[Freesurfer] Subdividing the automated cortical parcellation

2009-01-16 Thread Diana Wotruba
methodology was applied by Hagmann et al., PLoS Biol 6: 1479–1493, 2008.) Does a finer parcellation scheme become part of future Freesurfer releases? Or have someone some experience in such a procedure? Any information would be much appreciated. Kind regards Diana Wotruba

Re: [Freesurfer] Subdividing the automated cortical parcellation/normalization

2009-01-21 Thread Diana Wotruba
Diana On Fri, 16 Jan 2009 12:48:44 -0500 (EST) Bruce Fischl wrote: Hi Diana, you can try mris_divide_parcellation, which I think we distribute. If you don't have it tell us your os/hardware and we'll send you a version. cheers, Bruce On Fri, 16 Jan 2009, Diana Wotruba wrote: Dear

[Freesurfer] mri_divide_parcellation

2009-01-29 Thread Diana Wotruba
Dear FS experts I divided the fsaverage parcellations (aparc.a2005s) into about 1000 smaller parcellations, using mri_divide_parcellation. What would be the easiest way to get the cortical thickness in these areas for each subject? Is it reasonable to copy the new .annot file from fsaverage

[Freesurfer] aparcstats2table bug

2009-02-05 Thread Diana Wotruba
Dear experts If some of the subjects in a group have missing values of a certain label, aparcstats2table fails to designate a 0 for them. According to the freesurfers website, this bug will be fixed in the next release. Is it already known when this can be expected? Thanks in advance Dian

Re: [Freesurfer] aparcstats2table new version (-parc)

2009-02-06 Thread Diana Wotruba
Dear Pratap The file is called ?h.aparc.a2005s_300.stats as you suggested. The commands I used are the following: mris_divide_parcellation fsaverage_fineparc ?h aparc.a2005s.annot 300 ?h.aparc.a2005s_300.annot mri_surf2surf --srcsubject fsaverage_fineparc --sval-annot aparc.a2005s_300.anno

[Freesurfer] aparcstats2table new version (-parc)

2009-02-06 Thread Diana Wotruba
Hi Krish Thanks again for your quick help! I tried out the new version, it seams to work fine. Nevertheless, I created a new parcellation with mris_anatomical_stats getting a .stat file I called aparc.a2005s_300. Only now I get the following error message (Which was not the case in the f

[Freesurfer] mris_anatomical_stats segmentation fault

2009-02-19 Thread Diana Wotruba
Dear FS experts I divided the fsaverage parcellations (aparc.a2005s) with an area threshold of 100mm2. Now I would like to get a stats file, using the following command: mris_anatomical_stats -a aparc.a2005s_100.annot -t ?h.thickness -b -f 001/stats/?h.aparc.a2005s_100.stats 001 ?h I am g

Re: [Freesurfer] microparcellation

2009-03-03 Thread Diana Wotruba
Dear Nick Is it possible to refer the "faces" I got with the command below to the labels from an annotation file? [Macintosh-10:subjects/fsaverage_fineparc_uniformareas/surf] diana% mris_make_face_parcellation rh.inflated /Applications/freesurfer/lib/bem/ic4.tri rh.ic4.annot I would like t

[Freesurfer] mris_make_face_parcellation

2010-04-11 Thread Diana Wotruba
Dear FS experts We used mris_make_face_parcellation to get a finer parcellation of the cortical surface. The labels of the resulting parcellations are consecutively numbered, but there is no information about the anatomical location of these parcellations. In a first step, we would like to know wh

Re: [Freesurfer] mris_make_face_parcellation

2010-04-13 Thread Diana Wotruba
els. If that is important try using > mris_divide_parcellation instead. > > cheers > Bruce > > > On Sun, 11 Apr 2010, Diana > Wotruba wrote: > >> Dear FS experts >> We used mris_make_face_parcellation to get a finer parcellation of >> the >&g

Re: [Freesurfer] mris_make_face_parcellation

2010-04-15 Thread Diana Wotruba
rds of > whatever you want. Not sure if it is reported anywhere by default > though. Doug? > On Wed, 14 Apr 2010, Diana Wotruba wrote: > >> Hi Bruce >> Thank you for the quick answer. We already considered using >> mris_divide_parcellation. Unfortunately the result