th all the directories created by trac-all (dmri, dlabel,
etc) for one of these subjects, here:
On Thu, 27 Nov 2014, Worker, Amanda wrote:
> Dear All,
> I have run all of the pre-processing steps on my DTI data
have a highres FLAIR or
>or a multi-echo mprage we have tools for automatically avoiding it.
>On Wed, 7 Jan 2015, Worker, Amanda wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I have noticed that almost all of my data has some voxe
cessing, i.e., do trac-all -prep -nocorr -noqa.
Hope this helps,
PS: Yes, when you send something with filedrop that I should look at, give
my email address as the recipient.
On Wed, 7 Jan 2015, Worker, Amanda wrote:
> Hi Anastasia,
> Thanks for your response. I have sent over a
stasia Yendiki
Sent: 12 January 2015 19:58
To: Freesurfer support list
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] TRACULA mask error
Have you checked that the registration has been fixed? It looks like it
might not.
On Mon, 12 Jan 2015, Worker, Amanda wrote:
> Yes of course. Please find atta
Is it possible to view the results of a qdec analysis (correlation with a
single continuous group) in tksurfer? I am currently unable to open it and I'm
getting an error saying "could not open file */mri/transforms/talairach.xfm such file or directory" . Is this a file that is not cr
> on behalf of Anastasia Yendiki
> Sent: 12 January 2015 19:58
> To: Freesurfer support list
> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] TRACULA mask error
> Have you checked that the registration has been fixed? It looks like it
> might not.
> On
3/2015 07:12 AM, Worker, Amanda wrote:
> Hi,
> Is it possible to view the results of a qdec analysis (correlation
> with a single continuous group) in tksurfer? I am currently unable to
> open it and I'm getting an error saying "could not open
> file */mri/tra
ts in tksurfer
QDEC will not produce mean maps for each group. If this is something you
want to do, you will need to do it in the command-line group analysis
stream. See
On 01/15/2015 05:25 AM, Worker, Amanda wrote:
> Hi,
are for the group)
Best wishes,
on behalf of Douglas N Greve
Sent: 16 January 2015 19:52
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Viewing QDEC results in tksurfer
what is your command line?
On Tue, 20 Jan 2015, Worker, Amanda wrote:
> My command line was "tksurfer mean.lh.thick_age.thickness.10.mgh lh inflate"
> d- which is when I got the error.
> I have now tried loading fsaverage first with "tksurfer fsaverage lh
> inflated" and
e and the trac-all command lines that
you ran after running bbregister?
On Wed, 11 Feb 2015, Worker, Amanda wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks for this. --init-spm does appear to work and when checking the
> registration using the instructions bbregister gives it all looks good to me
nitialized, and then rerunning the
-prior and -path steps in that order.
Hope this helps,
On Thu, 12 Feb 2015, Worker, Amanda wrote:
> Hi Anastasia,
> Apologies this looks like an error on my part. I had edited the script to
> specify --init-spm instead of --init-fsl but forgot to
I am trying to find a way to overlay a .nii file for a single blob of
activation - simply to visualise the region of the blob with the cortical
Is there a way to do this in either freeview or tksurfer? The blob is in nifti
format and the surface is in the usual .mgh format.
Hi all,
I am trying to extract subcortical volumes from data that has been processed
longitudinally, but I am getting the following error.
[k1204763@nanlnx9 SAGA]0% asegstats2table --qdec-long long.qdec.table.dat
--stats aseg.stats --tablefile aseg.table.txt
SUBJECTS_DIR : /home/k1204763/imag
Hi Lena,
Have you changed your Group.levels file to include the two groups you are
currently looking at? If this doesn't match your qdec table it will not work.
Best wishes,
on behalf of Lim, Lena
Dear all,
I am trying to run a group analysis through the terminal using an .fsgd file,
with no additional covariates.
GroupDescriptorFile 1
Class PD
Class MSA
Class PSP
Input PDPLUS007/ PD
Input PDPLUS005/ MSA
Input PDPLUS004/ PSP
When I try to run a command similar to the
Hi All,
I have a T1 map which has been synthesised from a DESPOT imaging sequence and I
am hoping to use this as input to recon-all. Do you know if this will be
possible at all, or if there is anything I can do to prepare the T1 map to run
through recon-all?
Thanks in advance,
Hi All,
I was hoping someone could help with an issue that I'm having that I'm sure has
a simple explanation. I have a proton density map in nifti format that I am
trying to convert to mgz using mri_convert.
However, when I load the original nifti file into freeview, I get a blank
screen an
4 February 2016 12:17
To: Freesurfer support list
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Viewing nifti file in freeview
Is there a progress bar still running? Have you tried changing the window min
max fields?
Sent from my Phone
On Feb 4, 2016, at 06:46, Worker, Amanda
Hi All,
I am trying to run a vertex-wise analysis on a pre-defined ROI - the caudal
anterior cingulate label as defined by the Desikan atlas. I have used
mri_annotation2label to get these labels for each subjects ./label directory. I
assumed that as these labels were created in fsaverage space
I just have a quick question about how to find the group mean of a significant
cluster found in thickness analysis in QDEC. I have run comparison of a number
of clinical groups with healthy controls and found several clusters of
significant thinning. In the stats table generated by QDE
I just have a quick question about how to find the group mean of a significant
cluster found in thickness analysis in QDEC. I have run comparison of a number
of clinical groups with healthy controls and found several clusters of
significant thinning. In the stats table generated by QDE
Hi All,
I am trying to use the subcortical segmentation of regions from the
longitudinal template to propogate to each time point using deformation fields.
Does anyone know how if this is possible and if so, how can I do it?
Thanks in advance,
Hi All,
I have applied the hippocampal subfield segmentation algorithm to each of my
time points that have been longitudinally processed. I am now trying to
register these back into base space using:
mri_convert -T BASE/mri/transforms/TP_to_base.lta -rl BASE/mri/norm.mgz -rt
nearest --out_ty
behalf of Worker, Amanda
Sent: Wednesday, March 1, 2017 12:14:50 PM
To: Freesurfer support list
Subject: [Freesurfer] Longitudinal hippocampal subfield registered to base
Hi All,
I have applied the hippocampal subfield segmentation algorithm to each of my
time points that have been long
Hi all,
I have a repeated measures design with two groups (drug and placebo) and two
time points (baseline and follow-up). The groups are not very well matched so
I'd like to control for age and gender. The data was also acquired across three
sites which I'll need to control for. I do not have
Hi there,
I am currently working through the linear mixed effects example for hippocampal
volume on the wiki and I can't quite get my head around how the contrast matrix
is set up.
In the example, the design matrix has 14 columns but the contrast matrix only
seems to have 5 (below), could yo
CIs and MCIc
and finally slope difference between MCIc and AD.
Your test 0 0 0 1 similarly tests slope difference between your two groups. And
yes, the remaining columns would be control variables .
Best, Martin
On 31. Jul 2017, at 13:38, Worker, Amanda>&g
Hi all,
I have a longitudinal dataset that I'd like to calculate test-retest
reliability for. However, I am not sure whether to calculate this for the
cross-sectionally processed data or longitudinal data? It would seem to make
sense to use the cross-sectional data, as the time points are inde
d segmentation which could potentially give a
false impression of poor reliability and increased risk of false positive
results. "
Any thoughts appreciated.
From: Jovicich, Jorge
Sent: 20 September 2017 15:51:40
To: Worker, Amanda
Cc: Freesu
I am trying to run the second step of the TRACULA processing which is:
trac-all -bedp -c /home/...
I am currently using freesurfer v5.3.0 and I get the following error:
WARN: Running FSL's bedbost locally - this might take a while
WARN: It is recommended to run this step on a cluster
Hi All,
I am using QDEC to run a correlation analysis and I have a lot of large
significant clusters that encompass various different cortical regions. I am
hoping to extract mean thickness' from the significant clusters in order to
create a plot to display the correlations. Can anyone tell me
I have run a correlation in QDEC and I have quite a lot of results, some of
which pass monte simulation correction at p=0.05 and some of which remain at
p=0.0001. Ideally, I'd like a single figure that will display all significant
results regardless of their p-value. However, I would need
External Email - Use Caution
I am trying to overlay a .asc file in either freeview or tksurfer, but so far
having no luck.
As practice and to determine the right format, I am simply using lh.thickness,
which I've converted to .asc using the following command:
% mris_
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Using a .asc file as overlay in freeview/tksurfer
Not sure. Can you use mris_convert to convert the asc back to a curv file?
On 10/15/2018 11:20 AM, Worker, Amanda wrote:
> External Email - Use Caution
> Hello,
> I am try
lh.thickness.asc lh.white lh.thickness.mgz
should do the trick
On Mon, 15 Oct
2018, Worker, Amanda wrote:
> External Email - Use Caution
> How would I do that? mris_convert doesn't seem to take
Tue, 16 Oct 2018, Worker, Amanda wrote:
> External Email - Use Caution
> Thank you!
> So the answer to the first question is that yes I can convert it back to a
> curvature file and that curvature file can be loaded as an overlay. So this
External Email - Use Caution
I am trying to run a multivariable GLM with mri_glmfit and I am currently
setting up my fsgd file. I have 9 binary variables and 1 continuous variable.
My understanding is that in the fsgd file, my "class" would be every possible
combination of
nt to model all those variables since modeling all possible
interactions is not going to be possible.
On 11/08/2018 12:45 PM, Worker, Amanda wrote:
> External Email - Use Caution
> Hi,
> I am trying to run a multivariable GLM with mri_glmfit and I am
> current
External Email - Use Caution
I am working with cortical thickness data in matlab and I have a t-statistic
map that I'd like to firstly write to .mgh/mgz format so that I can overlay it
in freeview. And secondly, convert it to MNI space and write it out as a volume
External Email - Use Caution
Dear FreeSurfer Developers,
I am attempting to create some figures which display regional (Destrieux atlas)
values which are typically in the range of 0-10. I would like to have an
inflated brain with those regional values overlaid, for both patients
had no problem inserting colors at arbitrary value for customized color option.
On Sep 23, 2021, at 9:00 AM, Worker, Amanda>> wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
External Email - Use Caution
Dear FreeSurfer Developers,
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