bar of my
terminal reads "terminal - tkmedit.bin". When I type "echo $PATH" I get
the respone that the PATH variable does not exist. Does anyone know how
to make the command function in tkmedit?
Jared Price
Center for Neurological Imaging
Brigham and Women
Hi everybody, this is Jared over at the Brigham. Quick question for
anyone who knows. I am trying to rebuild a subcortical atlas using the
script rebuild_gca_atlas.csh. When calling the script I almost
immediately get the error "psubmit: Command not found."
I would like to get this working b
Hi, this is Jared again at the Brigham. Quick correction. The error
says "pbsubmit: Command not found." not "psubmit: Command not found."
Jared Price
Center for Neurological Imaging
Brigham and Women's Hospital
Harvard Medical School
1249 Boylston Str
Hi everybody,
I had a quick question I was hoping someone could help me out with. I
am trying to automate a few aspects of tkmedit but am running into some
trouble in creating a shell script that can control it. Under normal
circumstances, for example, the first line would be something like
Hi everybody,
2 quick questions about longitudinal processing.
1) does the longitudinal processing even call the default gca atlas
or does it use something else?
2) when processing say 7 time points should all longitudinal scans
be processed from baseline or should time 3 be processed from
Hi freesurfer gurus,
I just noticed that version 4.1.0 is out. We have a relatively large
amount of data already processed through various freesurfer versions
such as 4.0.0 4.0.2 4.0.5. Is it valid to compare volumetric
measurements from the subcortical segmentation file aseg.mgz across
Hello freesurfer gurus,
I noticed on the wiki that they recommend using tcsh when running
freesurfer, although they say other shells can be used. Is there a
significant advantage to using tcsh when running freesurfer? If I would
rather use bash is there any significant reason not to?
Dear freesurfer gurus,
I noticed something unusual in some of our data today. When the command
mri_info was run on some of the orig.mgz volumes the values listed for
echo time and flip angle in some of the scans were 0.00, even though
there was a listing for repetition time. What could have c
Will missing header info affect the rebuild_gca_atlas script? I noticed
it didn't like it if echo time, repetition time etc. didn't match.
Also, I assume there is no difference, or minimal enough difference to
ignore, in the 001.mgz file when converted from say nifti or straight
from dicom.
Hello freesurfers!
We have a large data set which has segmentation volumes that have been
manually labeled. Along the way occasionally a voxel which should have
been labeled as left-hemisphere was labeled with the corresponding
right-hemisphere label. For example, there might be a few voxels
Hi everybody,
We have a set of patients who were all run using the same freesurfer
version, except that some of the patients had their dicom files
converted to 001.mgz with a somewhat older version of freesurfer. For
example some of them went through that step with version 4.0 or 4.0.2 or
Hi everyone,
I have a quick question but an important one. We are working on a 5
year study involving well over 1000 scans. Processing of these patients
is primarily done using a cluster machine loaded with freesurfer version
x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-dev4-20080904. However, sometimes it is us
correction to the previous message (which is below). The Macs in
the local lab are now running Darwin-leopard-i686-stable 4.1.0 and the
version of mri_convert on that seems to be
Hi everyone,
I have a quick question but an important one. We are working on a 5
year study involvi
Dear gurus,
when running mri_convert -rt nearest -ot nii -rl 001.mgz seg_edited.mgz
seg_edited_axial.nii to reslice from coronal to axial space we are
seeing some significant volume changes in the segmentation. Anyone know
why or how to fix it.
Hi freesurfer masters,
Quick question on the way freesurfer calculates the dice coefficient. I
am interested in getting an INTERsubject dice coefficient as a measure
of similarity between 2 subjects. My question is, do I need to do an
INTERsubject registration step before calculating the dice
Looking over some stats recently I noticed that if you add up all of the
freesurfer stats for ventricles, namely the left and right lateral
ventricles plus 3rd, 4th, and 5th ventricles and subtract that from the
"Number of Brain Segmentation Voxels" stat, you do not get the value of
Hi freesurfer masters,
I was wondering if freesurfer had a way of comparing two segmentations
for surface differences, something along the lines of a Hausdorff
distance or the symmetric mean absolute surface distance
Freesurfer maili
Hi all,
I asked an earlier question about Hausdorff distance and was told there
was a binary "mri_hausdorff_dist" that could calculate it, but I don't
see it in the /Applications/freesurfer/bin directory. Is it elsewhere?
Is it included with 4.4.0?
Hi gurus,
I am evaluating two segmentation routines relative to a gold standard
and would like to calculate the Hausdorff distance for each routine
relative to the gold standard in the left and right Amygdala, Caudate,
Putamen, and Hippocampus. I know that there are 3 main options to the
Hi all,
I am looking for a powerful, robust tool for modifying dicom headers
that can be called from the command-line and scripted. For example, I
may need to alter the subject ID with which a dicom study was uploaded.
We are managing a multi-site study and the various sites do not always
Hi all,
I am interested in obtain a total gray matter volume and a total white
matter volume specific to the frontal lobes. How can this be done in
Freesurfer mailing list
Hi all,
I have some images (2-d (single slice)) from mouse brains which show
gene expression data from in-situ hybridization from several different
mice. I would like to align each of these images with one another.
Does anyone know of a really good tool for that sort of thing? Ideally
I am l
Hi freesurfer gurus,
We are doing some freesurfer processing for a collaborating lab and the
PI has asked us for a measure of gray matter volume and a measure of
white matter volume, both of which need to be specific to just the
frontal lobes. Does anyone know of a simple, and accurate, way of
Hi all,
Does anyone know if there is a detailed wiki page on how to interpret
each of the different stats files. To this point I have primarily used
the aseg.stats file but one of the PIs we are working with wants a
measure of total gray matter and total white matter specific to the
frontal lo
Hi all,
This should be a quick question to answer. I recently ran "recon-all -s
-qcache" on a group of subjects after they had undergone
initial processing. This was done using something of the form "for
subjvar in `ls`; do recon-all -s $subjvar -qcache; done" (actually this
was done on a gr
Anyone know how to extract a single structure from aseg.mgz? In other
words I assume it is possible to use the information in aseg.mgz to
extract a single structure such that there is a new.mgz file that
contains just the segmentation of the putamen or just of the caudate or
whatever. Thanks.
Thanks, I tried mri_extract_label and it works fine. However, it
extracts the structure and gives it the label "nerve". Is there any way
within mri_extract_label to keep the original labels (i.e. left putamen,
right putamen, or whatever)?
Hi all,
I want to do a manual segmentation of the putamen in tkmedit, but rather
than using brainmask.mgz as the main volume, I wanted to use 001.mgz.
This is because the intensity normalization step can in certain cases
brighten lighter areas of the putamen to 110. Anyway, when I load the
I guess I am not entirely sure what the contrast properties of orig.mgz
are. After looking at the recon-all DevTable I don't see anything that
explicitly mentions any intensity normalization occurring before this
point so I imagine it would work. I guess I will just ask you for your
Doug, I tried mri_vol2vol --mov .../orig/001.mgz --targ ...orig/001.mgz
--regheader -o ...This created a volume but the same issue
remained. When I load a segmentation on top of the created volume,
tkmedit won't let me alter the segmentation. If I use "new
segmentation" as opposed to load
...Also, I should mention that slice thickness in the MRI acquisition
sequence was 1.3 mm so the native voxels are not 1x1x1.
Freesurfer mailing list
I see the mistake I made. Works well now. Thanks for the help.
Freesurfer mailing list
Hi all,
Does anyone have any recommendations for testing anatomical similarity
between 2 different subjects?
Freesurfer mailing list
Hi gurus,
The output of mri_robust_register includes some instruction for checking
the registration.
In my case the ouput said I could check the registration by running
"tkregister2 --mov 0110837_20090425/mri/001.anatomicalspace.mgz --targ
0311501_scan1_20061205/mri/001.anatomicalspace.mgz --lt
Hi Matt,
I believe the problem lies in how excel treats end of line characters
(even Excel for Mac). You could use Open-office which will export to a
more Unix-friendly format, or you could try using tr (a Unix
command-line utility that could change the problematic end of line
characters to Unix-c
Freesurfer gurus:
When using rebuild_gca_atlas.csh it fails due to the fact that not all
of the TRs TEs and FlipAngles are identical across all scans I am using
for the atlas. Is there any major concern if we artificially change
these values using mri_modify so that they are identical?
Much tha
m a command prompt or can
correct any missteps that I may have taken please let me know.
Thanks and all the best to each of you,
Jared Price
Center for Neurological Imaging
Brigham and Women's Hospital
Harvard Medical School
1249 Boylston Street
Boston, MA 02115
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