We were able to extract the vertex number (and MNI coordinates) for the
finer parcellation as well as for the aparc.a2005s parcellation by using
mri_annotation2label. Now we have a .label file for each parcellation  
all vertices number (and their coordinates) that belong to a  
are listed.

Do you have any suggestion or idea how to match the vertex number for  
parcellations in order to get the anatomical labels for the finer

Kind regards
Am 14.04.2010 um 15:01 schrieb Bruce Fischl:

> yes, you can use the talairach.xfm file to get MNI coords of  
> whatever you want. Not sure if it is reported anywhere by default  
> though. Doug?
> On Wed, 14 Apr 2010, Diana Wotruba wrote:
>> Hi Bruce
>> Thank you for the quick answer. We already considered using
>> mris_divide_parcellation. Unfortunately the result is a strip shaped
>> parcellation scheme, which is not suitable for our aim. Therefore we
>> would rather use mris_make_face_parcellation. Is there no other way  
>> to
>> get the MNI Coordinates of these vertices and the label corresponding
>> to them?
>> Thanks very much for your help!
>> Kind regards
>> Diana
>> Am 12.04.2010 um 00:31 schrieb Bruce Fischl:
>>> Hi Diana,
>>> the parcels from mris_make_face_parcellation are uniform, not
>>> localized
>>> to gyral/sulcal labels. If that is important try using
>>> mris_divide_parcellation instead.
>>> cheers
>>> Bruce
>>> On Sun, 11 Apr 2010, Diana
>>> Wotruba wrote:
>>>> Dear FS experts
>>>> We used mris_make_face_parcellation to get a finer parcellation of
>>>> the
>>>> cortical surface. The labels of the resulting parcellations are
>>>> consecutively numbered, but there is no information about the
>>>> anatomical
>>>> location of these parcellations.
>>>> In a first step, we would like to know which of the new  
>>>> parcellations
>>>> are
>>>> located within a particular brain structure (label), e.g. within  
>>>> the
>>>> central
>>>> sulcus as defined in the aparc.a2009s.annot.
>>>> In a second step, we would like to extract the MNI coordinates of  
>>>> the
>>>> centroids of these new parcellations.
>>>> All suggestions are appreciated.
>>>> Thanks in advance
>>>> Best regards
>>>> Diana
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