[Freesurfer] eTIV

2009-02-13 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
Dear freesurfers: I have 60 subjects manual segmentated on FreeSrufer 4.0.5, i want to know if i run the recon2 or recon3 in the new FS 4.2.0, will have any problem? the diferences between versions can cause any trouble with the analisis because imcompability or something? Regards Gabriel

[Freesurfer] eTIV

2009-02-13 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
Dear freesurfers: I have two questions: 1. I have FS v4.0.5 and i've downloaded the new mri_segstats to calculate the eTIV, this new calculation may cause any trouble in my group of manual segmented subjects? 2. I have 60 subjects manual segmentated on FreeSrufer 4.0.5, i want to know if i

[Freesurfer] aparc+aseg error

2009-02-20 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
dear Freesurfers i'm exiting subcortical segmentations with: tkmedit sk024 aparc+aseg.mgz -aparc+aseg and load as aux volume the T1.mgz then i recive the error message: $ tkmedit sk024 aparc+aseg.mgz -aparc+aseg Reading 1034 control points... LoadSegmentationVolume main aparc+aseg.mgz

[Freesurfer] LGI

2009-03-06 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
Hello i'm trying to make a local Gyrification Index (lGI), i have image Processing Toolbox instaled... and i always recibe the next error message: [r...@localhost ~]$ recon-all -s s001 -localGI Subject Stamp: freesurfer-Linux-centos4_x86_64-stable-pub-v4.2.0 Current Stamp: freesurfer-Li

[Freesurfer] analize convert

2009-03-12 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
hello everybody i'n trying to convert a FS average to *.img, when i use mriconvert with one subject i put the rawavg.mgz, but in the average subject this file does not exist, so how can i make it? to convert the Fs average to an *.img Regards Gabriel ___

[Freesurfer] analyze convert

2009-03-12 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
hello everybody i'm trying to convert a FS average to *.img, when i use mriconvert with one subject i put the rawavg.mgz, but in the average subject this file does not exist, so how can i make it? to convert the Fs average to an *.img Regards Gabriel Diferentes formas de estar

RE: [Freesurfer] making ROIs

2009-03-17 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
s > > Hi Gabriel, > > a couple of things: > > 1. You need to click in the interior of the region you want to fill. > 2. You need to say "last clicked" not "all clicked". > 3. You need to check the "up to paths" button. > >

[Freesurfer] avg ROI

2009-03-18 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
I have created a ROI in an average subject, how can i transpose that ROI to each subject? i mean, use it like a mask to make some statistics on each subject Regards Gabriel _ Chatea sin límites en Messenger con la tarif

[Freesurfer] GM

2009-03-30 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
hello I want to use GM volume stats, i don't know whether it is or not, where? I had understood that FS does not calculate the total GM volume, how can I make it? and can I calculate it for an individual ROI on a specific area? Regards Gabriel ___

[Freesurfer] GM

2009-03-30 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
hello I want to use GM volume stats, i don't know whether it is or not, where? I had understood that FS does not calculate the total GM volume, how can I make it? and can I calculate it for an individual ROI on a specific area? Regards Gabriel

[Freesurfer] LGI

2009-04-01 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
hi how can i compute the LGI and withe matter volume of my own ROIs? regards Gabriel _ ¿Quieres crear tus propios emoticonos gratis? Descubre cómo hacerlo en el Club Oficial de Messenger http://vivelive.com/ilovemessenger/

[Freesurfer] WM for ROIs

2009-04-03 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
Dear freesurfers im trying to obtain the wm volume for some ROIs created by myself, ando that not fit with the parcellation of FS, i'm using mri_segstats but i can't make it work, can any of you help me? i always recibe a message that says: "in Get MAC Adress (internal) : There was a c

[Freesurfer] WM for ROIs

2009-04-06 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
Dear freesurfers im trying to obtain the wm volume for some ROIs created by myself, ando that not fit with the parcellation of FS, i'm using mri_segstats but i can't make it work, can any of you help me? i always recibe a message that says: "in Get MAC Adress (internal) : There was a conf

[Freesurfer] LGI trouble

2009-04-07 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
hello i'm running the LGI for all my subjects, and i have no problem with almost all, but, i recibe an error message with one subject, and just with the right hemisphere no problem when making Left hemisphere, does anybody knows what can i do for correcting that error and to calculate the LGI?

[Freesurfer] dicom convert

2009-04-16 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
Dear colleages, I am trying to convert my dicom files to .mgz from Freesurfer (release 4.2) by using the mri_convert command, but it provides me the following error: [r...@localhost ~]$ cd /root/trabajo/freesurfer/subjects/mci_001/mri [r...@localhost mri]$ mri_convert -it dicom -ot mgz orig

[Freesurfer] about ROI

2009-06-08 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
hello freesurfers i have a doubt: i have convert a subject brainmask from freesurfer to nii and then i've convert a label that i create on freesurfer to *.nii using for registration the brainmask.mgz, i've made that for working in SPM, but when i open the ROI just not match with my subjec

[Freesurfer] question about aseg

2009-09-28 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
hello Freesurfers i have a doubt, i have read on the mail archive that you were working on get a segmentation of the vermis, i have the V 4.2 of freesurfer wich hav not this region,and i like to have that region, is there any way to get it? is it in another version of FS? or does any one h

[Freesurfer] Tal 2 MNI

2009-10-21 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
Hello i have a question i want to convert an MRI subject (brainmask.mgz in talairach apace) and a mask of subcortical structure of the same subject, from freesurfer to MNI colins space to work with SPM5, how can i make it? and in fact i need to make this transformation to a set of subjec

[Freesurfer] recon-all problem

2009-12-22 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
Dear Fs experts I'm trying to run a recon-all on one subject but FS gives me the following error message: #...@# Skull Stripping Mon Dec 21 17:25:55 CET 2009 Linux localhost.localdomain 2.6.9-34.ELsmp #1 SMP Thu Mar 9 06:23:23 GMT 2006 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux recon-all exite

[Freesurfer] FW: autorecon2 failture

2010-05-28 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
Dear FreeSurfers I run the autorecon1 using the flag -no-wsgcaatlas for skullstripping, I'm using freesurfer-Linux-centos4_x86_64-stable-pub-v4.5.0, you may find attached the recon-all_status log for any information you may need Then I was trying to run the autorecon2: recon-all -subjid -auto

[Freesurfer] autorecon2 error

2010-05-30 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
Dear FreeSurfers I run an autorecon1 using the flag -no-wsgcaatlas for skullstripping, I'm using freesurfer-Linux-centos4_x86_64-stable-pub-v4.5.0, you may find attached the recon-all_status log for any information you may need Then I was trying to run the autorecon2: recon-all -subjid -autor

Re: [Freesurfer] autorecon2 error

2010-05-31 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
Re: [Freesurfer] autorecon2 error > Date: Mon, 31 May 2010 03:25:59 -0400 > > Yes, looks like the one I fixed. Nick can point you to a download for the > fixed files. > > Best, Martin > > > - Original Message ----- > From: "Bruce Fischl" > T

Re: [Freesurfer] autorecon2 error

2010-06-01 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
Thanks a lot Nick Actually a I have already downloaded the file yesterday, but it gives another error in the same step when i re-run the recon-all autorecon2, says the version of the centos and FS, later say "bus error" but continue the recon till it gets to the Subcortical segmentation, where

Re: [Freesurfer] autorecon2 error

2010-06-02 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
Thank you I redownloaded the mri_ca_label file and worked, it seems that gets corrupted when donwloading, but now it appears a new error, from the autorecon2, any idea??? #...@# Intensity Normalization2 Wed Jun 2 14:58:57 CEST 2010 /root/trabajo/freesurfer/subjects/T1_GE1/mri mri_normal

Re: [Freesurfer] autorecon2 error

2010-06-02 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
g volume or anywhere else in > the stream? The aseg should be 256^3 1imm iso, but for some reason it's > not. > > Bruce > On Wed, 2 Jun 2010, Gabriel Go.Es. wrote: > > > > > Thank you > > I redownloaded the mri_ca_label file and worked, it seems

[Freesurfer] Methods doubt

2010-07-01 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
Hello freesurfers Does anyone knows wich is the method in which the FS makes an average of 2 images, in the autorecon1 step when doing the motion correction?. I mean how can I explain it? Thanx Gabriel __

Re: [Freesurfer] Methods doubt

2010-07-01 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
Thank you Bruce for you answer, but i still have the doubt, is motion correction from the FSL the method to average the images? or is another method... I wrote motion correction cuz in the -help of recon-all says that theyr made in the same step, but not to be the same process. but whatever is

Re: [Freesurfer] Methods doubt

2010-07-01 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
OK, so the alignment is to perform a simple average? that way, the real goal of the method is the registration before averaging, am I right? in versions like 4.05 what was the alignmen method, was the flirt? Do you know if Martin's robust registration is now implemented or will come in the next

Re: [Freesurfer] dicom help

2010-09-02 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
a philips scanner, most of the time I think our tools work > on philips data. Does this happen with all of your philips data or just > this one series? > > doug > > Gabriel Go.Es. wrote: > > > > > > Hello FreeSurfers > > > > I'm trying t

Re: [Freesurfer] dicom help

2010-09-02 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
Mmm, now I just have a problem... that dicom is from an structural MRI and still does not work... do you think that can i solve it anyother way??? Gabriel ___ Freesurfer mailing list Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harva

[Freesurfer] groups stats doubts

2010-09-09 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
I'm going to run some analyses and have some doubts with respect to the general approach that I should follow. We want to evaluate differences in cortical thickness in three different groups. Shoud I perform an ANOVA (to know if there is a group effect) followed by pairwise comparisons (to

Re: [Freesurfer] groups stats doubts

2010-09-13 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
.com > CC: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu > Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] groups stats doubts > > Yes, restrict the pair-wise comparisons to areas where the ANOVA is > significant. > > doug > > Gabriel Go.Es. wrote: > > > > > > > > I'm going to run so

Re: [Freesurfer] groups stats doubts

2010-09-13 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
Thank you for you help Doug, of course I can explain it better Let's suppose that resulting from the ANOVA I get three significative areas (i.e. enthorhinal, parietal and frontal), do i have to make the pair-wise comparisons on the three areas at once?, or can I perform a pair-wise for enthorh

[Freesurfer] substract clusters

2010-09-15 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
Hello I'm wondering about how to create a label from a cluster wich is significant from a group comparison, I mean, I have made group somparisons and i get some significant clusters, and I want to susbtract that significative cluster and transform it to a label file. Best Regards Gabr

[Freesurfer] GLM question

2010-09-22 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
Hello everybody I'm wondering about how to perform an FDR correction using the glmfit on FS?, I mean using command line if there is one; And Could it be applied the same sentence to correct at cortex level and clusters label, or need some special arguments on the command line for any of them

[Freesurfer] Statistical doubt

2010-10-19 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
Dear Freesurfers I would like to perform regression analysis between volume of subcortical structures (obtained from aseg) and psychometric scores removing effects of age and gender. Is there any way to do it with FS? Gabriel __

[Freesurfer] DTI question

2010-11-08 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
Hello Freesurfers I'm starting to work with DTI data and I have a couple of questions; I have 2 identical DTI sequences for some subjects and I would like to work with them, does anyone knows if it's better to concatenate them or to make an average of them? And I'm wondering when I make a

[Freesurfer] DTI question

2010-11-08 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
Hello Freesurfers I'm starting to work with DTI data and I have a couple of questions; I have 2 identical DTI sequences for some subjects and I would like to work with them, does anyone knows if it's better to concatenate them or to make an average of them? And I'm wondering when I mak

Re: [Freesurfer] mri_convert problem

2011-02-01 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
, we're using a 3rd party dicom reader that is quite > brittle, and I don't know a way around it. Can you convert to nifti > using MRIcro and then use mri_convert to convert to mgz? > > doug > > Gabriel Go.Es. wrote: > > > > Dear FS users

[Freesurfer] glmfit-sim question

2011-02-18 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
Hello FreeSurfers I'm running some permutation tests and this induce me to a question, I'm using mri_glmfit-sim as recommended with the mc-z method, running 1000 permutations and seeding randomly, I have ran this with the same data two different times, and the results are bit different, co

[Freesurfer] mri_mask

2011-02-21 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
Hello Freesurfers, I'm trying to mask the rawavg.mgz from some subjects with the brain.mgz after doing some manual segmentation corrections by using mri_mask command, I have donne it before and it always works but with this subject, the command line is excacly the same so I have no idea what

[Freesurfer] glm question

2011-03-08 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
Dear FreeSurfer experts, I'm doing some group analyses and I'm a little stocked with this: I have Six Groups (2 Factors, one with three levels and the other one with two levels), and one covariate. I don't know the rule for setting the contrasts for an ANOVA and for the interaction between t

[Freesurfer] mri_mask problem

2011-03-09 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
Hello, I'm making some manual segmentation changes in the brainmask.mgz and using mri_vol2vol and mri_mask commands to apply these changes to the rawavg.mgz, the output from the mri_vol2vol looks perfectly normal,and retains all changed made by me, but when I use the mri_mask command over th

[Freesurfer] mri_mask problem

2011-03-09 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
Hello everybody,Sorry for the insistance, but I need to solve this... I'm making some manual segmentation changes in the brainmask.mgz and using mri_vol2vol and mri_mask commands to apply these changes to the rawavg.mgz, the output from the mri_vol2vol looks perfectly normal,and retains all c

Re: [Freesurfer] glm question

2011-03-11 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
n 3/9/11 7:33 PM, Gabriel Go.Es. wrote: Thanks a lot, just one another question Doug, how to set an ANOVA for group differences??' Gabriel > Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2011 17:52:03 -0500

Re: [Freesurfer] mri_mask problem

2011-03-14 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
ay (i'm with the freesurfer group three days a week). > > i wonder if you can use the brain.mgz as your mask instead of > brainmask.mgz. i think brain.mgz doesnt have 'deleted' voxels but their > actually not there (zeroed). > > n. > > On Thu, 2011-03-10 at 08:4

Re: [Freesurfer] mri_mask problem

2011-03-14 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
are > 1). > > cheers > Bruce > > On Mon, 14 Mar 2011, > Gabriel Go.Es. wrote: > > > > > Hello Nick > > > > I'm wondering if you're able to verify my data today, > > I did try using brainmask.mgz to mask the rawavg.mgz, and didn't work

Re: [Freesurfer] mri_mask problem

2011-03-15 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
to be turned off are > 1). > > cheers > Bruce > > On Mon, 14 Mar 2011, > Gabriel Go.Es. wrote: > > > > > Hello Nick > > > > I'm wondering if you're able to verify my data today, > > I did try using brainmask.mgz to mask the rawavg.

Re: [Freesurfer] mri_mask problem

2011-03-15 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
d brainmask2raw.mgz? It looks like you've checked > brain2raw.mgz, but you're not using it for some reason. Make sure the > background has values less than 2. > doug > > Gabriel Go.Es. wrote: > > > > Hello Bruce and Nick, I've tryed these options

Re: [Freesurfer] mri_mask problem

2011-03-17 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
k problem > > For mri_vol2vol try using --interp nearest > doug > > Gabriel Go.Es. wrote: > > > > Yes, I did check the brainmask2raw.mgz, Im using brain2raw.mgz and/or > > brainmask2raw.gz to mask the rawavg.gz on the mri_mask. "mri_mask -T 2 > > -

[Freesurfer] 2x2x2 design

2011-03-18 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
Dear Freesurfer experts, I'm wondering how to set a 2x2x2 anova (diagnosis)x(gender)x(apoe) g1MaleE4 g1MalenoE4 g1FemaleE4 g1FemalenoE4 g2MaleE4 g2MalenoE4 g2FemaleE4 g2FemalenoE4 option 1 [1 1 -1 -1 00 0 0] [1 10 0

Re: [Freesurfer] 2x2x2 design

2011-03-21 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
Re: [Freesurfer] 2x2x2 design > > Gabriel, what are options 1 and 2 supposed to represent? > doug > > Gabriel Go.Es. wrote: > > > > Dear Freesurfer experts, > > I'm wondering how to set a 2x2x2 anova > > > > (diagnosis)x(gender)x(apoe) > > &

[Freesurfer] FW: interacciones

2011-03-23 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
Dear Doug, I would like to be sure that I've understood the rules for the following contrast in a 2x2x2 design with diagnosis (D1, D2), gender (Male, Female) and handedness (Left, Right) as discrete factors. D1MaleLeft D1MaleRight D1FemaleLeft D1FemaleRight D2MaleLeft D2MaleRight D2FemaleLeft

[Freesurfer] other interactions

2011-03-23 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
Dear Doug, In the case of a 3x2 design the post hoc contrast for evaluating the interaction effect would be as follows: D1Male D1Female D2Male D2Female D3Male D3Female ANOVA to test the effect of diagnosis (D1, D2, D3) only for males [ 1 0 -1 0 0 0]/2 [ 1 0 0 0 -1 0]/2 ANOVA to t

[Freesurfer] interactions

2011-03-25 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
Dear Doug and FS experts, I would like to be sure that I've understood the rules for the following contrast in a 2x2x2 design with diagnosis (D1, D2), gender (Male, Female) and handedness (Left, Right) as discrete factors. D1MaleLeft D1MaleRight D1FemaleLeft D1FemaleRight D2MaleLeft D2Male

[Freesurfer] (no subject)

2011-03-30 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
Dear FS experts, I would like to be sure that I've understood the rules for the following contrast in a 2x2x2 design with diagnosis (D1, D2), gender (Male, Female) and handedness (Left, Right) as discrete factors. D1MaleLeft D1MaleRight D1FemaleLeft D1FemaleRight D2MaleLeft D2MaleRig

[Freesurfer] flattenning question

2011-05-20 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
Dear FreeSurfers I'm wondering about the flattenning options of FS I've saw that the "mris-flatten" command does the trick but, it asks for a patch, my questions are: can I flat any cortical region? and, how do I create a patch to mris_flatten? Thanks in advanced, Gabriel

Re: [Freesurfer] flattenning question

2011-05-20 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
the -complete > option these days which minimizes the complete distance distortion matrix. > > cheers > Bruce > > > On Fri, 20 May 2011, Gabriel Go.Es. wrote: > > > > > Dear FreeSurfers > > > > I'm wondering about the flattenning options of

[Freesurfer] mgh conversion

2011-05-27 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
Dear freesurfers I want to convert an .mgh image to NIfTY format, but even when the conversion using "mri_convert" seems to be ok, when I try to open the nii, an error message appears "image doesn't appear to be a valid 2D or 3D image", there is any other way to convert an mgh image to nii? I

Re: [Freesurfer] mgh conversion

2011-05-27 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
offers a "--reshape" option. > > doug > > Gabriel Go.Es. wrote: > > Dear freesurfers > > > > I want to convert an .mgh image to NIfTY format, but even when the > > conversion using "mri_convert" seems to be ok, when I try to open the > >

Re: [Freesurfer] mgh conversion

2011-05-30 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
what it reshapes it to. You can also try adding > --reshape-factor 6. > doug > > Gabriel Go.Es. wrote: > > Dear Doug Im using : > > > > mri_surf2surf --sval $PATH/image.mgh --tval $PATH/image.nii --reshape > > --s my_avg_subject --hemi lh > > > &

[Freesurfer] curvature of flattening

2011-05-31 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
Dear FS experts, I'm making some flattenings of one subject on FS and I'm wondering if it is possible to see the ?h.curv or the ?h.sulc on grayscale and not in red-green nor in the binary gray representations of tksurfer. Regards, Gabriel. __

Re: [Freesurfer] curvature of flattening

2011-05-31 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
reesurfer] curvature of flattening > > I don't think so. You can display it in a heat scale by loading it as an > overlay. If you save it as an rgb then strip out the color it might give > you a decent gray scale. > doug > > Gabriel Go.Es. wrote: > > Dear FS