Hi everyone,
First a quick introduction: I am one of the original UIMA developers
and am listed as an initial committer on our proposal.
We've been trying to think up a more fun, non-acronym name for UIMA that
fits in better with the spirit of the ASF. It probably makes sense to
do this now, rather than after mailing lists, websites, source code
repositories etc. have been set up under the "uima" name. I wanted to
share some of our thoughts with the community. These ideas are listed
roughly in order of the amount of support they've gotten among the
current UIMA developers.
1) Apache Honu
"Honu" is the Hawaiian name for the green sea turtle native to the
Hawaiian islands. Here is a picture:
Possible catchphrases:
"Robust yet agile." (Honu are agile swimmers.)
"Tired of wading in a sea of unstructured information? Why not
swim?" (or "Drowning in a sea of unstructured information? ...")
I think we could make a good logo out of a petroglyph-style Honu image
like this one: http://www.volcanogallery.com/images_ic/Honu.gif. (There
are many examples of this style of image so I'm sure we can come up with
something that's not copyrighted.)
Other reasons the current UIMA community might like this:
HONU = Honu was Originally Named UIMA. (I know, it's not supposed
to be an acronym. We don't have to publicize this. :)
2) Apache Maui
"Maui" is an anagram of UIMA, and generates good visual imagery. I'm
sure we could come up with a nice tropical-themed logo. However a
possible negative for this name is that it might be hard to get a high
Google ranking. (Note Honu are found on Maui, which is how we
originally came up with the "Honu" name.)
3) Apache Semanatee
Semanatee = "Semantics" + "Manatee". For a logo we could have a cartoon
manatee posed like Rodin's Thinker statue (with the implication that the
manatee was pondering the meaning of something). Since this is a made
up word achieving a high Google ranking should be easy.
4) Apache Dolphin
A smart, agile, friendly animal. Also can be found on Maui.
5) Apache Tepee
"Home of the Unstructured Information"
Other names that came up in brainstorming:
Pineapple, Coconut (again with the Maui theme)
Socrates, Aristotle (because they contemplate the meaning of stuff,
and UIMA is about determining meaning from information)
Sherlock, Poirot (because they uncover facts)
Feel free to state a preference for one of these or suggest something
completely different.
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