The ASP.NET project has brought up an interesting question for me.
what happens if a ASF sponsored project (lets take jakarta for example)
is the subject of a patent dispute say 2-3 years from inception.
and lets say that the patent is valid, enforcable, and the patent holder
decides he wants t
Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
--On September 2, 2005 3:44:46 PM -0600 Peter Saint-Andre
If you are looking for an ASF mentor, I would be willing to help. My
hunch is that you'd be aiming for top-level status as I don't see any
obvious synergies with existing projects.
put me down as a volunteer as well.
Original Message
Subject: Re: AJAX Toolkit Framework Proposal
Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2005 09:08:04 -0500
From: Sam Ruby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: Holsman.NET
Newsgroups: server.apache.incubator
Ted Leung wrote:
On Dec 21, 2005, at 8:22 AM, Noel J. Bergman wrote:
I think that the incubation process is setting an incredibly
low bar for access to the Apache brand name
And we require disclaimers and clear notice that projects ARE in the
Incubator. Look at how the folks are complai
I'd be interested in participating in this as well.
(Disclosure: I am currently employed by CNET, just in a completely
different area)
Yonik Seeley wrote:
Hello Incubator PMC folks,
I would like to propose a new Apache project named Solr.
The pro
Doug Cutting wrote:
Ian Holsman wrote:
I'd be interested in participating in this as well.
(Disclosure: I am currently employed by CNET, just in a completely
different area)
Great! Would you like to be a mentor and/or an initial committer?
stick me on as a mentor.
t; [ ] 0 abstain
>>>>>> [ ] -1 disapprove, for the following reasons:
>>>>>> The [DISCUSS] for this vote was enthusiastically in favor. There were
>>>>>> no concerns expressed other than issues
the need for the assumption.
Ian Holsman
PH: +61-400-988-964 Skype:iholsman
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What about DaNil? Or DaLin?
Sent from my iPhone
On 18/11/2012, at 9:12 AM, Sebastian Schaffert
> Dear all,
> first of all, thanks for the feedback so far...
> Am 17.11.2012 um 20:08 schrieb Andy Seaborne:
>> You're right changing the name can be done later but the name tends
If you need a mentor from Hadoop, you can add me, and when/if Dhruba becomes
a IPMC member he can take my place.
On Sun, Dec 19, 2010 at 10:28 AM, Mark Struberg wrote:
> +1
> looks good so far
> Maybe you should try getting additional Mentors from Hadoop or Hbase.
> Dhruba Borthakur is cu
+1 (binding)
On Sat, Jun 18, 2011 at 9:23 PM, Robert Burrell Donkin <> wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 6:15 PM, Tom White wrote:
> > Please cast your votes:
> >
> > [X] +1 Accept Bigtop for incubation
> > [ ] +0 Indifferent to Bigtop incubation
> > [ ] -1 Reject
+1 (Binding) as well... looks interesting
On Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 9:52 AM, Bernd Fondermann <> wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 06:56, Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
> wrote:
> > +1 (binding).
> >
> > G'luck guys!
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Chris
> >
> > On Aug 25, 2011, at 1:
SVN Tag:
Project home:
Incubation status:
Eric Evans
Ian Holsman
this something that can still be done or would it
require another release?
Eric Evans
Ian Holsman
To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional
me to release. Happy to reconsider if anyone can find an
actual link to some evidence of specific policy that says how this
release is done is not ok.
Ian Holsman
To unsubscribe, e-mail: gener
+1 from me (IPMC & mentor of cassandra)
On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 4:49 AM, Jonas Bonér wrote:
> Finally. +10. Good job guys.
> 2009/9/21 Eric Evans :
> >
> > The Cassandra community voted on and approved the release of Apache
> > Cassandra 0.4.0. We would now like to request the approval of the
ors list would
> be appreciated.
> The vote will remain open for 72 hours (or longer if needed).
> Regards,
> --
> Eric Evans
Ian Holsman
+1 and I'd love to volunteer to be a mentor.
On 1/5/10 6:46 AM, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
Hi general@,
On behalf of the OODT community, I'd like to bring the following
proposal for discussion within the Incubator. I've talked with Chris
and Dave about bringing this project to Apache since May o
emain open for 72 hours (or longer if needed).
> Regards,
> [1]
> --
> Eric Evans
Ian Holsman
I'll echo Ant's & Matthieu's +1
they are ready.
On 1/19/10 8:00 PM, ant elder wrote:
I echo Matthieu's comments about Cassandra being ready to graduate,
I'll vote +1 for it in a vote. Not sure if that PMC list is actually
the complete list as I thought there was talk of adding others, i'll
ask a
On 1/19/10 7:17 AM, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
Per the previous proposal that was sent to gene...@incubator, I'd like
to now call a vote for accepting OODT into the Incubator.
[x] +1 - Accept OODT into the Incubator
To un
Please cast your vote:
[X] +1 to recommend Cassandra's graduation
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LGPL libraries and there was a
difficult time finding any SIS library that was useful, and also ASL
licensed. From these conversations, Patrick and Chris approached Ian
Holsman, and asked for his support in championing this proposal and helping
to get this effort started. From there, we all agreed th
me finding any SIS library that was useful, and also ASL
licensed. From these conversations, Patrick and Chris approached Ian
Holsman, and asked for his support in championing this proposal and helping
to get this effort started. From there, we all agreed that the general
community at large would b
Hi Noel.
I think I'm supposed to be on the list, but I didn't see the note.
On 2/15/10 11:16 AM, Noel J. Bergman wrote:
I have sent an e-mail directly to everyone who is officially on the
Incubator PMC. If you did NOT receive that e-mail, and believe that you
should be on the PMC, please notify
Chris are comitters in the lucene/hadoop projects.
[] +1. Accept SIS into the Incubator.
[] 0. Don't care.
[] -1. Do not accept (and why.)
Ian Holsman Champion of the SIS.
-- Wiki Text Copied Below -
Chris is a member so he can also be a mentor I believe. Patrick has also
been around Apache for a while so that should help as well.
On 2/17/10 8:25 AM, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 1:26 PM, Niall Pemberton
Is one mentor/champion enough?
Ah - missed tha
we now have 3 mentors.
should we call a re-vote? or just leave this one running, seeing how
no-one '-1'd us so far.
On 2/17/10 11:10 AM, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 5:03 PM, Greg Reddin wrote:
On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 7:25 AM, Bertrand Delacretaz
- (8) binding
Ian Holsman,
Niclas Hedman,
Bertrand Delacretaz,
Niklas Gustavsson,
Sylvain Wallez,
Bill Stoddard,
Niall Pemberton,
Kevan Miller
+1 - (4) non binding
Chriss Mattmann
Patrick O'leary
Shalin Mangar
Francis De Brabandere
On 2/22/10 9:24 AM, Marshall Schor wrote:
Please cast your vote:
[x] +1 to recommend UIMA's graduation
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On 2/22/10 12:26 PM, Greg Reddin wrote:
I thought I had the needed karma to update the site for the SIS
podling, but apparently I don't. I checked in the changes. Could
someone do the update for me (or tell me what I did wrong)?
looks like it is fixed up now.
Thanks Greg.
> [X] +1 Release the packages as Apache OODT 0.1-incubating
> [ ] -1 Do not release the packages because...
> gratz.
Hi Ben.
the solution here is to recruit more active participants into the IPMC.
On Apr 27, 2012, at 8:30 AM, Benjamin Hindman wrote:
> After leaving this vote open for an entire week we still don't have enough
> IPMC votes.
> At this point in time, I'm not exactly sure what to do next. The c
It looks like fun.
Doug Cutting wrote:
Please vote on accepting Tashi into the Incubator.
Tashi's proposal is at:
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don't take this the wrong way, but what is wrong with XMPP and jabber
for this kind of thing? wouldn't it make more sense to just extend that?
Darren Hague wrote:
I would like to propose ESME as a project for the Apache Incubator.
Enterprise Social Messaging Experiment (ESME) is a secu
Cassandra is a distributed p2p storage engine, very similar to 'hbase',
but with several other qualities that make it better suited to use in a
web-frontend type work.
I'd like to propose a fork of the cassandra project. Since it was
initially released by FaceBook, It hasn't really grown
Mr. Ian Holsman
So let me get this straight you want to hijack the project from the
original developers ,
so that you can run it at a larger scale in YOUR company ??
In a nutshell yes.
The original developers have not been present on the list for at least a
Ian Holsman wrote:
Mr. Ian Holsman
So let me get this straight you want to hijack the project from the
original developers ,
so that you can run it at a larger scale in YOUR company ??
In a nutshell yes.
The original developers have not been present on the list
retaz wrote:
Hi Ian,
On Sun, Nov 16, 2008 at 2:40 AM, Ian Holsman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Mr. Ian Holsman...
Could you give us some context as to why you're forwarding this to the
-Bertrand (just
Torsten Curdt wrote:
There seem to be good reasons for attempting a fork of the project.
However, my gut feeling says that this is a very political thing and
should better be started on neutral ground (from an Apache perspective).
Apache is a home for voluntary contributions. If Facebook is the
Darren Hague wrote:
Having proposed ESME for inclusion in the Apache Incubator two weeks
ago (, comments have now
died down.
The feedback we have had has been constructive and positive, we have a
Champion in J. Aaron Farr, and five mentors have si
The latest news on this is that the original developers of Cassandra
have chosen to incubate this directly, which I think is great news.
Paul Querna wrote:
Roland Weber wrote:
Hello Ian,
I'd like to propose a fork of the cassandra project. Since it was
initially released by FaceBook, It hasn
Hi Guys.
my 2c's
you need to put the employer names of the initial commiters.
The reliance on salaried employee's is misleading, as Facebook employs the
majority of the core developers, and at one stage they were dedicated to
maintaining this.
Another risk I would put down is lack of experienc
I guess once these things are addressed we could look further into it, and
you could start looking for a project sponsor ( perhaps?) and
some more mentors.
On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 3:08 AM, Otis Gospodnetic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:
> Hello,
> The "distributed storage system for ma
Dec 6, 2008 at 3:18 PM, Matthieu Riou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 2:28 PM, Ian Holsman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I guess once these things are addressed we could look further into it,
> and
> > you could start looking for a project
As the FB guys seem to be a bit busy, I'll take a stab at answering this.
Firstly cassandra uses a gossip protocol for dynamic addition (and removal)
of servers from the pool. when you bring up a new node you simply configure
a set of seeds for it to initially communicate to and your away.
It is
It's been ~10 days since the cassandra proposal was put up. are people
comfortable enough with this to put it to a vote?
I have some personal opinions, but I'll keep them to myself.
On Sun, Dec 7, 2008 at 7:50 AM, Ian Holsman wrote:
> As the FB guys seem to be a bit busy, I'
I'll be a mentor. do we need 2 or 3?
On Sat, Dec 13, 2008 at 9:03 AM, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 10:16 PM, Ian Holsman wrote:
> > It's been ~10 days since the cassandra proposal was put up. are people
> > comfortable enough with this to pu
ok.. so we have 4 mentors..time for a vote.. Avinash.. do u want to do
the honors?
Noel J. Bergman wrote:
Torsten Curdt wrote:
The Champion can be expected to be a Mentor (see below, though).
No extra uber anything. No greater (or lessor) of equals.
As I advised you a week before.
The next step in the process is to set up a vote.
I'll send out the email.
Avinash Lakshman wrote:
Hi Folks
Please consider our proposal to move the Cassandra project into the Incubation
process - Pleas
== Issue Tracking ==
* JIRA Cassandra
= Sponsors =
== Champion ==
* Brian McCallister
== Mentors ==
* Torsten Curdt
* Brian McCallister
* Matthieu Riou
* Ian Holsman
== Sponsoring Entity ==
* Incubator
Martijn Dashorst wrote:
On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 11:01 PM, Ian Holsman wrote:
* Cassandra is already deployed within Facebook and many other organizations
are actively moving to deploy this in production. Original developers
are and will actively stay involved and hence there is no realistic
Matthieu Riou wrote:
On Wed, Dec 24, 2008 at 2:54 AM, Niclas Hedhman wrote:
On Wed, Dec 24, 2008 at 6:01 AM, Ian Holsman wrote:
There has been some discussion around the Cassandra proposal,
and we would now like to officially propose Cassandra to the Incubator
for consideration
Ian, since you are the one driving this... would you mind working with
the project team on improving the proposal? ...and then consider a
at the moment we have 4 '+1's (including mine) and one -1, and another
~45 hours to go.
We have had the project in 'discussion' for about a mo
After 5 days, the following is the vote summary of the binding votes
(apologies if I missed your vote in advance).
+1: (5) Brian, Ian, Otis, Dims, Emmanuel
+0: (2) Bertrand, Torsten
-1: (1) Niclas
?: Jason, Martijn, Matthieu (commented but no vote)
The only concern on the voting process was th
ee with Martjin's
concerns, but do not consider this a bar to entering incubation. The
*reason* Cassandra wants to enter incubation is to address these
On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 2:01 PM, Ian Holsman wrote:
Dear Incubator PMC,
There has been some discussion
Niclas Hedhman wrote:
On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 9:48 AM, Ian Holsman wrote:
getting non-FB contributors to contribute.
Isn't this an oxymoron?
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what about OPPENHEIMER ?...
On 23/05/2006, at 10:16 PM, robert burrell donkin wrote:
On 5/23/06, David N. Welton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
James M Snell wrote:
> Not good:
> Garrett Rooney wrote:
I haven't read your bileblog, but this email really shows a bad
I personally don't care how good your code is. in my past experience
your code isn't worth the pain the attitude is going to cause.
Technical merit is only aspect of apache, it's about the community.
and fla
able and
interoperable messaging solution (you forgot enterprise class) why is
it creating a new one, and not using JMS ?
Ian Holsman
[EMAIL PROTECTED] discussion on the economy and economics in
On 19/07/2006, at 1:41 PM, Noel J. Bergman wrote:
Ian Holsman wrote:
isn't Active MQ an alternative to Blaze/AMQP ?
If this project was accepted would Apache have *2* different
messaging servers?
Ant and Maven? Axis2 and XFire? GUMP and Maven Continuum?
I don't see this as a
before it is even started.
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Ian Holsman
[EMAIL PROTECTED] discussion on the economy and ec
On 7/19/06, Ian Holsman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
are you referring to mentors as well?
Personally, yes, I feel this should apply to mentors as well. While
there are cases where a mentor needs commit access for some sort of
procedural issues (maintaining STATUS files, helpin
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ian Holsman
[EMAIL PROTECTED] it's about the medicine
On 15/08/2006, at 4:16 PM, Danny Angus wrote:
On 15/08/06, Ian Holsman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I don't think we (the ASF) need to support the weakest link of the
chain either. if a member
can't access a project due to limitations of corporate policy or
timezone, we should
On 15/08/2006, at 7:02 PM, Danny Angus wrote:
On 15/08/06, Ian Holsman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Obvioulsy we aren't going to agree about this, which is fine, but I'd
still like to pick up on a couple of points that you raised;
we are talking about stopping people usi
guidance the community can
None yet.. this is just an idea
Core Developers:
Ian Holsman. ASF Member
The initial code is planed to be implemented in C and python, but I
am inpartial. I'm OK with java as well.
0.2 Warning signs
Orphaned products
separately manage,
and for sites which would have lots of little feeds. than a single
blogger with a single feed..
I think feedburner is great for that.
On 8/23/06, Ian Holsman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Fluoride, a Feed Server Proposal
0. Rationale
a RSS/Atom feed by defa
It could also be used as a RSS cache without any of the post-processing.
for example, when your software has to do 100+ queries to generate
your RSS feed for every request.
Ian Holsman
guidance the community can
None yet.. this is just an idea
Core Developers:
Ian Holsman. ASF Member
The initial code is planed to be implemented in C and python, but I
am inpartial. I'm OK with java as well.
0.2 Warning signs
Orphaned products
guidance the community can
None yet.. this is just an idea
Core Developers:
Ian Holsman. ASF Member
The initial code is planed to be implemented in C and python, but I
am inpartial. I'm OK with java as well.
0.2 Warning signs
Orphaned products
this is a dupe.
I sent it from my address initially which wasn't subscribed.
I did forget to mention the wiki page:
in the original too.
On 24/08/2006, at 6:59 AM, Ian Holsman wrote:
Fluoride, a Feed Server Proposal
0. Rati
t confused.. who exactly would use this? (a company name
would be great here
if there is one) and an example of what would be traded.. (are you
talking something like DRM here?)
Is this software to trade property rights? or to buy futures on a
income stream on a piece of information?
name and a phone number. You'll use a UIMA component that knows
that a pattern 123-456-7890 is a phone number and will create a
phone number entity.
I hope this gives you a better idea what UIMA is about.
bandwidth, so I'll probably just lurk on the mailing lists if/when
they're created.
Same here. I'm a very enthousiastic +0 just on the basis that its
not java
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it make more sense to implement this in Java?
I don't think it would have that much in common with GData. but I'll
take a look again
- Original Message
From: Ian Holsman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, Sep
[ ] +1 Accept UIMA as an Incubator podling
[ ] 0 Don't care
[ ] -1 Reject this proposal for the following reason:
Ian Holsman
[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- what do parents know?
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project (other projects that develop
components could become subprojects, for instance).
== Champions: ==
== Mentors: ==
* Sam Ruby
* Ken Coar
* Ian Holsman
On 19/09/2006, at 7:38 AM, Otis Gospodnetic wrote:
Damn, and I was going to give it +1.
UIMA folks answered questions about what i
The only mistake here is the initial proposal might have assumed that
people had a understanding
of the topic area.
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For additional
* Edward Epstein ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
* Thilo Goetz ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
* Adam Lally ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
* Marshall Schor ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
=== Sponsor ===
We are requesting the Incubator to sponsor this. Our current vision
is that it will become a top level project (other projects
the Mentors, nominated by the Sponsor, who will guide the Candidate
through the Incubation Process:
- Sam Ruby
- Ken Coar
- Ian Holsman
At least one nominated Mentor MUST be a member of the Apache Software
Foundation: (met)
Incubator PMC please ACK.
Ian Holsman
On 03/10/2006, at 7:32 PM, Mads Toftum wrote:
On Tue, Oct 03, 2006 at 12:09:24PM +1000, Ian Holsman wrote:
I hope I get this part of process correct.
a reference to the results of the vote (so as to provide an audit
trail for the records)
Vote Tally:
3 binding votes (all +1)
5 non binding
and Ken's makes 5 binding votes.
On 03/10/2006, at 10:18 PM, Erik Hatcher wrote:
I didn't specify as such with my vote, but I believe my +1 was
binding as well.
On Oct 3, 2006, at 7:19 AM, Ian Holsman wrote:
On 03/10/2006, at 7:32 PM, Mads Toftum wrote:
+1 from me as well.
I think it would be a great addition for the hadoop
Jeff Eastman wrote:
+1 The Hama team asked me to be their champion and I think this
project is a fine candidate for incubation. It has a working
implementation that fills an important niche between Hbase and Mahout
and wil
Otis Gospodnetic wrote:
+1 for the idea, but you don't have Apache Members there (neither Ian nor Jeff
are ASF members, as far as I know).
Hey Otis.
I'm a member. I just don't act like one ;-)
Sematext -- -- Lucene - Solr - Nutch
Ian Holsman commented on INCUBATOR-76:
check in a couple of minutes
Reporter: Ian Holsman
$ rpm -qf $(which md5sum)
$ md5sum locallucene.tgz
e470f7dfd963994eebb6c5002f810549 locallucene.tgz
This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
You can reply to this email to add a comment to the issue online
Ian Holsman updated INCUBATOR-77:
Attachment: locallucene.tgz.asc
code is 11M and is located on
Ian Holsman commented on INCUBATOR-77:
md5 is
$ md5sum locallucene
Ian Holsman commented on INCUBATOR-77:
create a status page for UIMA
Project: Incubator
Issue Type: Task
Components: site
Reporter: Ian Holsman
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