Status report for the Incubator

* is the STATUS file up to date? (also post link)

The cwiki file on the incubator site is more or less up to date.

* any legal, cross-project or personal issues
 that still need to be addressed?

There is a effort under way to create a portals super project that would have the WSRP4J project as a sub project. This is a desireable thing for the WSRP4J project since it would give us focus as a portal-related technology.

* what has been done for incubation since the last report?

This is the first report. However, since we started we have:
1. Imported all the code into CVS.
2. Granted committer rights to initial committers.
3. Established mailing lists.
4. Created Bugzilla components, although no bugs have been reported yet using Bugzilla.
5. Created a website using Forrest.
6. Create a TODO wiki to encourage collaboration on features and enhancements.
7. Joined the Gump nightly build process.
8. Voted to join
9. Voted to substitute JIRA for Bugzilla

* plans and expectations for the next period?

1. Continue development work on outstanding WSRP 1.0 items (see TODO wiki:
2. Continue to build the community by encouraging developers to contribute code. We are building a user population, but few outside developers have made code contributions.

* any recommendations for how incubation could run more smoothly for you?

I'm confused on the difference between a STATUS file and the cwiki page on the Incubator website. Do I need both?

* etc (your own thoughts on what is important would be helpful!)

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