img / .hdr pair, not a nii or nii.gz file. Do you have any clue?
The reason to convert to nii is that fsfast seems to require nii file.
On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 2:20 PM, Kara Dyckman
If I remember correctly, yo
Hi Lauren (and Doug),
I'm having the same issue. I ran montecarlo simulations on Friday and then
tried to use the results in mri_surfcluster. It ran, but I also got the
same CWP values (-0.1) for each cluster in the sum file.
Also, when it runs, it gives a CEPHES ERROR. Here is what I get
Thanks Pratap,
I'll try it again.
Pratap Kunwar wrote:
Kara and Lauren,
I think Doug has fixed this problem. i had similar problem but it is
working now.
Hi Lauren (and Doug),
I'm having the same issue. I ran montecarlo simulations on Friday and
tried to use the re
Just FYI - 65536 is the max number of rows in excel, so it's probably
not reading the whole file.
Douglas N Greve wrote:
> If you are combining data across subjects in your matlab program, aren't
> they already in the same space?
> Bruce Fischl wrote:
>> use mri_surf2surf. And you should