Francesca Strappini, Ph.D.
Neurobiology Department
Weizmann Institute of Science
234 Herzl Street, Rehovot 7610001 Israel
Tel.: +972 58 444 2584
E-mail: francesca.strapp...@weizmann.ac.il
Freesurfer mailing list
Thank you!
I have Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS, 64 bit.
2015-01-08 16:45 GMT+02:00 Rudolph Pienaar :
> I can send you the updated binary. What Linux are you running on?
> CentOS? 32 bit? 64 bit?
> Best
> -=R
> On 1/8/15 09:23 , Francesca Strappini wrote:
> &
ce for the help!
Francesca Strappini, Ph.D.
Neurobiology Department
Weizmann Institute of Science
234 Herzl Street, Rehovot 7610001 Israel
Tel.: +972 58 444 2584
E-mail: francesca.strapp...@weizmann.ac.il
Freesurfer mailing list
Hi, sorry to bother, I'm re-posting this question just in case it got lost.
I have a question about mris_convert. I've created some regions on the
surface and now I would like to make them directly readable into SUMA. I
ran this command but it ended with an error message.
> The information in this e-mail is intended only for the person to whom it
> is
> addressed. If you believe this e-mail was sent to you in error and the
> e-mail
> contains patient information, please contact the Partners Compliance
> HelpLine
Thank you! Do you know which function should I use?
2015-05-05 15:30 GMT+03:00 Bruce Fischl :
> yes, you can use a label for this (we use the ?h.cortex.label for this
> purpose routinely to remove non-cortical stuff)
> On Tue, 5 May 2015, Francesca Strappini wrote
+03:00 Francesca Strappini :
> Thank you! Do you know which function should I use?
> Best
> Francesca
> 2015-05-05 15:30 GMT+03:00 Bruce Fischl :
>> yes, you can use a label for this (we use the ?h.cortex.label for this
>> purpose routinely to remove non-co
st of
vertexes related to the region and not all the surface vertexes.
Thanks for the help!
2015-05-05 23:04 GMT+02:00 Bruce Fischl :
> you can just create a label file I guess. What input does SUMA take?
> On Tue, 5 May 2015, Francesca Strappini wrote:
> Sorry, just
> On 5/5/15, 5:30 PM, "Bruce Fischl" wrote:
> >sorry, I think this may be a question for the SUMA people - I don't know
> >what .dset format is. Are you going to do the masking within SUMA? I'll
> >cc
> >Ziad so he can chime
> > sorry, I think this may be a question for the SUMA people - I don't know
> what .dset format is. Are you going to do the masking within SUMA? I'll cc
> Ziad so he can chime in.
> >
> > cheers
> > Bruce
> >
> > On Tue, 5 May 2015
tached the Xtmp.mat file from the output folder in case is needed.
Thank you!
Francesca Strappini, Ph.D.
Neurobiology Department
Weizmann Institute of Science
234 Herzl Street, Rehovot 7610001 Israel
Tel.: +972 58 444 2584
E-mail: francesca.strapp...@weizmann.ac.il
Error in fast_selxavg3 (line 279)
XCond = cond(XtX);
Francesca Strappini, Ph.D.
Neurobiology Department
Weizmann Institute of Science
234 Herzl Street, Rehovot 7610001 Israel
Tel.: +972 58 444 2584
E-mail: francesca.strapp...
Hi Doug, it looks like my email with attached the Xtmp.mat file didn't
How can I send it to you?
2016-06-08 15:44 GMT+02:00 Douglas Greve :
> Do you have both polar and eccen data? If so, can you send the Xtmp.mat
> file?
> On 6/8/16 6:08 AM,
it won't make much difference.
> On 06/08/2016 09:55 AM, Francesca Strappini wrote:
> > I have only something similar in the temporal dynamics to the
> > eccentricity data. I attached the Xtmp.mat file.
> > Thank you!
> >
> > Francesca
Hello Freesurfers,
Where can I find the documentation about how is the retinotopic analysis
performed in Freesurfer? Thanks.
Francesca Strappini, Ph.D.
Neurobiology Department
Weizmann Institute of Science
234 Herzl Street, Rehovot 7610001 Israel
Tel.: +972 58 444 2584
Hello Freesurfers,
I'm re-posting this question. Where can I find any documentation about how
is the retinotopic analysis performed in Freesurfer? Thanks.
Francesca Strappini, Ph.D.
Neurobiology Department
Weizmann Institute of Science
234 Herzl Street, Rehovot 7610001 Israe
Hello Freesurfers,
Where can I find any documentation about how is retinotopic analysis
performed in Freesurfer? Thanks.
Francesca Strappini, Ph.D.
Neurobiology Department
Weizmann Institute of Science
234 Herzl Street, Rehovot 7610001 Israel
Tel.: +972 58 444 2584
t; http://www.partners.org/complianceline . If the e-mail was sent to you in
> error
> but does not contain patient information, please contact the sender and
> properly
> dispose of the e-mail.
Francesca Strappini, Ph.D.
Neurobiology Department
Weizmann Institu
Hi, I'm just starting out with freesurfer. I downloaded CentOS6_x86_64
and I have Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. I have set up the licence file and
configured freesurfer:
setenv FREESURFER_HOME /media/Shared_Data/freesurfer
source $FREESURFER_HOME/SetUpFreeSurfer.csh
Thanks for your help,
Francesca Strappini, Ph.D.
Neurobiology Department
Weizmann Institute of Science
234 Herzl Street, Rehovot 7610001 Israel
Tel.: +972 58 444 2584
E-mail: francesca.strapp...@weizmann.ac.il
Freesurfer mailing
ng, does it? Also, you might have better
> alignment if you run recon-all on the mni152 brain, then use
> mri_label2label to map the label from the individual into the 152 space
> using the surface transform, then convert that to the volume.
> On 11/30/2015 10:13 AM, Francesca
> On 12/3/15 8:46 AM, Francesca Strappini wrote:
> Thank you!
> I run the recon-all on the MNI brain and now the first step, label2label,
> produced a label which is perfectly mapped on the surface of the MNI
> template.
> I tried to run the second step, map
; LabelRead failed
> > freeview.bin: empty label
> >
> > 2015-12-03 16:57 GMT+02:00 Douglas Greve > <mailto:gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>>:
> >
> > Use --regheader /usr/share/fsl/data/standard/MNI152_T1_2mm.nii.gz
> > instead of --identity
> >
> >
t --o Katkov_OT_45_LH.nii.gz
I used as registration matrix the one produced by the preprocessing step
but when I try to visualize the map on the surface it looks like completely
Thank you
Francesca Strappini, Ph.D.
Neurobiology Department
Weizmann Institute of Science
234 Herzl S
Hi all,
I would like to know which model has been implemented for the surface-based
spatial smoothing in Freesurfer (for example in mri_vol2surf). Heat kernel
smoothing and/or diffusion smoothing?
Thank you
Francesca Strappini, Ph.D.
Neurobiology Department
rface-based Gaussian.
> cheers
> Bruce
> On Tue, 3 May 2016, Francesca Strappini wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I would like to know which model has been implemented for the
> surface-based
> > spatial smoothing in Freesurfer (for example in m
> http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=Sereno%20MI%5BAuthor%5D&cauthor=true&cauthor_uid=17011792
> >.
> On 05/03/2016 09:03 AM, Francesca Strappini wrote:
> > Thank you!
> > Is there a paper I can read as a reference?
> >
> > 2016-05-03 15:
could not read movierestTest.nii.gz as type 24
Francesca Strappini, Ph.D.
Neurobiology Department
Weizmann Institute of Science
234 Herzl Street, Rehovot 7610001 Israel
Tel.: +972 58 444 2584
E-mail: francesca.strapp...@weizmann.
Fischl wrote:
> > Hi Francesca
> >
> > why is the nifti 5-dimensional? The code is complaining that it doesn't
> > know how to intepret the input volume
> >
> > cheers
> > Bruce
> > On Sun, 30 Jul 2017, Francesca
> > Strappini wrote:
> >
It does work with 6.0, thank you!
2017-07-31 20:59 GMT+03:00 Douglas Greve :
> I think this may be fixed in 6.0
> On 7/31/17 12:43 PM, Francesca Strappini wrote:
> Thanks for the reply.
> freesurfer-Linux-centos6_x86_64-stable-pub-v5.3.0.
> I opened it with
ORS at Tue Mar 13 20:26:58 CET 2018
To report a problem, see
Francesca Strappini, Ph.D.
Neurobiology Department
Weizmann Institute of Science
234 Herzl Street, Rehovot 7610001 Israel
Tel.: +972 58 444 2584
E-mail: francesca.strapp...@weiz
las N. Greve :
> I don't know what is going on there except that the average surfaces are
> probably wrong in some way. It looks like it made it all the way through
> except for that step, so all of the output should be there. How does it
> look?
> On 03/13/2018 05:2
+01:00 Douglas N. Greve :
> Check the talairach.xfm registration. It is probably way off. It does
> not have to be perfect (esp since they are different species), but the
> two subjects should have a similar registration
> On 03/14/2018 07:27 PM, Francesca Strappini wrote
cd subject/mri/transforms
> tkregister --mov ../nu.mgz --s fsaverage --reg talairach.lta
> If so, you can try running make_average_subject with --xform talairach.lta
> I've never done this, but it might work :)
> On 03/15/2018 01:02 PM, Francesca Strappini
> 2. Convert the lta to an xfm:
> tkregister --mov ../orig.mgz --lta talairach.lta --reg deleteme.reg.dat
> --xfmout talairach.xfm --s fsaverage --surfs --noedit
> 3. rerun make_average_subject
> On 3/16/18 5:24 AM, Francesca Strappini wrote:
> Thanks Doug!
>> --
ERROR: fast_selxavg3() failed\n
Thank you!
Francesca Strappini, Ph.D.
Neurobiology Department
Weizmann Institute of Science
234 Herzl Street, Rehovot 7610001 Israel
Tel.: +972 58 444 2584
E-mail: francesca.strapp...@we
ERROR: fast_selxavg3() failed\n
2018-04-24 20:27 GMT+03:00 Douglas Greve :
> Try deleting the contrasts (.mat files) and rerunning
> On 4/24/18 5:48 AM, Francesca Strappini wrote:
> Dear FreeSurfer experts,
> I'm trying to analyze some
External Email - Use Caution
Hi, sorry, maybe my last email got lost. Is there anything I can try to fix
this problem with selxavg3-sess?
2018-04-24 20:35 GMT+03:00 Francesca Strappini :
> Thank you for the reply!
> I deleted the contrasts and ru
> -Louis
> On Sat, 10 May 2014, Francesca Strappini wrote:
>> Hi, I'm just starting out with freesurfer. I downloaded CentOS6_x86_64
>> and I have Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. I have set up the licence file and
>> configured freesurfer:
>> tcsh
t found
shalim-ubunut:/media/Shared_Data/freesurfer/bin> ls -la tkmedit
-rwxrwxrwx 1 francesca francesca 102 May 14 2013 tkmedit
2014-05-12 18:52 GMT+03:00 Louis Nicholas Vinke :
> Ok, could you send the entire terminal output?
> Thanks.
> -Louis
> On Mon, 12 May 2014, Francesca S
>> -rwxrwxrwx 1 francesca francesca 102 May 14 2013 tkmedit
>> 2014-05-12 18:52 GMT+03:00 Louis Nicholas Vinke <
>>> Ok, could you send the entire terminal output?
>>> Thanks.
>>> -Louis
>>> On M
up via:
> sudo chgrp -R groupname *
> where groupname is the new group.
> If you want to give world read/execute permissions do this:
> sudo chmod -R a+rX *
> Best, Martin
> On 05/14/2014 04:16 AM, Francesca Strappini wrote:
> D
> On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 9:51 AM, Francesca Strappini
> wrote:
> > Ok, thank you!
> >
> > I sourced freesurfer and then I tried:
> > sudo chmod -R a+rX *
> >
> > But I still get the same error:
> >
> directory, but it would take a lot of digging to figure out how) to
> install it on the pure linux partition.
> HTH,
> D
> On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 10:18 AM, Francesca Strappini
> wrote:
> > Yes, it's a dual boot system (Windows7 and Ubuntu 12.04 LTS)
> >
Dear all,
I've run selxavg3-sess and I got this error message when it tried to
read the fmcsm file (fmc.sm5.DM.lh.nii.gz).
Thank you for your help,
selxavg3-sess -a rtopy.DM.lh -s SUBJ01
Surface data DM lh
Yes, this was the command line
fieldsign-sess -a rtopy.LG.lh -s SUBJ02 -patch lh.full.flat.patch.3d -fwhm 0
2014-09-04 15:52 GMT+03:00 SHAHIN NASR :
> Hi,
> Have you ran fieldsign-sess after your selxavg3-sess?
> On Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 8:35 AM, Fran
> On 8/28/14 9:49 AM, Francesca Strappini wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I've run selxavg3-sess and I got this error message when it tried to
>> read the fmcsm file (fmc.sm5.DM.lh.nii.gz).
>> Thank you for your help,
>> Francesca
Error using svd
Input to SVD must not contain NaN or Inf.
Error in cond (line 36)
s = svd(A);
Error in fast_selxavg3 (line 279)
XCond = cond(XtX);
Francesca Strappini, Ph.D.
Neurobiology Department
t was not in the
> parfile. Do you only have eccen for this or do you also have polar?
> doug
> On 11/08/2014 11:25 AM, Francesca Strappini wrote:
> > Hi, I attached the file, thank you!
> >
> > Best
> > Francesca
> >
> > 2014-11-06 18:58 GMT+0
>> --
ERROR: fast_selxavg3() failed\n
Thank you!
Francesca Strappini, Ph.D.
Neurobiology Department
Weizmann Institute of Science
234 Herzl Street, Rehovot 7610001 Israel
Tel.: +972 58 444 2584
E-mail: francesca.strapp...@weizmann.ac.il
). Check the paradigm file for this subject and run.
> On 08/22/2018 10:16 AM, Francesca Strappini wrote:
> >
> > External Email - Use Caution
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm trying to analyze a block-design experiment. I run selxavg3-sess:
> On 05/02/2018 10:06 AM, Francesca Strappini wrote:
> > Hi, sorry, maybe my last email got lost. Is there anything I can try
> > to fix this problem with selxavg3-sess?
> >
> > Thanks!
> > Best
> > Francesca
> >
> > 2018-04-24 2
External Email - Use Caution
Thank you!
I changed the event file and re-run the analysis. I got an error message
when creating the contrast:
mkanalysis-sess -analysis FF-MonkeyCassis-event.sm03.lh -surface
MonkeyCassis lh -fwhm 3 -fsd bold -per-run -event-related -paradigm FF.par
Francesca Strappini, Ph.D.
Neurobiology Department
Weizmann Institute of Science
234 Herzl Street, Rehovot 7610001 Israel
Tel.: +972 58 444 2584
E-mail: francesca.strapp...@weizmann.ac.il
Freesurfer mailing list
in the session folder called anatomical/001 and put the anatomical in
> there (eg, anat.nii.gz), then use -bbr-int anatomical anat
> On 11/26/2018 02:58 PM, Francesca Strappini wrote:
> >
> > External Email - Use Caution
> >
> > Dear freesurfer experts
Index SegId NVertices Area_mm2 StructName Mean StdDev Min Max
Range SNR
1 0161272 106116.2 Seg-0.9503 2.4005 -13.2314
2 1 1369 871.1 Seg0001 1.3153 3.8989-8.2296
10.366618.5962 0.3373
Thanks a lot for the hel
an you run your two
> mri_segment commands and send me the terminal output of each?
> As for the two mean intensity values, one (Seg0001) is from inside your
> ROI and the other (Seg) is outside. You can have it exclude Seg
> with --excludeid 0
> On 1/20/19 10:00 A
ke to resample the data based on the register.dat without
upsampling and keeping the same FoV (3x3x3 mm; 64 64 50). Is it doable?
Francesca Strappini, Ph.D.
Neurobiology Department
Weizmann Institute of Science
234 Herzl Street, Rehovot 7610001 Israel
Tel.: +972 58 444 2584
ol2vol. It just changes the
> header, so I think should do what you want.
> cheers
> Bruce
> On Tue, 12 Feb 2019, Francesca Strappini wrote:
> >
> > External Email - Use Caution
> >
> > Dear Freesurfer's experts,
> >
> > I
> wrong. Double check that your contrasts are correct.
> On 2/10/19 9:47 AM, Francesca Strappini wrote:
> >
> > External Email - Use Caution
> >
> > Thanks a lot for the reply!
> > If I run mri_diff order/z.nii.gz disorder/z.nii.gz I indeed get zer
scans where you have both the partial FoV and a whole
> brain, you might be able to get an init reg by registering the partial
> FoVs from different days.
> good luck
> On 11/26/2018 03:19 PM, Francesca Strappini wrote:
> >
> > External Email - Use Cauti
schl <
fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> ha scritto:
> Hi Francesca
> sorry, I defer to Doug on the details of mri_vol2vol.
> cheers
> Bruce
> On Tue, 12 Feb 2019,
> Francesca Strappini wrote:
> >
> > External Email - Use Caution
> &g
an? If so, wouldn't be T2 weighted? If so,
> you should use --t2 instead of --t1 in bbregister
> On 2/14/19 2:18 PM, Francesca Strappini wrote:
> >
> > External Email - Use Caution
> >
> > Hi Doug,
> >
> > Could you advise me about how to cor
d us an image that shows why you think it can be improved?
> cheers
> Bruce
> On
> Mon, 18 Feb 2019, Francesca Strappini wrote:
> >
> > External Email - Use Caution
> >
> > Thank you!Now the registration is better but still not perfect. Is there
s to a single
> template but otherwise keep everything in the functional space
> On 2/20/19 11:53 AM, Francesca Strappini wrote:
> >
> > External Email - Use Caution
> >
> > I'll try to find some visual way to show what I mean, but it's really
> &
.lta. Use that
> with mri_label2vol passing your segmentation in with --seg. Run with --help
> to get more info
> On 2/21/19 11:54 AM, Francesca Strappini wrote:
> External Email - Use Caution
> Thanks a lot!
> Running preproc-sess with the --per-session flag is
t; conformed anatomical space? Use mri_info can compare the output
> (particularly the vox2ras matrix) against orig.mgz. If they are the same,
> you can try adding --invertmtx to the mri_label2vol command line.
> On 2/22/19 2:24 PM, Francesca Strappini wrote:
> External Emai
the ROIs into the anatomical space or compute
> a new registration to the space of the ROIs from the functional template
> On 2/22/19 3:43 PM, Francesca Strappini wrote:
> External Email - Use Caution
> Thanks!
> The vox2ras matrices are not same.
> T
External Email - Use Caution
Hi Doug,
Sorry to bother, maybe my last message got lost.
Do you think you can advice me on this type of registration? Thanks!
On Fri, Feb 22, 2019, 11:44 PM Francesca Strappini <
francescastrapp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Wh
External Email - Use Caution
Dear Freesurfer's experts,
I would like to use a customized HRF with mkanalysis-sess.
Is there a way to do it?
Francesca Strappini, Ph.D.
Neurobiology Department
Weizmann Institute of Science
234 Herzl Street, Re
Hi, I'm trying to create a full flat map. The process of flattening seems
has finished without any errors, but I got this error message when I tried
to show up the full flat patch:
lh.full.flat.patch.3d: face[0] = 0, but face 0 not in vertex 0 face list
Thanks a lot
Hi! I successfully run the preprocessing on some polarangle data
(preproc-sess -sf seesid -surface self lhrh -fwhm 5).
Now I would like to do the subtraction between some runs and then to
visualize this subtraction on the surface (so without to analyze the
data with Fourier analysis).
Does anybody
Sorry, I try to be more specific.
I would like to be able to take the volume-to-surface transformation
calculated on one set of functional data, and apply that
transformation to another set of functional data (the subtraction) of
the same subject. This will allow me to display arbitrary functional
Thanks a lot!
I tried the registration with bbregister but unfortunately when I checked
the result the functional volume was very distant from the target.
Could I tried something else to improve the registration?
I typed:
bbregister --s subject --mov name_file.nii --reg register.dat --init-fsl
new one from the following page:
-- Error ConvertSurface (SUMA_ConvertSurface.c:589):
if_name lh.pial.asc not found.
failure: could not create surface lh.pial.gii
--> is your FreeSurfer license installed?
each functional run using the ROIs contained in the segmentation as
masks. I suppose I should mri_segstats but I'm not sure how. Any
Thank you
Francesca Strappini, Ph.D.
Neurobiology Department
Weizmann Institute of Science
234 Herzl Street, Rehovot 7610001 Israel
l giorno lun 30 nov 2020 alle ore 00:03 Greve, Douglas N.,Ph.D. <
dgr...@mgh.harvard.edu> ha scritto:
> Use mri_label2vol to map the segmentation into the fMRI space, then use
> mri_segstats using the --avgwf option to get time courses. Run it with
> --help to get examples
n Wed, Dec 23, 2020, 19:05 Greve, Douglas N.,Ph.D.
> The argument to the --label flag should be a freesurfer label file, this
> is a text file not an nii.gz file.
> On 12/21/2020 10:52 AM, Francesca Strappini wrote:
> External Email - Use Caution
> Thank
Monkeys/MonkeyCassis-FF-event-sm03-AVGmonkey/bold/template.nii.gz --o
However, the registration was completely lost and I had to register it
again manually. Maybe I did something wrong? Thanks.
Francesca Strappini, Ph.D.
Neurobiology Department
External Email - Use Caution
Dear FreeSurfer experts,
I'm trying to cut and flatten the full surface. I understand that tksurfer
is deprecated and on my PC does not work properly. Is there an alternative
way to perform the cuts?
Thank you,
Francesca Stra
then hit "Fill Uncut Area", then
> save as a patch
> On 3/7/2022 12:03 PM, Francesca Strappini wrote:
> External Email - Use Caution
> Dear FreeSurfer experts,
> I'm trying to cut and flatten the full surface. I understand that tksurfer
> is
ommand line but nothing happened:
[francesca@GIOVE surf]$freeview -f lh.inflated:patch=lh.full.flat.patch.3d
Thank you,
Francesca Strappini, Ph.D.
Psychology Department
Sapienza University of Rome
Via dei Marsi 78, Rome 00185 Italy
Tel.: +39 392 151 4029
E-mail: francesca.strapp...@
> On 3/10/2022 7:32 AM, Francesca Strappini wrote:
> External Email - Use Caution
> Dear Freesurfer experts,
> I'm trying to load the flat surface that I created with this command line:
> mris_flatten -w 10 lh.full.patch.3d l
Hi all,
I would ask you about freesurfer and retinotopy. I'm going to begin the
analysis of some retinotopic data. I would ask if you know if the
retinotopic analysis made by MGH freesurfer is qualitatively comparable to,
or it's good as, that made by USCD freesurfer (old freesurfer).
Thank you kin
old freesurfer, or csurf, is this:
made by Marty Sereno
Freesurfer mailing list
The information in this e-mai
Hi all,
I would ask you about anatomical ROIs.
I'm going to begin the analysis of some retinotopic data, my question is:
when I draw the closed contours, does automatically my ROI contain the
entire inner surface or just the outline?
Thank you kindly in advance.
86 matches
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