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Hi, dear FS experts,
     I'm trying to use mir_segstats to extract % signal change in task fMRI analysis. The command is:
    • mri_segstats --I ./ces.nii.gz --annot fsaverage rh perm.th30.pos.sig.ocn.annot --excludeid 0 --avgwf rh.ces.avgwf.dat;
There are two kinds of contract files (ces.nii.gz and cesspit.nii.gz), and I wonder which one should be used to calculate extract % signal change.
In another words, if I use “mri_segstats  —i cespct.nii.gz --avgwf file.dat”, does the  file.dat contain "% signal change" data? (The webpage says “ avewf means computes the average waveform across all the voxel" )
Thx a lot!


 Sida Xi, M.D.

Department of Ophthalmology

Eye and ENT Hospital, 

Fudan University School of Medicine, 

83th Fenyang Rd, Xuhui District, Shanghai, China

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