86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux4) recon-all.log: see attached In addition, I'm seding information for error. ------- Gwang-Won Kim, Ph.D. Research FellowResearch Institute of Medical ImagingChonnam National University Medical School42 Jebongro, Donggu, Gwang
Hello FreeSurfer Developers, I have a question. I want to evaluate volume and thickness of the amygdala using asegstats2table. How do I obtain volume and thickness of the amygdala using asegstats2table?
Freesurfer mailing list
Hello FreeSurfer Developers,I saw UserContributions/FAQ of FreeSurfer as following:Q. I have already skull-stripped data. Can I submit it to recon-all?A: If your skull-stripped volume does not have the cerebellum, then no. If it does, then yes, however you will have to run the data a bit differentl
-- Original Message --
Date: Wednesday, May 24, 2017 01:48:33 PM
From: "Gwang-Won Kim"
Subject: Question: how to smooth and transform into a template
Hello FreeSurfer Developers,I read a sentence in a paper associated with Free Surfer as following: Before statistical
Hello FreeSurfer Developers, To compare cortical thickness between groups, I want to process analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) adjusting for age.When "mri_glmfit" process, do I insert "0 0 1 -1" in .mtx file?Would you please tell me how to process ANCOVA with age as covariate. FSGD FILEClass Group1Cl
Hello FreeSurfer Developers,To compare cortical thickness between groups, I want to process analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) adjusting for age.When "mri_glmfit" process, do I insert "0 0 1 -1" in .mtx file?Would you please tell me how to process ANCOVA with age as covariate.FSGD FILEClass Group1Clas
External Email - Use CautionDear there, I tried to process “Segmentation of thalamic nuclei” using source the FreeSurfer development version.I filled out “segmentThalamicNuclei.sh bert [SUBJECTS_DIR]”.In two computer, there were massages “segmentThamicNuclei.sh: Command not found”
External Email - Use CautionDear there, I tried to process “Segmentation of thalamic nuclei” using source the FreeSurfer development version(freesurfer-linux-centos6_x86_64-dev.tar.gz).The OS of my notebook CentOS (6.10).MATLAB --> /usr/local/MATLAB/R2017bMRCv84 --> /usr/local/frees
/local/freesurfer/MCRv84I filled out “segmentThalamicNuclei.sh bert [SUBJECTS_DIR].In my notebook, there were the messages below.Best,Gwang-W
External Email - Use CautionDear there,I tried to process "recon-all -s -localGI"But, there were messages below.Thank you.- < M A T L A B (R) > Copyright 1984-2017 The Mat
External Email - Use Caution
Hi there,
I would like to make a ROI for subthalamic
But, there is not label name for
subthalamic nucleus in FreeSurferColorLUT.
How do I make a ROI for subthalamic nucleus
in T1 image?
Thank you.
External Email - Use CautionHi there,
I would like to make a ROI for a left Substanci Nigra.
It is possible to make the ROIs for thalamus, putamen, caudate, etc. But, it is not possible to make the left Substanci Nigra ROI as follows: mri_binarize --i $SUBJECTS_DIR/$subj/mri/a
pheres and subcortical structures.I have a question. How can I do if I use p-values corrected only for subcortical structure? Good luck,Gwang-Won Kim
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pheres and subcortical structures.I have a question. How can I do if I use p-values corrected only for subcortical structure? Good luck,Gwang-Won Kim
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External Email - Use CautionHi there, I would like to show activation map in the thalamus, caudate nucleus, and hippocampus. activation.mgh : activation map in the subcortical areasmask.mgh: including the thalamus, caudate nucleus, and hippocampus How do I make the activation map in
ol 3), Max=724.138794 (col 8) The scale is much different between columns 3 and 8, you may want to normalize by subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard deviation. What is the problem? Gwang-Won Kim
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e mean and dividing by the standard deviation. What is the problem? Gwang-Won Kim
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UT in FreeView but 3 volumes (3 ROIs) have the color of number #1 in FreeSurferColorLUT. How do I assign different number of FreeSurferColorLUT in 3 volumes? Thank you,Gwang-Won Kim
Freesurfer mailing list
External Email - Use CautionHi there, I would like to analyze clusterwise correction for multiple comparisons using masks (exsample; superior frontal cortex and middle frontal cortex).I know that "2spaces" means adjust p-values for two hemispheres as follow; mri_glmfit-sim --glmdir
External Email - Use CautionHi there, I obtained results for right thickness using aparcstats2table.Then, ANCOVA was used to compared right thickness between two group (age, sex, edu, ICV as covariates)using SPSS.
A group showed higher right thickness in the superior fr
External Email - Use CautionHi there, I tried to process "recon-all" as follow: recon-all -autorecon-all -i A.nii.gz -s A -parallel But, there is the message for 4 days as follow (FREESURFER _HOME /usr/local/freesurfer/dev):#@# Fix Topology rhmris_fix_topology -maz -sphere qsphere.n
External Email - Use Caution Hi there, I obtained results for right thickness using aparcstats2table.Then, ANCOVA was used to compared right thickness between two group (age, sex, edu, ICV as covariates)using SPSS. AA group showed higher right thickness in the superior frontal gyrus
result of aparcstats2table Then look at the sig.table.dat Oftentimes, the SPSS analysis is not doing exactly the same thing as the mri_glmfit analysis. On 12/6/2019 11:25 AM, Gwang-Won Kim wrote: External Email - Use Caution Hi there, I obtained results for right thickness using aparcstats2ta
External Email - Use CautionDear Sir, I ran "mri_glmfit" commend.I had no problem when I used 3 covariates. But I'm having a problem with "mri_glmfit" when I used 4 covariates.I'm sending comment line, FSGD, and design matrix as the attached files. Thank you.Gwang-Won
External Email - Use CautionHi there,I obtained a seed region (left superior frontal)from anatomical data to process resting state fMRI data as follows: fcseed-sess -o lh.SFC.dat -segid 1028 -s session -fsd rest. I wonder if what the seed region is the left superior frontal was corr
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