
Never mind. I think I just figured it out!0


On Dec 12, 2011, at 6:18 PM, Yuko Yotsumoto wrote:

> Thanks Doug,
> In the dt_recon help, 
>> The bvalues are in a simple text file, one for each direction
>> (including b=0). The bvectors (gradient directions) are also in a
>> simple text file with three components on each row. These also include
>> the b=0 values. There must be as many rows in the bvals/bvecs
>> as there are frames in the input.
> I got the bvectors from Siemens tech. The file looks similar to one in 
> $FREESURFER_HOME/diffusion/mgh-dti-seqpack
> However, I am still not sure about bvalues.
>> The bvalues are in a simple text file, one for each direction
>> (including b=0).
> I think I'm using b-value=700, and I have 64 directions.
> Should I have b-values for each of the 64 directions? Then the text file 
> should have 64 rows and each row has the same value?
> Thank you for your help!
> Yuko
> On Dec 10, 2011, at 1:42 PM, Douglas Greve wrote:
>> Hi Yuko, it will get the bvals and bvecs from a set of tables 
>> distributed with FS. But the dicom has to have some information in it 
>> that tells it which table to use. It looks like your dicom did not have 
>> this information (it is not in the info dump created from the dicom). So 
>> you'll have to create text files of the bval/bvecs. The expected format 
>> is given in the help. You'll have to ask someone who knows about your 
>> sequences as to what the actual values you should use.
>> doug
>> On 12/9/11 10:09 PM, Yuko Yotsumoto wrote:
>>> Hi Doug,
>>> Thank you for your reply.
>>>> If so, then it cannot extract the bvecs and bvals. If you supply them in a 
>>>> file on the command line
>>> I don't quite understand how --b works with dt_recon.
>>> I did:
>>> dt_recon --i 
>>> /Users/yuko/Documents/FreeSurfer/raw/AGY11ADTI/DTIs/IM-0011-0001.dcm --s 
>>> AGY11 --o /Users/yuko/Documents/FreeSurfer/sessions/YDTI/YD11A
>>> and it stopped after creating dwi.nii and dwi-ec.nii.
>>> I thought dt_recon is the command to compute bvals and bvecs. How do I 
>>> supply bvecs and bvals on the command line?
>>> Yuko
>>> On Dec 10, 2011, at 2:24 AM, Douglas N Greve wrote:
>>>> Hi Yuko, your dicom file might be from a different versioned scanner than 
>>>> dt_recon is used to seeing. If so, then it cannot extract the bvecs and 
>>>> bvals. If you supply them in a file on the command line, it should run 
>>>> properly.
>>>> doug
>>>> Yuko Yotsumoto wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I'm having a problem with dt_recon on data scanned by Siemens TrioTim.
>>>>> I'm using v4.5.0, with Mac OS 10.6.8.
>>>>> dt_recon ran for a while, and stopped with an error "ERROR: cannot 
>>>>> extract sWiPMemBlock.alFree[8] from 
>>>>> /Users/yuko/Documents/FreeSurfer/sessions/YDTI/YD11A/dwi-infodump.dat"
>>>>> I found the same errors reported to this mailing list, but found no 
>>>>> solution.
>>>>> In YDTI/YD11A/ folder, I have the following files
>>>>> dt_recon.log
>>>>> dwi-ec.ecclog
>>>>> dwi-ec.nii
>>>>> dwi-infodump.dat
>>>>> dwi.nii
>>>>> mri_glmfit.log
>>>>> In dwi-infodump.dat, I see bunch of lines, but I don't see 
>>>>> "sWiPMemBlock.alFree".
>>>>> Please help!
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Yuko Yotsumoto
>>>>> #@#-------------------------------
>>>>> Fitting Tensors
>>>>> Wed Dec  7 10:15:52 JST 2011
>>>>> cd /Users/yuko/Documents/FreeSurfer/subjects
>>>>> mri_glmfit --y 
>>>>> /Users/yuko/Documents/FreeSurfer/sessions/YDTI/YD11A/dwi-ec.nii --glmdir 
>>>>> /Users/yuko/Documents/FreeSurfer/sessions/YDTI/YD11A --dti 
>>>>> /Users/yuko/Documents/FreeSurfer/sessions/YDTI/YD11A/dwi-infodump.dat
>>>>> $Id: mri_glmfit.c,v 2009/07/27 17:43:10 greve Exp $
>>>>> cwd /Users/yuko/Documents/FreeSurfer/subjects
>>>>> cmdline mri_glmfit --y 
>>>>> /Users/yuko/Documents/FreeSurfer/sessions/YDTI/YD11A/dwi-ec.nii --glmdir 
>>>>> /Users/yuko/Documents/FreeSurfer/sessions/YDTI/YD11A --dti 
>>>>> /Users/yuko/Documents/FreeSurfer/sessions/YDTI/YD11A/dwi-infodump.dat 
>>>>> sysname  Darwin
>>>>> hostname Yukos-iMac.local
>>>>> machine  i386
>>>>> user     yuko
>>>>> FixVertexAreaFlag = 1
>>>>> UseMaskWithSmoothing     1
>>>>> OneSampleGroupMean 0
>>>>> y    /Users/yuko/Documents/FreeSurfer/sessions/YDTI/YD11A/dwi-ec.nii
>>>>> logyflag 1
>>>>> X    /Users/yuko/Documents/FreeSurfer/sessions/YDTI/YD11A/dwi-infodump.dat
>>>>> usedti  1
>>>>> glmdir /Users/yuko/Documents/FreeSurfer/sessions/YDTI/YD11A
>>>>> IllCondOK 0
>>>>> DoFFx 0
>>>>> Creating output directory 
>>>>> /Users/yuko/Documents/FreeSurfer/sessions/YDTI/YD11A
>>>>> Loading y from 
>>>>> /Users/yuko/Documents/FreeSurfer/sessions/YDTI/YD11A/dwi-ec.nii
>>>>> Using DTI
>>>>> bValue = 700
>>>>> ERROR: cannot extract sWiPMemBlock.alFree[8] from 
>>>>> /Users/yuko/Documents/FreeSurfer/sessions/YDTI/YD11A/dwi-infodump.dat
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>>>>> Freesurfer mailing list
>>>> -- 
>>>> Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
>>>> MGH-NMR Center
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