Hi Anastasia and freesurfers,

I have more questions regarding SNR on DTI data.

I masked the low-b images by the white matter label (aseg), then calculated the 
SNR ( mean / standard deviation within the label).
The mean values ranged for 250-350 across subjects, and the sd ranged for 
60-140 across subjects.
As a result, I got the SNR ranged for 2.5-4.0 ish. 

When I compared these values with the ones reported in other studies, I 
realized that my values are much smaller.  


They reported SNR to be around 20-50. It looks like they used different 
calculations, so probably I should not make direct comparisons, but still the 
difference worries me.

My questions are:
(1) Do our values look valid to you?
(2) Are there any article that reported SNR as mean low-b / sd in the white 
matter aseg mask?

Thank you in advance!
Yuko Yotsumoto

Mar 18, 2014 1:26 PM、Anastasia Yendiki <ayend...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> のメール:

> Signal-to-noise ratio = mean / standard deviation
> On Tue, 18 Mar 2014, Yuko Yotsumoto wrote:
>> Anastasia,
>> Thank you so much for your reply.
>> So I should calculate the mean and s.d. of the values of the low-b within 
>> the white matter region for each subject, and compare those numbers between 
>> groups.
>> Is it correct to say that the higher mean values indicate larger SNR?
>> Yuko
>> On Mar 18, 2014, at 12:53 AM, Anastasia Yendiki wrote:
>>> Hi Yuko - You can use the low-b images and compute the SNR of those images 
>>> inside a mask of the white matter. Because dt_recon computes a registration 
>>> from the diffusion to the structural data, you can use that registration to 
>>> map the white matter label from the freesurfer segmentation (aseg) to the 
>>> diffusion data. Then calculate the mean and standard deviation of the 
>>> values of the low-b images inside that white matter mask.
>>> Hope this helps,
>>> a.y
>>> On Mon, 17 Mar 2014, Yuko Yotsumoto wrote:
>>>> Hello Freesurfers,
>>>> I have DTI data for two groups of subjects, and were asked SNR for each
>>>> group.
>>>> I did ROI analysis on FA values, therefore, I  do not have the averaged DTI
>>>> data.
>>>> I am wondering if there is any way to compute SNR from dt_recon output. It
>>>> doesn't have to be the ROI specific SNR values, I just need SNR for the
>>>> whole DTI data for each group.
>>>> Any suggestions will be appreciated!
>>>> Yuko Yotsumoto
>>>> ---
>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Yuko Yotsumoto, Ph. D.
>>>> Associate Professor
>>>> The University of Tokyo, Department of Life Sciences
>>>> Bldg #2, 3-8-1 Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8902 Japan
>>>> phone : (+81)-3-5454-4332
>>>> E-mail: cy...@mail.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp
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