Hi Freesurfers,
I am working with fsfast, and interested in doing a 2nd-level fixed effects
analysis over a number of subjects. However, the volumes I'm using aren't in a
standard freesurfer space (native, talraich, etc.). They are nx1x1 volumes
containing results from n ROIs. While I got fi
Thanks Doug,
I had forgotten that my roadblock was actually in isxconcat_sess, not
mri_glmfit. This worked out great.
Following this up, how would you recommend calculating the fixed-effects
significance of a complex (within subject) contrast with mri_glmfit? For simple
contrasts, I have been
> On 11/25/2013 01:35 PM, Clark Fisher wrote:
>> Thanks Doug,
>> I had forgotten that my roadblock was actually in isxconcat_sess, not
>> mri_glmfit. This worked out great.
>> Following this up, how would you recommend calculating th
and it would not take into account the covariance in the measurements from a
single subject. Another approach would be to do separate tests for each
condition at the group level, then do a type of conjunction analysis to
implement the OR. Let me know if you want to pursue that approach.
ccount the covariance in the measurements from a
single subject. Another approach would be to do separate tests for each
condition at the group level, then do a type of conjunction analysis to
implement the OR. Let me know if you want to pursue that approach.
On 11/26/13 4:02 PM, Clark Fis
Hi Doug (and other Freesurfers),
Hope you had a pleasant Thanksgiving. My thread last left off before everyone
left for the holidays. I just wanted to re-raise this question, as it's still
a pressing one for me.
On Nov 27, 2013, at 11:06 AM, Clark Fisher
e contrast you are interested in. Does that
> make sense?
> doug
> On 12/02/2013 12:27 PM, Clark Fisher wrote:
>> Hi Doug (and other Freesurfers),
>> Hope you had a pleasant Thanksgiving. My thread last left off before
>> everyone left for the holida
Hi everyone,
What is the best way to concatenate transforms (register.dat files, .lta files,
etc.)? I'm interested in registering functional data to a structural in
another session using a functional to in-session anatomical registration
combined with a in-session anatomical to out-of-session
Hi Doug,
I do plan to manually align the functionals to the structural as a final step,
but our epi scans look different enough from our T1s that I want to use this as
a starting point. Also, combining transforms is something I've wanted to be
able to do a few times now as I explore different
Hi Freesurfers,
I have another monkey-specific question. I'd like to output FDR-corrected
signficance surface maps for my monkey data, or at least FDR-threshold the
maps. It seems like mri_surfcluster might be one way to go about this however:
1) I don't have any .xfm files for my monk
Ok, maybe I'm making this question too intricate. Here's the short version:
How can I FDR correct painted surface significance maps when I have no talraich
.xfm file and no cortical segmentation?
Thanks again,
Hi Freesurfers,
I have another monkey-specific question. I'd like to output
configure overlay interface.
> cheers
> Bruce
> On Tue, 28 Aug 2012, Clark Fisher wrote:
>> Ok, maybe I'm making this question too intricate. Here's the short version:
>> How can I FDR correct painted surface significance maps when I have no
>> talr
ore than I trust my own.
On Aug 28, 2012, at 2:34 PM, Sebastian Moeller wrote:
> Hi Clark,
> On Aug 28, 2012, at 11:15 AM, Clark Fisher wrote:
>> Hi Bruce,
>> Thanks. I actually have used this function of tksurfer, but am looking for
On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 2:08 PM, Clark Fisher
mailto:cfis...@mail.rockefeller.edu>> wrote:
Hi Sebastian,
I think you are right, both about tksurfer thresholding and the correct
interpretation of FDR. As you point out though, there is some value in having
maps that s
ait for Doug to get back. Can you repost at the end of next
> week?
> Bruce
> On Thu, 30 Aug 2012, Clark Fisher wrote:
>> Thanks Michael, I'll look into Nipy's FDR tools. I actually started this
>> thread asking for help getting mri_surfcluster runn
Per Bruce's suggestion, I'm reposting this now. A synopsis: I'm looking for a
way to correct painted statistical maps for multiple comparisons using
Freesurfer's tools, without having segmentation or any .xfm files.
On Aug 23, 2012, at 10:09 AM, Clark
Hi everyone,
I recently switched the phase encoding direction of the functional sequence
I've been using from F >> H to R >> L and ran into a problem with
epidewarp.fsl (in version 4). The unwarping was still happening along the F >>
H axis in the new images where phase encoding was R >> L.
Thanks Doug,
Would the proper way to handle this then be to switch the rows and columns
before unwarping, then switch them back before the further processing steps?
Freesurfer mailing list
t; to begin with. What did you use to convert the dicoms to nifti?
> doug
> On 11/13/2012 11:59 AM, Clark Fisher wrote:
>> Thanks Doug,
>> Would the proper way to handle this then be to switch the rows and columns
>> before unwarping, then switch them back b
Hi everyone,
In a previous discussion on this list
Pablo Polosecki was asking the best way to perform hypothesis testing using
functional data within an ROI. The final opinion was that it was best to
average all of th
at cesvarpct.nii contains?
Thanks again,
Hi Clark,
On 02/06/2013 05:55 PM, Clark Fisher wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> In a previous discussion on this list
> (http://www.mail-archive.com/freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/msg17681.html),
> Pablo Polosecki was asking the best w
1). Yes
2) Right, pull the scale outside of the sqrt()
On 02/13/2013 03:36 PM, Clark Fisher wrote:
> Hi Doug,
> Thanks for the help, that seemed to worked great. I have a few
> follow up questions abou
> On 02/14/2013 07:25 AM, Clark Fisher wrote:
>> Hi Doug and the list,
>> I think I still have a problem understanding what cesvar.nii contains. As a
>> sanity check, I tried to create 95% confidence intervals around my CES. I
>> found that in s
I was wondering what orientation conventions are used when calculating the
affine transformation matrix in register.dat. For an example, I'll use the
data from subject 101 of the fsfast tutorial. According to mri_info, the
functional volume is in LPS orientation, and the processed anato
k, have you looked at this documentation yet?
Clark Fisher wrote:
I was wondering what orientation conventions are used when calculating the
affine transformation matrix in regist
Thanks Sebastian and Doug, that clears everything up.
On Sep 26, 2011, at 11:27 AM, Douglas N Greve wrote:
> Clark Fisher wrote:
>> Hi Doug,
>> Thanks for pointing me back to that; I had forgotten how much depth it
>> goes into! I have 2 rema
I'm working with primate data, and I'm wondering: is there any way to create a
ribbon.mgz file from surfaces since I don't have aseg.mgz? I can't seem to run
mris_volmask without it, and running reconall -autorecon3 -noaseg did not
output ribbon.mgz.
Thanks for the help,
> Hi Clark
> I think you can just call mri_ribbon directly using say the orig.mgz as
> the input_volume_pref.
> cheers
> Bruce
> On Mon, 6 Feb 2012, Clark Fisher wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm working with primate data, and I'm
Hi all,
I'm trying to use Freesurfer to work with a parameter map saved as a nifti
volume by another package (mrVista). However, whenever I try to open it using
a Freesurfer tool (tkmedit, mri_info, freeview, etc.) I get the following error
niiRead(): unsuported datatype 64 (with scl_slope
Hi everyone,
I have looked through the mailing list, and read a number of threads on using
(or rather not using) mri_convert to change the orientation of a volume, and I
have read the mri_convert help, which says about the --in_orientation and
--out_orientation flags:
"This is only to
Thanks Doug,
In that case, since everything seems to be working as I want it to, I'm going
to leave it as-is. Do you think that this is likely to change back to it's
intended (pixel data ignoring) function in future versions, or can I continue
to use it like this?
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