Thanks Pratap,
I'll try it again.
Pratap Kunwar wrote:
Kara and Lauren,
I think Doug has fixed this problem. i had similar problem but it is
working now.
Hi Lauren (and Doug),
I'm having the same issue. I ran montecarlo simulations on Friday and
tried to use the results in mri_surfcluster. It ran, but I also got the
same CWP values (-0.10000) for each cluster in the sum file.
Also, when it runs, it gives a CEPHES ERROR. Here is what I get:
INFO: you have selected subject average7 (and REALLY want to use it)
instead of fsaverage. So I'm going to turn off fixing of vertex area
to maintain compatibility with the pre-stable3 release.
thsign = abs, id = 0
version $Id: mri_surfcluster.c,v 2008/12/31 16:06:00 greve Exp
hemi = rh
srcid =
srcsubjid = average7
srcsurf = white
srcframe = 0
thsign = abs
thmin = 3
thmax = inf
fdr = -1
minarea = 0
xfmfile = talairach.xfm
nth = -1
outid =
ocnid =
sumfile =
subjectsdir = /space/ventzl/1/users/SUBJECTS_DIR
FixMNI = 1
------------- XFM matrix (RAS2RAS) ---------------
1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000;
0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000;
0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000;
0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000;
Reading source surface
Done reading source surface
Reading annotation
reading colortable from annotation file...
colortable with 85 entries read (originally
Computing metric properties
Loading source values
number of voxels in search space = 163842
Done loading source values (nvtxs = 163842)
overall max = 9.2406 at vertex 150454
overall min = -4.29783 at vertex 159827
surface nvertices 163842
surface area 98024.702210
surface area 65349.801473
NOT Adjusting threshold for 1-tailed test
Searching for Clusters ...
thmin=3.000000 (3.000000), thmax=inf (inf), thsignid=0, minarea=0.000000
Found 23 clusters
Max cluster size 2791.366699
INFO: fixing MNI talairach coordinates
CEPHES ERROR: bdtr (p < 0.0) domain error
CEPHES ERROR: bdtr (p < 0.0) domain error
CEPHES ERROR: bdtr (p < 0.0) domain error
CEPHES ERROR: bdtr (p < 0.0) domain error
CEPHES ERROR: bdtr (p < 0.0) domain error
CEPHES ERROR: bdtr (p < 0.0) domain error
CEPHES ERROR: bdtr (p < 0.0) domain error
CEPHES ERROR: bdtr (p < 0.0) domain error
CEPHES ERROR: bdtr (p < 0.0) domain error
CEPHES ERROR: bdtr (p < 0.0) domain error
CEPHES ERROR: bdtr (p < 0.0) domain error
CEPHES ERROR: bdtr (p < 0.0) domain error
CEPHES ERROR: bdtr (p < 0.0) domain error
CEPHES ERROR: bdtr (p < 0.0) domain error
CEPHES ERROR: bdtr (p < 0.0) domain error
CEPHES ERROR: bdtr (p < 0.0) domain error
CEPHES ERROR: bdtr (p < 0.0) domain error
CEPHES ERROR: bdtr (p < 0.0) domain error
CEPHES ERROR: bdtr (p < 0.0) domain error
CEPHES ERROR: bdtr (p < 0.0) domain error
CEPHES ERROR: bdtr (p < 0.0) domain error
CEPHES ERROR: bdtr (p < 0.0) domain error
CEPHES ERROR: bdtr (p < 0.0) domain error
Saving thresholded output to
NIFTI FORMAT WARNING: ncols 163842 in input exceeds 32768.
So I'm going to put the true ncols in glmin and set dim[1]=-1.
This should be ok within FreeSurfer, but you will not be
able to use this volume with other software.
Saving cluster numbers to
NIFTI FORMAT WARNING: ncols 163842 in input exceeds 32768.
So I'm going to put the true ncols in glmin and set dim[1]=-1.
This should be ok within FreeSurfer, but you will not be
able to use this volume with other software.
Lauren LaCount wrote:
Hi Everyone,
I'm having a bit of a problem with mri_surfcluster. I ran it alright
last week on the right hemisphere, and now am unable to get it to run
through with the left.
First I'm running mri_glmfit to get .csd files with 10000 iterations
(split into 10 runs to speed things up), and then I'm running
mri_surfcluster with something like:
mri_surfcluster --in
../SENS/xrun_gavg/lh.osgm.0.5frac.mfx/osgm/sig.mgh --subject average
--hemi lh --surf white --annot aparc.a2005s --csd
mfx_0.5frac_th01_1of10-osgm.csd --csd
../csdfiles/mcz_SENS_lh_10000_mfx_0.5frac_th01_2of10-osgm.csd --csd
../csdfiles/mcz_SENS_lh_10000_mfx_0.5frac_th01_3of10-osgm.csd --csd
../csdfiles/mcz_SENS_lh_10000_mfx_0.5frac_th01_4of10-osgm.csd --csd
../csdfiles/mcz_SENS_lh_10000_mfx_0.5frac_th01_5of10-osgm.csd --csd
../csdfiles/mcz_SENS_lh_10000_mfx_0.5frac_th01_6of10-osgm.csd --csd
../csdfiles/mcz_SENS_lh_10000_mfx_0.5frac_th01_7of10-osgm.csd --csd
../csdfiles/mcz_SENS_lh_10000_mfx_0.5frac_th01_8of10-osgm.csd --csd
../csdfiles/mcz_SENS_lh_10000_mfx_0.5frac_th01_9of10-osgm.csd --csd
../csdfiles/mcz_SENS_lh_10000_mfx_0.5frac_th01_10of10-osgm.csd --sum
fx_0.5frac_th01 --csdpdf
fx_0.5frac_th01 --vwsig
(in summary: mri_surfcluster --in x --subject average --hemi lh --surf
white --annot aparc.a2005s --csd x1 --csd x2 ... --csd x10 --sum x
--csdpdf x --vwsig x.mgh --cwsig x.mgh --o x --ocn x --olab x)
When I try to run this I get a segmentation fault. If i take out
--csdpdf it will run, but the cluster-wise probabilities in the "sum"
file are all the same (-0.1 for one time I tried it, and something
like -17 the other time), and the nrep in the sum file is -2 (or -10
the other time I tried) instead of 10000.
Does anyone have any idea what I could be doing wrong? I think
everything was recently updated (probably because of the cluster size
bug?) because I can no longer re-run last week's right hemisphere
analysis using the same csd files (tried this for troubleshooting), so
maybe I have to start doing something differently with the new version
of this command with the left hemisphere?
Thank you!
Kara A. Dyckman, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow, Manoach Lab
Psychiatric Neuroimaging
Massachusetts General Hospital
Charlestown Navy Yard
149 13th St.
Charlestown, MA 02129
phone: 617-724-4604
fax: 617-726-4078
Freesurfer mailing list
Freesurfer mailing list
Kara A. Dyckman, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow, Manoach Lab
Psychiatric Neuroimaging
Massachusetts General Hospital
Charlestown Navy Yard
149 13th St.
Charlestown, MA 02129
phone: 617-724-4604
fax: 617-726-4078
Freesurfer mailing list