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Dear FS experts,
I’m processing the task-related fMRI using FS-FAST. I check the quality assurance and modified some subjects’ registration file(named new one as “register_manual.lta”). Then I do the first level analysis and gr
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FS experts,Commonly, I can use mri_vol2vol -> mri_segstats to extract anatomical ROI from aparc or aseg template.However, now I want to extract the average percent signal change in the hV5+/MT by constrained positive functiona
mean by
On 2/13/2020 11:04 AM, Star Xi wrote:
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I can use mri_vol2vol -&g
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Dear FS experts, Hi!I have a very basic question about GLM model in FS-FAST.After GLM analysis, there is a beta.nii under the analysis/ directory and a ces.nii under each contrast/ directory. In the tutorial, beta.nii is the regression coef
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Hi FS experts,I’m processing the task related fMRI data and want to extract the 100 most strongly activated voxels with in each of the visual areas (like V1-V3, V3A, MT etc.). It seems t
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Hi, dear FS experts, I'm trying to use mir_segstats to extract % signal change in task fMRI analysis. The command is:mri_segstats --I ./ces.nii.gz --annot fsaverage rh perm.th30.pos.sig.ocn.annot --excludeid 0 --avgwf rh
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Dear FS experts, Hi! I ran the commas “mir_glmfit-sim” to do clusterwise correction for permutation but received an error.My command is:mri_glmfit-sim --glmdir rh_thickness_fwhm10 --perm 1000 3 pos --cwp 0.05 --2spaces
And I rec