c SNR values, I just need SNR for the whole
DTI data for each group.
Any suggestions will be appreciated!
Yuko Yotsumoto
Yuko Yotsumoto, Ph. D.
Associate Professor
The University of Tokyo, Department of Life Sciences
Bldg #2,
, just average the values within a ROI.
[2] Use some arbitrary thresholds to each of ADC, RD, AD.
[3] create a mask that contains voxels of the above-threshold-FAvalues, then,
calculate mean within the mask.
Any suggestions?
Yuko Yotsumoto
in the white
matter aseg mask?
Thank you in advance!
Yuko Yotsumoto
Mar 18, 2014 1:26 PM、Anastasia Yendiki のメール:
> Signal-to-noise ratio = mean / standard deviation
> On Tue, 18 Mar 2014, Yuko Yotsumoto wrote:
>> Anastasia,
>> Thank you so much f
using the correction.
I'd appreciate any comments/suggestions.
Thank you,
Yuko Yotsumoto
Freesurfer mailing list
The information in this e-mail is intended
never share any voxels. What would
be the best way to do so? Is there anything I can do using a command line?
Yuko Yotsumoto
Freesurfer mailing list
Thank you all for your suggestions.
I binarized my labels, used mri_concat --max, then re-binarize the volumes.
It worked great.
Thanks again,
Yuko Yotsumoto
On Jun 7, 2012, at 6:58 AM, Douglas Greve wrote:
> It depends on how graceful you want to be with resolving the overlap.
> One
ain A.
Is there a way to convert the functional labels from Brain A to Brain B?
Or do I need to re-do the whole functional analysis using the Brain B?
Yuko Yotsumoto
Freesurfer mailing list
In dwi-infodump.dat, I see bunch of lines, but I don't see
Please help!
Yuko Yotsumoto
Fitting Tensors
Wed Dec 7 10:15:52 JST 2011
I don't understand why mri_glmfit-sim calls mri_glmfit, and gives warnings?
> When I paste "mri_glmfit --y ces.008.nii --wls cesvar.008.nii --osgm
> --surface fsaverage lh --glmdir MPglm.wls --nii.gz" in the command line, it
> works without any error.
> Thanks in advan
> Hi Yuko, your dicom file might be from a different versioned scanner than
> dt_recon is used to seeing. If so, then it cannot extract the bvecs and
> bvals. If you supply them in a file on the command line, it should run
> properly.
> doug
> Yuko Yotsumoto wrote:
'll have to create text files of the bval/bvecs. The expected format
> is given in the help. You'll have to ask someone who knows about your
> sequences as to what the actual values you should use.
> doug
> On 12/9/11 10:09 PM, Yuko Yotsumoto wrote:
>> Hi Doug,
Never mind. I think I just figured it out!0
On Dec 12, 2011, at 6:18 PM, Yuko Yotsumoto wrote:
> Thanks Doug,
> In the dt_recon help,
>> The bvalues are in a simple text file, one for each direction
>> (including b=0). The bvectors (gradient d
he help. You'll have to ask someone who knows about your
> sequences as to what the actual values you should use.
> doug
> On 12/9/11 10:09 PM, Yuko Yotsumoto wrote:
>> Hi Doug,
>> Thank you for your reply.
>>> If so, then it cannot extract the bve
this analysis, though I see clear
activation within this label during task.
Please let me know what I need to add/change to make func2roi-sess work.
Thank you!
Yuko Yotsumoto
fucn2roi-sess log file
$Id: func2roi-sess,v 1.16 2010/03/25 16:22:53
s /subjects/self/surf/, which I don't have in
my subject folder...
Yuko Yotsumoto
# log
> [Yukos-iMac:sessions/VM/VMan] yuko% funcroi-sess -roi lh.DLPFC.roicfg -df
> sessdirfile -s VM20
> ---
> /Users/yuko/Documents/FreeSurfer/session
Hi All,
I'm using : freesurfer-Darwin-leopard-i686-stable-pub-v5.0.0
I'd like to plot HDR for each condition for each subject.
With FreeSurfer v4.5.0, I did so with func2roi-sess and roisummary-sess.
With v5.0, those commands do not seem to work.
I could get a table with:
> funcroi-config -anal
oi-table-sess for each time point (using the -frame option), then
> construct the waveforms from these files. It's a bit of a hassle, but
> scriptable.
> doug
> Yuko Yotsumoto wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I'm using : freesurfer-Darwin-leopard-i686-
Hi all,
I'm using:
I've posted two questions (Q1 & Q2 below) in my previous email regarding ROI
analysis, and I'd like to add one more (Q3).
If I don't want to use any thresholding for ROI analysis, can I use "-sign abs
-thresh 0" with funcr
Thanks Doug,
On Dec 7, 2010, at 12:02 AM, Douglas N Greve wrote:
>> I'm using:
>> freesurfer-Darwin-leopard-i686-stable-pub-v5.0.0
>> Q1)
>> If I don't want to use any thresholding for ROI analysis, can I use "-sign
>> abs -thresh 0" with funcroi-config?
> Even easier: just don't specif
> I've updated the docs for this one as well.
> thanks
> doug
> Yuko Yotsumoto wrote:
>> Thanks Doug,
>> On Dec 7, 2010, at 12:02 AM, Douglas N Greve wrote:
>>>> I'm using:
Hi all,
( freesurfer-Darwin-leopard-i686-stable-pub-v4.5.0 )
I created sequences for event-related design, using optseq2.
optseq2 --ntp 150 --tr 2 --psdwin 0 20 1 --ev TG1 2 22 --ev IG1 2 22 --ev CNT 2
22 --ev TGIG 2 22 --ev TGCN 2 22 --nsearch 2000 --focb nCB10pt --nkeep 15 --o
I'm trying to download freesurfer 4.5 for leopard-ppc, but connection keeps
failing. Could someone check the link?
Thank you,
Yuko Yotsumoto
Freesurfer mailing list
s with SPM, but
I'd like to do this with FS-FAST.
I found this post in the archive, but I need some more info.
Yuko Yotsumoto
Yuko Yotsumoto, Ph. D.
Associate Professor
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