ached the logs - the only immediate error I can see is "Cannot
find rh.white.H".
Any advice would be much appreciated, thank you.
*Ian Hardingham*
Chief Technology Officer
ainer image is based on Ubuntu;
and nothing else is being explicitly run on the instance while recon-all
is running.
*Ian Hardingham*
Freesurfer mailing list
Any helpers on how to achieve this?
*Ian Hardingham*
Freesurfer mailing list
--trgsurfval {output_dir}/registered_lh.white
My newly registered lh.white file is half the size:
3316997 May 6 10:41 /home/ian/cdm_registered_test/registered_lh.white
(and appears to have half the vertices accordingly.)
So this must be incorrect, or at least not my int
External Email - Use Caution
I'm just going to try this again, but this time with a different command:
mris_apply_reg --src-xyz
/usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/fsaverage/surf/lh.white --trg
/home/ian/lh_reg.white --streg
but it does not alter the number of
vertices in them. There is no 1-to-1 correspondence between the vertices of the
2 meshes.
May I ask why you need this? What do you want to achieve?
On May 11, 2020 at 2:11 PM Ian wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
I'm just going to try
BJECTS_DIR/fsaverage/lh.sphere.reg a registration to? If not, where
can I find the subject that recon-all registers to?
*Ian Hardingham*
Freesurfer mailing list
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Hi freesurfers,
Is it possible to download freesurfer versions 4 and 5?
*Ian Hardingham*
Freesurfer mailing list
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Sorry, found them, never mind!
On 18/05/2020 12:26, Ian wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
Hi freesurfers,
Is it possible to download freesurfer versions 4 and 5?
*Ian Hardingham
External Email - Use Caution
Hi Freesurfers.
I'm looking to find the center of the various Ventricles. Are they
included in the freesurfer segmentation images with a specific code?
If not, what approach would you use?
*Ian Hardi
/perl/5.28 /usr/share/perl/5.28
/usr/local/lib/site_perl /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl-base) at
/usr/local/freesurfer/mni/bin/nu_correct line 37.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
/usr/local/freesurfer/mni/bin/nu_correct line 37.
Could you advise please?
*Ian Hardi
External Email - Use Caution
I have attached the log - is there any chance you could tell me what the
problem is?
Mon Jun 29 10:53:22 UTC 2020
-all -subjid ./freesurfer2016
subjid freesurfer2016
Not sure. Can you run this
cd /execute/freesurfer2016/mri
mri_nu_correct.mni --n 1 --proto-iters 1000 --distance 50 --no-rescale
--i orig.mgz --o orig_nu.mgz
and send the terminal output?
On 6/29/2020 7:01 AM, Ian wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
I have attached the log
External Email - Use Caution
Hi Freesurfers.
There is a "ctx-lh/rh-corpuscallosum" label in Freesurfer, but the
Corpus Callosum is not considered to be in the cortex. Can you explain
precisely what this label refers to?
Is there a way to specify a nonisotropic PSF when using mri_gtmpvc? I have
reason to believe there are differences between the axial and transverse
resolutions of the PET scanner in my study and would like to incorporate
them if possible.
Ian Kennedy
I am looking for lies elsewhere.
Any help would be highly appreciated!!
Freesurfer mailing list
The information in this e-mail is intended only fo
;s no intelligible way to make an overlay out of interactions,
unless you look at the F-test output one contrast at a time (e.g.,
what areas show a significant interaction in thickness between
dependents vs abusers and use in the last month?).
Take care,
Ian Ca
values when nothing is significant?
Freesurfer mailing list
The information in this e-mail is intended only for the person to whom it is
ase of this data was made possible through the support of the UK
Alzheimer's Society and the kind permission of the original study
participants and funders. Full acknowledgements can be found at
Best wishes for your future
like to try as input to see if it provides a better starting
point than whole brain labels. Are there any other inputs we'd need?
Best wishes,
Ian Malone
Research Associate
Dementia Research Centre
Queen Square Institute of Neurology
Attached at the end is some output from both failing and successful runs.
3. nu_correct exists in freesurfer/mni/bin
4. Perl is present and correct on both systems.
Thank you in advance,
I one should need a register.dat file here or even a
template file, as I want to generate a volume in RAS space, from a label which
I would think is also in RAS space.
As for the template file, should it be orig.mgz?
Any suggestions here would be appreciated!
de according to where your freesurfer
install is and where your subject directory lies...
alias freesurfer 'setenv FREESURFER_HOME /usr/local/freesurfer; setenv
SUBJECTS_DIR ~/subjects; source $FREESURFER_HOME/SetUpFreeSurfer.csh'
now if you close your terminal and open a new one, freesur
y orig.mgz in tkmedit and all seems fine.
Any Idea what could be going wrong?
Best Wishes
Ian Charest
--i orig.mgz --xfm transforms/
$Id: talairach
Hi again
More on this note:
Using the previous stable version 4.3.0 that I have installed here, I have
absolutely no problem in running the same process.
[] On Behalf Of Ian Charest
Sent: 07 March
Thanks guys for the reply, I have fixed this now.
> -Original Message-
> From: dgw []
> Sent: 07 March 2012 19:55
> To: Nick Schmansky
> Cc: Ian Charest;
> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] freesurfer 5.1 error:
There is also nifti_tool which comes with nitfilib (nifticlib)
$ nifti_tool -disp_hdr -infiles mynifti.nii
Doug Greve wrote:
nifti generally does not have the capability to save patient info. I
might if the software that cre
acent ones). Using the 1mm^3 voxel registered
volume as the template does not show this problem, neither does viewing
the label overlaid on orig.mgz in tkmedit. Is there anything I can
adjust to avoid this while still outputting a volume in the original
image dimensions?
Ian M
Kernel info: Linux i686
Ian Malone
Freesurfer mailing list
The file is the right size, however further investigation shows that
vox_offset in the .hdr file was (incorrectly) non-zero; equal to 1, so
mri_convert is correct in skipping one byte at the start. Sorry for the
Douglas N Greve wrote:
Can you verify that the file is the right
things that might be going wrong here or
other strategies to try?
Also, assuming I get the transformation right, will adjusting the label
point volume to match the new voxel dimensions make any difference if
the the threshold is set at zero?
for your time,
Ian Malone
Freesurfer mailing list
It's not terrible; it can be worked around. But it does feel more like
a bug than a feature, as these voxels are un-connected with any in the
brain. It looks a bit like the edge of a bounding box.
Bruce Fischl wrote:
Hi Ian,
mri_watershed minimizes a risk functional in whi
value... or is the volume between the surfaces calculated
Freesurfer mailing list
20 14:43, Bruce Fischl wrote:
Hi Ian
you can use mri_surf2surf to map surfaces between subjects, but our
atlas isn't really a surface. You can use the surfaces in the
fsaverage dir, but they are meant for visualization and are much
smoother than individuals
On Tue, 5 May
", but if
it's ".pial" it outputs ".pial.w", which I find a little curious.
On 05/05/2020 16:34, Bruce Fischl wrote:
yes, check out options like:
if you need further help though I'll have to defer to Doug :)
On Tue, 5 May 2020, Ian
mi rh --srcsubject fsaverage --sval-xyz pial
--trgsubject fs_target --trgsurfval ./registered_rh.pial --trg_type w
The white calls output seems to be fine, but the pial ones aren't. I
somewhat naively trued trg_type pial but that wasn't correct.
On 05/05/2020 17:33, Ian Hardingham wrote:
the same thing, but the interface might be a
little easier
On 5/5/2020 12:49 PM, Bruce Fischl wrote:
no definitely not "w" format, which we don't use for anything
anymore. YOu should use tval-xyz also I think
On Tue, 5 May 2020, Ian Hardingham wrote:
External Email
c_(ras) : (-0.5431, 8.9290, -17.0723)
file : /media/ian/bronson/subject/T1_nifti.nii.gz
Volume Geometry vox2ras
-0.99905 -0.04362 0.0 92.25847;
-0.04362 0.99905 0.0 -99.12585;
0.0 0.0 1.0 -145.07230;
0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0;
Volume Geometry v
ces, which
should be the number of vertices in the target subject (and is in the
typical range for an individual subject)
On 5/6/2020 10:21 AM, Ian Hardingham wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
FSLInfo attached, thanks Bruce.
When trying to run freeview I get "freeview.bin: erro
ces) translated to positions on the target
brain (which may well not be vertices in the target geometry.)
On 07/05/2020 15:59, Douglas N. Greve wrote:
I don't understand. What is the difference between the target brain
and the target subject's vertices?
On 5/7/2020 2:17
es this mean an affine (12dof) transform? And what information do
you want? An XYZ coordinate?
On 5/7/2020 11:06 AM, Ian Hardingham wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
I'd like to get a set of points to compare across several brains, so
that the nth point in brain A is in roughly t
07/05/2020 22:45, Douglas N. Greve wrote:
Isn't that what you got from the mri_surf2surf command?
On 5/7/2020 3:08 PM, Ian Hardingham wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
Thanks Doug - yes, I'd like the vertex coordinates in the same format
as the local subject surface file
not average space.
So if I have five subjects - I would like the same number of points for
each one, which I thought I would get by registering the average to each
of them...
On 11/05/2020 18:56, Douglas N. Greve wrote:
Ian, it seems like you want two different things. When you run
External Email - Use Caution
Thanks Bruce.
On 13/05/2020 15:41, Bruce Fischl wrote:
Hi Ian
we don't register to an individual subject - we register to a
probabilistic atlas compiled from many subjects. The fsaverage
subjects were also generated from that data so they a
External Email - Use Caution
Is this only in FSL 7 Doug? I can't find it in 6.
On 16/06/2020 14:59, Douglas N. Greve wrote:
Try mri_segcentroids. Run it with --help to get docs
On 6/16/2020 8:39 AM, Ian wrote:
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Hi Freesurfers.
External Email - Use Caution
Thank you so much Doug.
On 16/06/2020 15:44, Douglas N. Greve wrote:
Yes, I put a linux version here
On 6/16/2020 10:32 AM, Ian Hardingham wrote:
External Email - Use
las N. Greve wrote:
Yes, I put a linux version here
On 6/16/2020 10:32 AM, Ian Hardingham wrote:
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Is this only in FSL 7 Doug? I can't find it in 6.
On 16/06/2020 14:59, Douglas N. Greve w
External Email - Use Caution
Are the ventricles currently in V6 Surf directory as a set of vertices,
or a labelled list of voxels, or anything like that?
On 16/06/2020 13:39, Ian wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
Hi Freesurfers.
I'm looking to find the c
he 3rd ventricle.
> I hope that is what you were asking?
> Tim
>> On June 17, 2020 at 11:41 AM Ian Hardingham wrote:
>> External Email - Use Caution
>> Are the ventricles currently in V6 Surf directory as a set of vertices,
Richard G. Edgar wrote:
On Tue, 2011-04-05 at 11:23 +0200, Knut J Bjuland wrote:
Will a Tesla C2050 or another good CPU be able to reduce the running
time from 20-24 hr to less time like for instance 8hr or below that
On the standard test case we use here, a full recon-all run ta
On 05/04/11 16:55, Richard G. Edgar wrote:
> On Tue, 2011-04-05 at 16:30 +0100, Ian Malone wrote:
>> Richard G. Edgar wrote:
>>> On the standard test case we use here, a full recon-all run takes 8
>>> hours on a 3.2 GHz Nehalem core, and about 4 hours 20 mins
posts that the "killed" error is because of an issue
with RAM, but I have not run into this error in the past. The error occurs
while on the "Pushing data through the CNN" step. There is no error message,
terminal just prints &quo
External Email - Use Caution
Dr. Iglesias,
Let me give it a try using that addition and I'll let you know if it fails
Ian Johnson, B.A.
Clinical Research Associate
Division of Neurocritical Care & Emergency Neurology
Yale School of Medicine
E: i
: Bad CPU type in executable"
Is this machine too old to run WMH FreeSurfer?
Ian Johnson, B.A.
Clinical Research Associate
Division of Neurocritical Care & Emergency Neurology
Yale School of Medicine
operating system name and revision running on the
- R.
On Oct 7, 2024, at 16:13, Johnson, Ian wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
Hello Free Surfer Pros,
I am trying to run WMH-Synth-Seg on a different machine (2.4GHz Quad-Core Intel
Core i5, Intel Iris Plus Graphics 655 1536
External Email - Use Caution
Dr. Iglesias,
I am still receiving the killed message. I am also stumped by how the platform
was working for me not too long ago. I was able to run ~160 sequences recently
without issue.
Is there anything else I can try?
Ian Johnson, B.A
e numbers are still in the order
>of the thousands. Is there any way to manually rescale the file's intensities,
>dividing the entire file's intensities by the average value across the
Thank you for your help, please l
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