Dear Real-Time Functional Neuroimaging Community, It is our pleasure to announce the conference on real-time Functional Imaging and Neurofeedback (rtFIN) in Gainesville, Florida on February 12-13, 2015 at the University of Florida, hosted by Prof. Ranganatha (Ranga) Sitaram. This conference is the second iteration following the first conference on rtfMRI neurofeedback held in Zurich in 2012. We currently have four keynote speakers:
Niels Birbaumer, University of Tuebingen Eberhard Fetz, University of Washington John Gabrieli, MIT Mitsuo Kawato, ATR Japan Please fill out the survey below if you're interested. Website, venue, registration and abstract submission information will be announced at a later date on the rtfMRI email list. Please sign up at the link below if you'd like to be kept updated. Survey link: Best regards, your co-organizers, Ranganatha Sitaram, University of Florida Sven Haller, University of Geneva Jarrod Lewis-Peacock, University of Texas at Austin Frank Scharnowski, University of Geneva Luke Stoeckel, Harvard University / National Institutes of Health James Sulzer, University of Texas at Austin Nikolaus Weiskopf, University College London -- Dr. Frank Scharnowski, Lecturer Swiss Institute of Technology Lausanne & University of Geneva, Switzerland +41 78 76 76 749
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