The projects/project.cwiki file in the incubator CVS is what is also
called the project STATUS file WRT incubation.
Explanation: usually projects keep a file called STATUS in the main CVS
module dir, to keep track of things.
The incubation items, instead, are not to be put there but in the
jUDDI Status Report
* is the STATUS file up to date? (also post link)
jUDDI's status file (cwiki) is up-to-date though
the site still needed to be rebuilt for the latest
changes to be seen.
* any legal, cross-project or persona
Status report for the Incubator
* is the STATUS file up to date? (also post link)
The cwiki file on the incubator site is more or less up to date.
* any legal, cross-project or personal issues
that still need to be addressed?
There is a effo