On 3/29/07, Davanum Srinivas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Please let us know. I'll keep a watch out for speeding up the review and voting.


On 3/29/07, Noel J. Bergman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ken,
> > The UIMA podling has a fairly serious problem that was inadvertently
> > introduced as part of the move to Apache, and was discovered by
> > the users after the recent release.  The fix is to update a few
> > files in a JAR; i.e., provide a replacement JAR.
> Sounds fine, but ...
> > I don't recall seeing this sort of thing coming up before (though
> > it probably has)
> I'm sure that it has, e.g., for security fixes in other projects.  But
> AFAIK, we still have to vote on release artifacts, and that's what this
> would be.  And, yes, I do understand the sense of urgency.
> Can you tell us in brief the nature of the problem and fix, and we can
> quickly do the +1 for the replacement JAR?  That's what would happen in any
> other PMC.  You said that you'd be doing the replacement on Sunday or
> Monday, today is Thursday, so we should have the time to do this right and
> expeditiously.

Unfortunately it looks like we don't quite have the fix ready yet and
this is going to slip into next week.  We'll let you know when we're

It is actually an eclipse plugin that we need to re-release.  So it
will be a zip file containing one jar plus some manifest files.  We'll
give the zip file a new version number as you suggest, and tag the
source in SVN.

Marshall Schor did the work on this so he can clarify the nature of
the problem and fix.

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