Hello All,
I am geting the following error: see below:
Did I miss something in the installation? Sorry if I have.
Thank you for your help in advance.
FREESURFER_HOME: /Applications/freesurfer
Build stamp: freesurfer-
Dear all,
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I am sure you are aware of this problem, but since last week we have been
unable to access the FreeSurfer wiki
(http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/docs/index.html). Is it down for
maintenance? and if so when will it be up again?
I have just started using FreeSurfer, hence having major problems w
king you to accept a
> certificate. ( secure http connection )
> -Krish
> On Jun 10, 2008, at 6:52 PM, Liat Levita wrote:
> > I am sure you are aware of this problem, but since last week we
> have
> > been unable to access the FreeSurfer wiki
> (http://surf
> If that works, then the problem is likely with DNS at Cornell, in
> which case you'll need to contact your network helpdesk.
> On Jun 11, 2008, at 8:31 AM, Liat Levita wrote:
> > Hi Krish,
> >
> > I am afraid we had no joy wi
Hi, I am trying to download the updated FreeSurfer - Mac OS X Tiger (10.4.11)
PowerPC stable v4.0.5 15 June 2008 -
However, when I do so I keep getting the zipped Leopard package. I wonder if
something is wrong with the link to the
lbeit on
> a Linux machine), it downloads that filename.
> You could try:
> wget
> ftp://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/pub/dist/freesurfer-Darwin-tiger-
> ppc-stable-pub-v4.0.5-full.dmg
> from a terminal as an alternative.
> Nick
> On Mon, 2008-
I wonder if anyone else has had this problem on the Mac. I have now installed
FreeSurfer (Tiger V4.0.5) on 3 machines, everytime I do this some of my
shortcut X11 keys stop working.
We are running - X11 1.1.3 - on a Mac OS X 10.4.11
I would really appricate your help with this - Does
m within
(command bound to event)
*** *** *** *** ***
Liat Levita, PhD
Instructor of Psychology in Psychiatry
Sackler Institute for Developmental Psychobiology
Weill Medical College of Cornell University
I wonder if anyone using AFNI converted freesurfer files has come across this
problem (or can tell me if I making an error somewhere that I am just not
seeing right now). I posted the same question on the AFNI board but haven't
gotten feedback as yet.
Here is the problem:
After using f
and pscA are the same dimension? Remember,
> freesurfer resamples everything into 1mm3, 256^3
> doug
> Liat Levita wrote:
> >Hello,
> >I wonder if anyone using AFNI converted freesurfer files has come
> across this problem (or can tell me if I
nctional data directly to the anatomical
> (fslregister or spmregister) rather than going thru the talairach
> transform. You can then use mri_vol2vol to map the functional to
> the
> anatomical, then mri_segstats to exctract the average functional
> value
> (or you can probably use t
s symetrical?
> doug
> R-to-L extent: -79.500 [R] -to-79.500 [L] -step- 3.000 mm
> [ 54
> voxels]
> A-to-P extent: -79.500 [A] -to- 109.500 [P] -step- 3.000 mm
> [ 64
> voxels]
> I-to-S extent: -63.500 [I] -to- 83.500 [S] -step-
13 matches
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