On Sun, 27 Apr 2014, Roman Shaposhnik wrote:
That's actually a great point. The way I look at it is this: there's nothing wrong with an alternative healthy community, but it has to be healthy. So I guess what I'm really saying is this: it may behove us to double click into the health of community for these types of overlapping projects when it is time for them to graduate.

One thing I'd also say - for new potential community members, there ought not to be confusion. I don't personally see a problem with us having multiple projects in one space, as long as we can explain to new community members which one they should pick for their needs. "We have two Java libraries for Fooing a Bar" isn't great. "If you need to Foo a Bar, we've Apache CoffeeBar in Java, or Apache SnakeBar in Python" does help people pick. "If you need to Foo your Bar, we've Apache SnapBar for low latency Fooing, or Apache BigSuperBar for highly scalable and fault tolerant batching Fooing" is good too. In both cases, there's a clear distinction for new people to work out which is right for them, so they can join the right community, or even go elsewhere if they need to.

However, I worry if there are two related projects who disagree on personality rather than technology or architecture...


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