Hi all,
I ran 'process volume' and 'create surface' and found that brain stem
was attached to the left inflated brain.
So, I editted 'wm' slices and got rid of the parts related to the brain stem
in all slices.
and ran 'create surface' again, but no change took place in the 'inflated
Hi all,
I posted a question, but for some reason, I didn't get any response.
Please help me on this.
Here is the question.
I ran 'process volume' and 'create surface' on csurf.
The created surface (left inflated) has brain stem attached to it.
So, I editted 'wm' slices to get rid of it, and ran '
be a bad Talairach alignment. The tutorial discusses this. Note: you
should not see the brain stem after the image has been skull-stripped
(which occurs during the -autorecon1 stage).
On Thu, 2006-06-01 at 14:40 -0400, Joongnam Yang wrote:
> Hi all,
> I posted a question, but for
I installed the new version of Freesurfer by downloading from Freesurfer
Wiki website.
Then, I ran recon-all -subjid subjectname -autorecon1,
and got the following library errors.
Would someone suggest a solution?
mri_convert: error while loading shared libraries: libgsl.so.0: cannot open
>>> Nick Schmansky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 06/06/06 4:42 PM >>>
What is the output when this is typed:
source $FREESURFER_HOME/SetUpFreeSurfer.csh
and this:
ldd `which mri_convert`
and what OS is this installed on?
On Tue, 2006-06-06 at 15:24 -0400, Joongnam Yang
Hi all,
I've run recon-all -autorecon1 and -autorecon2, successfully.
But when I opened inflated surface using tksurfer, only a tiny bit of image
the inflated surface was seen.
Something was wrong in the process.
Both wm, filled, brain volumes looked OK.
Here is the data on the web;
Hi All,
Is there a method of isolating an area of the overlay image (functional onto
anatomical) on Freesurfer as ROI and get the average of the amplitude of the
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Freesurfer mailing list
ically or functionall? You can do both.
Anatomically you can use any of the cortical parcellation or subcortical
segmentation units for this, or draw one yourself.
On Mon, 19 Jun
2006, Joongnam Yang wrote:
> Hi All,
> Is there a method of isolating an area of the overlay image (func
Dear all,
I did occipital cortex flattening and when I tried to display it on tksurfer
using "tksurfer average lh occip.patch.flat",
I got the following error message, which I have never seen.
(the error message on memory)
surfer: current subjects dir: /home/nam/AVERAGE
surfer: not in "scripts"
Hi all,
I flattened the occipital cortex and viewed it with tksurfer, but there
are two flattened surfaces, top and bottom on the tksurfer window.
Usually from my experience, there is one flattened surface.
Could someone suggest what might have gone wrong?
Dear all,
I am trying to overlay group-averaged data (FSL) on an averaged anatomical
brain (Freesurfer).
I did the following,
mri_vol2surf --src AVG.gfeat/cope1.feat/thresh_zstat1.img --src_type analyze
--srcreg register.dat --hemi lh --projfrac 0.5 --out
AVG.gfeat/cope1.feat/thresh_zstat1-lh.w -
I posted the following question again, since I didn't get any response.
I am trying to overlay group-averaged data (FSL) on an averaged anatomical
brain (Freesurfer).
I did the following,
mri_vol2surf --src AVG.gfeat/cope1.feat/thresh_zstat1.img --src_type analyze
--srcreg register.dat --hemi lh
Dear all,
I've been waiting for an answer to the following question.
I am trying to overlay group-averaged data (FSL) on an averaged anatomical
brain (Freesurfer).
I did the following,
mri_vol2surf --src AVG.gfeat/cope1.feat/thresh_zstat1.img --src_type analyze
--srcreg register.dat --hemi lh --
One work-around until we get this fixed is to
convert the avg_thickness to the average subject with mri_surf2surf.
This will require a new version of surf2surf, which you can get from:
Run it with --tfmt curv
Hi all,
When I ran mri_vol2surf to turn FSL output to a paint file that Freesurfer
can read,
I got the following error.
WARNING: neither NIfTI-1 qform or sform are valid
WARNING: your volume will probably be incorrectly oriented
But the command ran through and paint files were produced.
My que
Hi all,
I have a functional average (using FSL group analysis) and
an anatomical average (using Freesurfer make_average_subject) across 6
(The functional average shows strong activation patterns in FSL ouput,
However, when I overlay the averages, the expected functional ac
Hi all,
I was doing mri_vol2surf to overlay functional average(FSL) onto anatomical
average (Freesurfer)
and got the following error message,
Reading thickness /home/nam/V4RET/average/surf/lh.thickness
MRISreadCurvature: could not open /home/nam/V4RET/average/surf/lh.thi
Hi all,
When I displayed a flattened image of the entire cortex (lh.full.patch.flat)
on the tksurfer window,
the image was too big for the tksurfer window, meaning the falttened image
is chopped out.
Is there any way that I can display the entire flattened image on the
tksurfer window?
I used the following command
recon-all -stage1 -subjid blobby
and I got the following error message
(Please let me know what is wrong with Freesurfer).
-- copy of the exact error messages ---
program versions used
$Id: rec
nvironment variables for the MNI package?
>>> Bruce Fischl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 10/19/04 3:16 PM >>>
it looks like you don't have the MNI software installed (nu_correct comes
from there)
On Tue, 19 Oct 2004, Joongnam Yang wrote:
> Hi,
> I use
I've got an error message when I was running "mri_vol2surf"
not found
I guesss I need to do talairach transform, Could someone please tell me how
to do it?
Freesurfer mailing list
>>> Doug Greve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 10/29/04 2:16 PM >>>
In general, you should not need a talairach transform to run
mri_vol2surf, but I can't tell what you're trying to do -- no
command-line :(. If you need to talairach, then you can run:
recon-all -s subjectid
I ran
qsurfer -stat thresh_zstat1 -subject ID -hemi lh -old
and got the image displayed.
But the image is structural image only.
I thought that the above command shows the anatomical and functional
data overlaid. Am I wrong?
Or how can I see the two data overlaid in one image?
Thanks in advance
Thanks Doug,
I am having trouble doing functional overlay with structural, either with
GUI or command-line.
On GUI, I open "structural" and "functional" directories in "csurf", but the
overlay option under "File" doesn't show the overlay. I chose *.w file
for the overlay data.
Question1: Shou
Hi Doub,
When I ran
recon-all -stage1 -subjid ID
I got the following error. Would someone give me any suggestion?
It complains about Stratup.pm at the beginning and later it complains it
can't locate the file??
Any comment would be appreciated
Hi all,
If someone can give me help, it would be greately appreciated.
in csurf GUI,
I choose "New Functional", and I give it a name.
(1) The name is entirely new for analysis or is it the directory that
contains functional scan.
If I give it a name, it asks for
"Now, locate the single subjec
Hi Bruce,
I co-registered functional and structural images using SPM, the results of
which looked normal.
Then, I used spmmat2register to produce register.dat file.
But "register.dat" contained only following two lines.
It is supposed to have 8 lines.
Could you guess what we
Thanks Doug,
When I run
tkregister2 --targ structuralimage --mov functionalimage --reg register.dat
I got the following error.
target volume X.img
movable volume XX.img
reg file register.dat
$Id: tkregister2.c,v 1.22 2003/11/05 21:30:50 gr
Thanks Doug,
"structural data registration"
"functional data registration"
have to be done separately? How do I do the first two?
The manual is pretty murky on that. Please enlighten me...
I am trying to do functional overlay using csurf and there are so many
hidden things w
Hi everyone,
Is there a Freesurfer command to convert ANALYZE format functional data
into *.bfloat? (I am trying to do functional overlay)
Something like,
xxx functionaldata.img *.bfloat
Or do I have to use FSL Feat to get all the thresh_zstat*.img files using
mri_convert command?
Hi everyone,
For functional overlay,
In csurf GUI window, on the right-most side, there is a "functional" combo
where you are to set two items "session" and "scandir".
Would someone tell what I am supposed to type in for th
When I clicked "Volume-Stats" button on the top right corner of the window
that shows up after I clicked "View Functional Data" button of csurf,
I got the tksurfer window, but with the following error
Error: Parsing command line options
Option -invphaseflag not recognized
This option was not recog
Thanks, Bruce.
When I did successfully using csurf and tkmedit (I will try tksurfer later,
I saw functional data overlaid onto structural data.
Question: I was expecting some activated regions for my retinotopy data, but
all I see is a large green or red contours. Is this what freesurfe
Hi Bruce,
We used stimuli of concentric rings whose radii expanded from trial to
We wanted to get retinotopic map using fMRI.
So, we got structural data and functional scans.
(We did the FSL Feat analysis and got stats results)
We want to see the retinotopic map corresponding to the stimul
Hi Bruce,
I used Tksurfer to overlay fuctional onto anatomical.
On the Load->Overlay window, I did indicate the functional *.bfloat and
register.dat, but in the "Field" at the bottom, "Overlay layer 1 (empty)" is
shown (inside "Field", all layers are empty).
I guess that something is wrong. (Shou
Hi All,
I've got "Overlay Layer 1(empty)" when I opened TkSurfer to do funcitonal
overlay. Is something wrong?
Here is what I did.
open csurf
set functional directory.
open tksurfer using "flattened" surface.
open load-->overlay.
The last line gives me a window at the bottom of which there is
Hi all,
SessionTools menu in my csurf has only one submenu "View Functional Data".
In some web sources that I read, there are many other submenus under it,
such as "Setup Align/Funct Scans", "Calculate 3D Fourier Stats", etc.
Is this version of csurf OLD?
This freesurfer was installed last August
Hi All,
I hope someone can locate the problem for me.
Here is what I did.
1. clicked for "flattened" surface on csurf, which opens tksurfer
(I see a flattened surface window)
2. clicked "load overlay" on tksurfer, which asks two inputs.
For "Load overlay", I typed in XXX for XXX_000.bfloat
The "Load Overlay" window in TkSurfer is not working for me.
The window has two fileds to fill in, "Load Overlay" and "User
What's strange is that whatever I type in those two fields, TkSurfer doesn't
For example, if I type in "hello" and "abc.dat" literally for those two
The following is in .xdebug_tksurfer.
xDebug stack (length: 1)
Does it ring a bell, Bruce?
Hi Bruce,
I found the error messages in SUBJECTID/scripts/csurf.log
The error was that there is no talairach.xfm in /mri/transorms directory.
I though that using tkregister2 for co-registration would be enough.
Would you let me know how to generate talairach.xfm?
Thanks, Kevin
So, I guess there is nothing special about retinotopy data, but the
functionl overlay
that I got doesn't look right. (not much activation)
Here is the two steps that I've done for the functional data before I
overlay it onto anatomical data. Any comments are appreciated.
1. use "
I would appreciate any comment on the following warning when I ran
mri_vol2surf. At the end there is a warning, which might be serious.
I ran lh and rh separately, and no warning message was issued for lh and
the following warning was only issued for rh.
Mapping Source Volum
For the mri_vol2surf,
mri_vol2surf --src thresh_zstat1.img --src_type analyze --srcreg
func2struc.dat --hemi lh --projfrac 0.5 --out ./thresh_zstat1-lh.w
--out_type paint
I got the following complaint.
INFO: could not find XXX/XXX/thresh_zstat1.mat file for direction cosine
Could someone
Hi all,
I did,
(1) use mri_vol2surf to convert thresh_zstat*.img into thresh_zstat1-lh.w
(2) use the *.w file to overlay it onto flattened surface.
The resulting overlaid image (TkSurfer) doesn't show as much activation as
that of thresh_zstat*.img (in FEAT).
I see only a few tiny dots, not lar
Thanks, Kevin
> Have you tried changing the threshold parameters, in the
> View->Configure->Overlay dialog box?
The manual is very coarse on that. I've tried various combinations of the
parameters there. If you know the rule of combination, Please let me know.
> Did you visually check the registration of the functional to the
The registration using tkregister2 produces three files
I've tried to load func2struc.hdr in TkSurfer, but it crashes.
Again, I don't understand what you do when you "visua
Hi all,
In TkSurfer, is there a way of saving *.w files (or any other images for
that matter) into a printable format, so that I can print them out?
Freesurfer mailing list
Hi all,
I have 8 flattened overlay images (overlay between structural and functional
Is there a way of combining those images into one image, so that each
activation can have different colors in one image?
Any comments would be apprecaited.
I have a functional volume, and a surface (occipital lobe cut, not the whole
cortext) and I want to create *.w file using mri_vol2surf.
mri_vol2surf gives me "segmentation fault", probably because the volume and
the surface do not match.
Could someone give me a clue on how to create a *.w file us
Sorry, Doug
Here is the full command and log with segmentation fault.
mri_vol2surf --src FMRIDATA/FUNC/YUNG070904_41.feat/thresh_zstat1.img
--src_type analyze --srcreg register.dat --hemi lh --projfrac 0.5 --surf
occip.patch.flat --out ./thresh_zstat1-lh.w --out_type paint
Thanks, Doug,
By any means, does the following register.dat look incorrect?
1.00e+00 0.00e+00 0.00e+00 0.00e+00
0.00e+00 0.00e+00 1.00e+00 -1.525879e-05
0.00e+00 -1.00e+00 0.00e+00 0.00e+00
0.00e+00 0.00e+00 0.0
Thanks, Doug,
When you visually check the registration, using
tkregister2 --s subjid --targ struc_fs_t1.img --mov YUNG070904_41.img
--regheader --reg register.dat.
two windows show up.
Is there a source, or instructions, or manual, regarding what to do with the
two winows?
Hi all,
During "create surface" on csurf,
right after "fill white matter" is done, as soon as "tesselate RH white
matter" starts,
an error message comes up, which is
images filled:
somedirectory/mri/filled/COR-001...not found, wmfill first.
I checked the directory of /mri/filled, which d
Hi all,
I ran recon-all -stage1 -subjid ID with the following errors.
Any comment woud be appreciated.
program versions used
$Id: recon-all-nmr,v 1.37 2004/01/06 22:21:48 tosa Exp $
$Id: mri_motion_correct2,v 1.7 2004/01/16 20:25:10 tosa Exp $
I got the following error message when I ran
recon-all -stage1 -subjid ID
Any comments appreciated.
Can't locate MNI/Startup.pm in @INC (@INC contains:
/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.0/i386-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.0
lps, margaret
On Wed, 22 Dec
2004, Joongnam Yang wrote:
> Hi all,
> During "create surface" on csurf,
> right after "fill white matter" is done, as soon as "tesselate RH white
> matter" starts,
> an error message comes up, which is
> imag
Happy holidays for everyone!
When I was installing mni_perllib_0.07, the following error messages keep
popping out and at the end installation fails.
batch: error parsing command-line arguments
Error closing pipe to batch:
at t/batch-1.t line 36
`batch' exited with non-zero status code: 256
Hi happy new year everybody,
"fix topology" in Freesurfer takes 57 hours on my machine, which has
a speed of 1 GHz and RAM of 1 Gbytes, a pretty fast machine.
57 hours sounds TOO long for me; other processes take less than an hour.
Does it sound OK, or something wrong?
Any comments are apprecia
Hi all,
recon-all -stage1 gives me an error on "could not find corpus callosum".
So, I used Tkmedit to find xyz talairach coordinates of the two structures
and ran stage1 again, many times with different coordinates.
"surfaces" are twisted and "filled" volume didn't look like a brain.
How can I f
For some subjects' data, pure Csurf GUI works, while for other subjects
Csurf GUI complains, giving errors during "create surface", upon which I
have to run the command-line option "recon-all -stage1" with CC and pons
Is it ture, I mean the Csurf GUI is unpredictable, because of
For another subject,
the inflated surfaces for left and right are not right after "create
surface" in csurf GUI. They are not symmetrically cut.
The brain seems to have been cut not through the midline, but
a notch toward left hemisphere.
When I looked at wm or T1 surfaces, they show that t
Sounds like trivial questions...
(1) How do you check if the talairach.xfm is OK?
(2) Either during the command-line option of recon-all -stage 1 thru 4,
when do you use tkregister2 for registeration?
Thanks for the help.
Freesurfer mail
The man page shows the following for the AFNI motion correction binary.
3dvolreg [options] dataset
Registers each 3D sub-brick from the input dataset to the base brick.
'dataset' may contain a sub-brick selector list.
Would someone tell me how to specify "dataset"?
Is it *.img or COR-* or a
After I ran mri_convert, I saw the "orig" volumes.
Are the red crosses in the image significant in that the center cross should
be the center of the brain in terms of left and right hemispheres?
It is not in the center, much away from the center in my "orig" volumes.
If it has to be corrected
During recon-all -stage1 running, I got the following error.
MRInormalize: could not find any valid peaks
No such file or directory
mri_normalize: normalization failed
No such file or directory
ERROR: mri_normalize exited with non-zero status
Any suggestion would be appreciated.
gt; 01/06/05 4:55 PM >>>
check the talairach transform
On Thu, 6 Jan 2005, Joongnam Yang wrote:
> Hi,
> During recon-all -stage1 running, I got the following error.
> ...
> MRInormalize: could not find any valid peaks
> No such file or directory
> mri_normalize: nor
For one subject's data, "process volume" didn't get the skull stripped.
The skull was there intact in "brain" volumes.
To correct it,
I used "expert preferences" and used "don't use watershed analyze", which
led to most of the skull removed in "brain" volumes.
But still there are pieces of th
Thanks Bruce and Brian,
When voxel dimensions are less than 1.75, "create surface" went smoothly.
Question: The pons is still attached, I want to use
-pons-xyz X Y Z
TkMedit shows only RAS.
(1) How can I have talairach coords shown up on TkMedit
(2) RAS and Talairach coords are different, but
I am having trouble removing the pons with recon-all -stage1 -pons-xyz.
I've tried five pons coords, unsuccessfully.
When you move the mouse location in the sagittal, horizontal, and coronal
the slice numbers change. When I get the talairach coords for the pons,
should the slice numbe
TkMedit doesn't show talairach coordinates.
I ran talairach2 -s subjid, and clicked (View->Information->talairach), but
still talairach coords row comes out blank in TkMedit, no numbers, just
Would someone suggest anything to make the tal coords available o nTkMedit?
I collected new anatomical data with isometric voxels.
When I ran "create surface," the pons is not being removed.
I tried many different coordinates for the pons (either Volume Index or
Talairach), but the pons is still not being cut out.
Any suggestions?
t, you need to use
volume scanner coords as input (you can turn them on under
view->information). Make sure it is a point in which the pons appears
disconnected in a horizontal view, and superior to the cerebellar
On Wed, 12 Jan 2005, Joongnam
Yang wrote:
> Hi,
t work? If not, you need to use
> volume scanner coords as input (you can turn them on under
> view->information). Make sure it is a point in which the pons appears
> disconnected in a horizontal view, and superior to the cerebellar
> peduncles.
> Bruce
I did manual editting for lateral ventricles, fornix, basal ganglia, optic
as illustrated in the cortical reconstruction tutorial, for both left and
right hemispheres, and DID save them in the "wm" volume.
Then I ran "create surface", but nothing is changed.
What could have been wrong?
interface to create surfaces.
instead, run through the command line:
recon-all -stage2 -subjid
this will create a log
include this with your email so we can better assist you with your
On Fri, 14 Jan 2005,
I followed the manual instructions on full surface cuts, but not working.
Here is what I did.
(1) cut five relaxation cuts.
(2) right-click.
(3) left-click one of regions that are to be kept.
(4) select "Fill Uncut Area" button,
The image refrehses, but no change is made on the image.
The circ
Hi All,
Would someone point me to a place where I can get information on averaging
of functional overlays across subjects?
All the materials I have do not have any information about averaging
Freesurfer mailing list
I know how to overlay a *.w file with a surface. Is it possible to overlay
multiple *.w files onto the same surface on TkSurfer?
If so, would someone let me know how to do it?
Freesurfer mailing list
>>> Bruce Fischl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/27/05 1:17 PM >>>
you can load multiple w files into different overlay layers in tksurfer,
then switch between them in view->overlay layer
On Thu, 27 Jan 2005,
Joongnam Yang wrote:
> Hi,
> I know ho
I ran "func2tal" with functional data (*.img) and got
INFO: autodetected functype raw
ERROR: only selxavg, selavg, and sfa functypes are currently supported
How can I change *.img functional data into the above functypes?
better off using mri_vol2vol. There are lots of docs with --help,
including how to convert a volume into talairach space.
Joongnam Yang wrote:
> Hi,
> I ran "func2tal" with functional data (*.img) and got
> INFO: autodetected functype raw
> ERROR: onl
I tried to convert *.img functional data into *.mnc file, using
and when I checked the *.mnc file for functional using "mincinfo", it gave
me some "unknowns" for the time dimension.
image: signed__ short 0 to 1131
image dimensions: xspace yspace zspace time
dimension name
Hi all,
I am sorry, since I might have missed the answer.
My question is, the following question by Mr. Ajay Pillai has been answered?
If yes, would someone forward me the answer please?
>>> Ajay Pillai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 04/27/05 2:26 PM >>>
I am trying to convert my dicom fu
is no special naming requirements -- in fact the file names can be
random). The output will be
Joongnam Yang wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am sorry, since I might have missed the answer.
> My question is, the following question by Mr.
IL PROTECTED]> 04/28/05 6:09 PM >>>
It will transform all of them that belong to the same series into one
file. If they don't all belong to the same series, then you're on your
Joongnam Yang wrote:
> Thanks Doug,
> Is there a way of transforming
Hi all,
The freesurfer manual on occipital cuts is clear on where to cut, but
does anyone have experience on where to cut, so that the flattening
of the cut would look reasonable and consistent?
I've tried several cuts, but whenever I tried it, the flattened surfaces
look different and it is not s
of cortex, Anders, Marty and Roger et al. typically
made one planar cut to cut off the posterior 1/3, then one cut down the
fundus of the calcarine all the way anterior.
On Tue, 10 May 2005, Joongnam
Yang wrote:
> Hi all,
> The freesurfer manual on occipital cuts is cl
Hi all,
Freesurfer allows occipital cuts of "inflated" brain to be flattened.
Is it possible to flatten occipital cuts of "folded" brain?
Freesurfer mailing list
I am using an old version of Freesurfer where retinotopy-analysis is
enabled. If anyone having such experience, please help me.
I am having trouble with csurf, and here is what I did.
(1) changed Analyze file (*.hdr, *.img) into *.BRIK and *.HEAD using
(2) in csurf, under "session
Hi all,
I did the occipital cut for the right brain and flattened it.
When I opened it with Tksurfer of csurf, the flattened
surface showed up on the right edge of the display window of Tksurfer,
instead of being in the center of the window.
(The left flattened surface came out in the center, and
I know how to cut the occipital lobe and flatten it.
You cut calcarine and pick three points and another point to select
the plane and do "cut plane".
Would someone let me know how to extend the cut so that the cut
can include part of the parietal lobe?
The menu bar has "whole brain cut" and
If it is in progress, it means that it is not usable by end-users yet?
If so, when would the how-to guide be available?
(This would be a wonderful tool for my project in which I need to
see a particular region labeled, i.e., lateral portion of the areas between
parietal and occipital lobes.
I am
Hi all,
When I overlay functional data (e.g. from FSL) onto a Freesurfer-produced
inflated brain, I see the activations shown in colors.
I want to pick a voxel in Talairach coordinates in those activations and see
how the particular voxel's activation level changes throughout different
data sets o
Thanks for the answer,
> If you want to create statistical maps in surface space, then use
> mris_preproc to assemble the data. Then use one of the FSL tools to > do
stats or use mri_glmfit
Where could I get mris_preproc and mri_glmfit?
Google displays nothing on those two functions.^_^
> Yo
"mris_preproc" and "mri_glmfit"
These two functions are not included in the version of Freesurfer that I
Does anyone know where I can get them?
Freesurfer mailing list
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