Re: [VOTE] Approve release Apache UIMA 2.2.2-incubating

2008-04-11 Thread Adam Lally
On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 9:10 AM, sebb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On 11/04/2008, Michael Baessler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > sebb wrote: > > > Problem building uimaj: > > > > > > 1) javax.activation:activation:jar:1.0.2 > > > > > Unfortunately only the POM and metadata are present in

Re: [VOTE] Approve release Apache UIMA 2.2.2-incubating

2008-04-23 Thread Adam Lally
On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 7:24 AM, Marshall Schor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Thilo Goetz wrote: > > > 3) IMO its better if the jars include the version number - which they > > > do for the maven repo, but not the ones in the binary distro > > > > > > > I personally agree with you, but we had a long

New Name for UIMA Podling?

2006-10-16 Thread Adam Lally
Hi everyone, First a quick introduction: I am one of the original UIMA developers and am listed as an initial committer on our proposal. We've been trying to think up a more fun, non-acronym name for UIMA that fits in better with the spirit of the ASF. It probably makes sense to do this no

Re: New Name for UIMA Podling?

2006-10-20 Thread Adam Lally
OK, it appears that my suggestion to rename was misguided. I am happy to keep the UIMA name as well. -Adam Otis Gospodnetic wrote: +1 for UIMA, even if some other ones are cute. Keeping UIMA makes it easy (for me) to pull just relevant pages from Google, Technorati, Simpy, etc. instead of al

[VOTE] Approve the Release of Apache UIMA 2.1.0-incubating

2007-02-24 Thread Adam Lally
The Apache UIMA community has voted to release version 2.1.0-incubating. We would now like to ask the Incubator PMC to approve this release. Release artifacts: The release was signed by Thilo Goetz, our release manager. His public key is

Re: [VOTE] Approve the Release of Apache UIMA 2.1.0-incubating

2007-02-27 Thread Adam Lally
On 2/25/07, Daniel Kulp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: A quick look through this looks OK to me for the src and bin distributions. HOWEVER, I notice you are using Maven for builds. Is UIMA planning on releasing the 2.1.0-incubating artifacts to the maven repository so other maven based projects c

Re: [VOTE] Approve the Release of Apache UIMA 2.1.0-incubating

2007-03-05 Thread Adam Lally
On 2/25/07, Daniel Kulp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: A quick look reveals: 1) The jars don't have the incubator disclaimer in them. (this is the critical one) 2) The for jVinci doesn't have "Apache UIMA" in it. 3) The poms don't have a licenses section 4) The tag doesn't have a url to apache.o

Re: March Board reports due

2007-03-07 Thread Adam Lally
On 3/6/07, Yoav Shapira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hola podlings, This month's ASF Board reports should be written up on the wiki at, like, now ;) OpenEJB, kudos for being ahead of the game ;) ActiveMQ, Trinidad, ODE, NMaven, River, UIMA, Wicket, plea

[VOTE][Retry] Approve the release of Apache UIMA 2.1.0-incubating

2007-03-08 Thread Adam Lally
After correcting some issues in our last release candidate (thanks to Jean Anderson for finding these), the Apache UIMA community has again voted to release version 2.1.0-incubating. We would now like to ask the Incubator PMC to approve this release. The issues that were corrected since the last

[RESULT] [VOTE][Retry] Approve the release of Apache UIMA 2.1.0-incubating

2007-03-14 Thread Adam Lally
The Apache UIMA 2.1.0-incubating release vote is now closed. Here is the summary: +1 Votes - Jean Anderson (binding) Ken Coar (binding) Sam Ruby (binding) Thilo Goetz 0 Votes: None -1 Votes: None My understanding is that this vote has passed and we can proceed with announcing our

Re: Incentive for Graduation

2007-03-19 Thread Adam Lally
On 3/18/07, Guillaume Nodet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: So the problem is when a single company provides resources for a given project. In such a case, other committers usually come from the user community and this takes time. I think that one of the goal of the podling should be to build a user

Re: Inter-release minor fixes?

2007-03-31 Thread Adam Lally
On 3/29/07, Davanum Srinivas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Please let us know. I'll keep a watch out for speeding up the review and voting. thanks, dims On 3/29/07, Noel J. Bergman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Ken, > > > The UIMA podling has a fairly serious problem that was inadvertently > > intr