temporarily be world-writable, so just go ahead and ed

Re: Request edit access to Incubator Wiki

2016-05-10 Thread Nick Burch
On Tue, 10 May 2016, Sijie Guo wrote: I'd like to request edit access to Incubator Wiki for my account 'sijieg' - so I could create a incubator proposal. Could anyone help me? Karma granted, enjoy! Nick - To unsubscribe, e-ma

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