[Freesurfer] PostDoc and MD/PhD positions in Zürich – Real-time fMRI neurofeedback

2015-10-09 Thread Frank Scharnowski
cultural and outdoor activities and a very high quality of life. Interested applicants should send their CV, a brief statement of research interests, and contact information for 2-3 references. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Best wishes, Frank -- Prof. Dr. Frank Scharnowski

[Freesurfer] Save-the-Date: Feb 12-13, 2015, Real-time Functional Imaging and Neurofeedback Conference, Gainesville, Florida

2014-07-21 Thread Frank Scharnowski
s, your co-organizers, Ranganatha Sitaram, University of Florida Sven Haller, University of Geneva Jarrod Lewis-Peacock, University of Texas at Austin Frank Scharnowski, University of Geneva Luke Stoeckel, Harvard University / National Institutes of Health James Sulzer, University of Texas at Austin Nikolau

[Freesurfer] intensity normalization fails?

2010-06-18 Thread Frank Scharnowski
Dear Freesurfers, When importing a 3T MDEFT structural scan into freesurfer with 'mri_convert subjectname.nii 001.mgz', the image looks extremely dark (see attached tkmedit snapshot). The results of recon all are suboptimal, probably due to the bad intensity normalization. In SPM the structural lo

Re: [Freesurfer] intensity normalization fails?

2010-06-18 Thread Frank Scharnowski
Hi Bruce, It is the orig.mgz (cannot check right now if the nu is also dark). Many thanks, frank 2010/6/18 Bruce Fischl : > Hi Frank, > is it the orig.mgz that is dark, or the nu? > > cheers > Bruce > > On Fri, 18 Jun 2010, Frank Scharnowski wrote: > >> Dear Frees