methodology was applied by Hagmann et al., PLoS Biol 6: 14791493, 2008.)
Does a finer parcellation scheme become part of future Freesurfer releases?
Or have someone some experience in such a procedure?
Any information would be much appreciated.
Kind regards
Diana Wotruba
On Fri, 16 Jan 2009 12:48:44 -0500 (EST)
Bruce Fischl wrote:
Hi Diana,
you can try mris_divide_parcellation, which I think we distribute. If you
don't have it tell us your os/hardware and we'll send you a version.
On Fri, 16 Jan 2009, Diana Wotruba wrote:
Dear FS experts
I divided the fsaverage parcellations (aparc.a2005s) into about 1000 smaller
parcellations, using mri_divide_parcellation.
What would be the easiest way to get the cortical thickness in these areas
for each subject?
Is it reasonable to copy the new .annot file from fsaverage
Dear experts
If some of the subjects in a group have missing values of a certain label,
aparcstats2table fails to designate a 0 for them. According to the
freesurfers website, this bug will be fixed in the next release. Is it
already known when this can be expected?
Thanks in advance
Dear Pratap
The file is called ?h.aparc.a2005s_300.stats as you suggested. The commands
I used are the following:
mris_divide_parcellation fsaverage_fineparc ?h aparc.a2005s.annot 300
mri_surf2surf --srcsubject fsaverage_fineparc --sval-annot
Hi Krish
Thanks again for your quick help! I tried out the new version, it seams to
work fine.
Nevertheless, I created a new parcellation with mris_anatomical_stats
getting a .stat file I called aparc.a2005s_300. Only now I get the following
error message (Which was not the case in the f
Dear FS experts
I divided the fsaverage parcellations (aparc.a2005s) with an area threshold
of 100mm2. Now I would like to get a stats file, using the following
mris_anatomical_stats -a aparc.a2005s_100.annot -t ?h.thickness -b -f
001/stats/?h.aparc.a2005s_100.stats 001 ?h
I am g
Dear Nick
Is it possible to refer the "faces" I got with the command below to the
labels from an annotation file?
[Macintosh-10:subjects/fsaverage_fineparc_uniformareas/surf] diana%
mris_make_face_parcellation rh.inflated
/Applications/freesurfer/lib/bem/ic4.tri rh.ic4.annot
I would like t
Dear FS experts
We used mris_make_face_parcellation to get a finer parcellation of the
cortical surface. The labels of the resulting parcellations are
consecutively numbered, but there is no information about the anatomical
location of these parcellations.
In a first step, we would like to know wh
els. If that is important try using
> mris_divide_parcellation instead.
> cheers
> Bruce
> On Sun, 11 Apr 2010, Diana
> Wotruba wrote:
>> Dear FS experts
>> We used mris_make_face_parcellation to get a finer parcellation of
>> the
rds of
> whatever you want. Not sure if it is reported anywhere by default
> though. Doug?
> On Wed, 14 Apr 2010, Diana Wotruba wrote:
>> Hi Bruce
>> Thank you for the quick answer. We already considered using
>> mris_divide_parcellation. Unfortunately the result
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