Hi all,
Am receiving the below error, I haven't used this scan before but have
never had issues with .dcm. Sorry I'm not sure what sort of scanner they
are from. Any help would be appreciated.
urfer support list
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed
Hi Will
can you take the same images with freeview and send them along? Also:
tell us a bit about your images. What format did they start in? Were they
On Mon, 25 Jan 2016, will b
Hi all,
In the freesurfer pipeline, is cortical segmentation (and the subsequent
surface construction) based on the actual scans or on the scan in talairach
Will Brown
Freesurfer mailing list
Hi all,
I am a little unclear as to how to find the cortical grey matter volume in
the stats output files. The ?.aparc.stats file shows:
Measure Cortex, WhiteSurfArea, White Surface Total Area, , mm^2
What about grey?
Freesurfer m
On 8/26/14 8:43 PM, will brown wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am a little unclear as to how to find the cortical grey matter
> volume in the stats output files. The ?.aparc.stats file shows:
> Measure Cortex, WhiteSurfArea, White Surface Total Area, , mm^2
Hi all,
I messed up this question recently so just want to clarify and try again.
We want to know the cortical gray matter surface area of our subjects but
are unclear about how to get this info.
?.aparc.stats reports:
Measure Cortex, WhiteSurfArea, White Surface Total Area, , mm^2
How abou
You may call it
> whatever you'd like)
> Just remeber to leave the specified dirs when creating the tables. If you
> dont't I think they will be created in the current dir.
> I use FS 5.0.
> Is this what you want?
> Best,
> Andreia
On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 5:36 PM, will brown wrote:
> Thanks very much Andreia, yes this does look like what I want. I haven't
> had a chance to test it yet but it does indeed appear to answer my
> question. Thanks to those that have offered answers, to clarify, I did
> indeed mean
; hemisphere surface area.
> Someone from Freesurfer staff will correct me if I'm wrong. (Please) I'm
> Ccing Doug since he was replying to your previous emails.
> Let's wait for their feedback.
> Andreia
> Citando will brown :
Sure. We'd like to know how to find the surface area of the cortical grey
matter from the pial surface. So specifically, what is the surface area of
the pial/grey matter boundary of the cortex for each hemisphere?
We're using Freesurfer v5.3 on Centos 6.
Will Brown
On Fri, Se
ot; fields in the output stats/lh.aparc.pial.stats will
> be measures of the pial surface as will the SurfArea, MeanCurv, GausCurv,
> FoldInd, and CurvInd fields for each ROI (thickness and number of vertices
> will stay the same)
> doug
> On 09/11/2014 07:29 PM, will brown
Is Freesurfer compatible with CentOs 7?
Will Brown
Freesurfer mailing list
The information in this e-mail is intended only for the person to
Hi Zeke,
I have completed a recon on CentOS 7. As far as I can see, the output
matches the results from my previous recon of this subject using Freesurfer
on CentOs 6. Is there any particular log that you would like to see?
Freesurfer mailing l
nd stats.
Presumably series 1 is the T1 series? Should I use T2 also? if so which one
and how? Please excuse my ignorance.
Will Brown
Freesurfer mailing list
Hi all,
I have files that are 2D axial slices that are left-right inverted, so the
left side of the brain is on the right side of each slice. Do I need to do
anything to the dicoms before importing them into freesurfer?
Freesurfer maili
Hi there,
I am receiving the following error during recon-all:
mritotal -verbose -debug -clobber -modeldir
/usr/local/freesurfer/mni/bin/../share/mni_autoreg -protocol icbm
transforms/tmp.talairach.7573/src.mnc transforms/talairach.auto.xfm
Can't locate shellwords.pl in @INC (@INC contains:
Hi all,
I have structural data that has a slice thickness of 5mm and spacing
between slices of 5mm (there are around 30 dicom images). I ran it through
recon-all but the output was bad. Is it possible to create surfaces from
such data? Or is the bad output the answer to this question...
Hi all,
I only have experience processing dicom images from MRI. Can Freesurfer
handle images from CT as well? Anything to note?
Freesurfer mailing list
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed
What do you mean by "handle"? You cannot run it through the anatomical
analysis if that is what you mean.
On 12/05/2014 03:38 PM, will brown wrote:
> Hi all,
> I only have experience processing d
19 matches
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