ime I
couldn't have it work correctly. Would you have a clue to help me on that?
I can put the data in some folders if you want to take a look at the
entire volumes.
Thanks for your help
Celine Louapre, MD-PhD
Research Fellow at Massachusetts General Hospital
Department of Radi
i Celine
> hard to tell from the slices. Are there voxels labeled ventricle there?
> If so, you need to correct the aseg. If not, it's probably a topological
> defect that is fixed incorrectly. If you upload the subject we'll take a
> look
> Bruce
> On Fri, 16 Jan 2
Hi everyone
I don't know if someone had the chance to look at the data we uploaded
for advice to edit the recons (see below).
Thank you so much
On Fri, 2015-01-16 at 11:43 -0500, Celine Louapre wrote:
> Thanks Bruce
> The aseg is correct, no ventricule labeled there (I was u
ection (wm_edit_3.png). Do this for a few slices around each location
> that needs to be pushed out so that it has more effect, then save the wm
> volume and rerun recon-all.
> Hope this helps, and let me know if you have any more questions.
> Best,
> Lee
> On Wed,
between 2 sections along one tract?
Thank you
Celine Louapre, MD-PhD
Research Fellow at Massachusetts General Hospital
Department of Radiology, MGH
Building 149, Room 2301
13th Street
Charlestown, MA 02129
Freesurfer mailing list
Hi Freesurfer experts
I am planing to do a voxelwise group analysis from images acquired at 7T,
and I wanted to use the mri_cvs_register script, which gives very nice
normalization outputs. I was wondering how to adapt the script to images
that we have with 0.33mm isotropic resolution, and which ar
> Could you compute the registration with the high res volumes, maybe with
> an initialization from the low res volumes?
> Lilla
> On Wed, 6 May 2015, Celine Louapre wrote:
>> Hi Freesurfer experts
>> I am planing to do a voxelwise group analysis
ransform that you computed to align your lowres and high res volumes?
> Lilla
> On Wed, 6 May 2015, Celine Louapre wrote:
>> Thank you Lilla for the suggestion.
>> You mean that I should run mri_cvs_register on the high res volume, is
>> that correct? In that case, h
Hi Anastasia and Tracula experts,
We are running a new set of tracula analysis from Bay 6 and are
wondering how do we define the number of echo spacing in the dmrirc
file. Is it a number that we get from the header of the field map
set echospacing = ...
Thanks a lot
Hi Freesurfer experts
I am always a little confused with the registration matrices from tracula
output. If we need to have the DTI maps like dtifit_MD.nii.gz in the recon
space, do we use the matrix anatorig2diff.bbr.dat?
mri_vol2vol --mov //dmri/dtifit_MD.nii.gz --targ
//mri/brainmask.mgz --reg /
Thanks for advices
Celine Louapre, MD
Research Fellow at Massachusetts General Hospital
Department of Radiology, MGH
Building 149, Room 2301
13th Street
Charlestown, MA 02129
Freesurfer mailing list
> Hi Celine, you should report the clusterwise p-value (which is neither
> of those).
> doug
> On 12/17/2013 12:11 PM, Celine Louapre wrote:
>> Hi all
>> I am wondering what is the best to present GLM results in a table on top
>> of the visual display.
exclusion of the lesion? (I guess
the last step of trac-all -path could be applied to DTI maps that were
masked by the lesions?)
I would like to keep the advantage of having the DTI weighted metrics in
Thanks a lot for your help!
Celine Louapre, MD-PhD,
Research Fellow at
ould be applied to DTI maps that were
> masked by the lesions?)
> I would like to keep the advantage of having the DTI weighted metrics in
> particular.
> Thanks a lot for your help!
> Celine
> --
> Celine Louapre, MD-PhD,
> Research Fellow at Massachusetts General Hospita
Hello freesurfer team
I have binary lesions mask from T2star images (resolution 0.3*0.3*1)
already registered on freesurfer space that I would like to resample on
diffusion images (that have been processed with tracula) to further
exclude the lesion voxels on the DTI maps.
To do so I have found sev
n pass to mri_vol2vol the dmri/xfms/anatorig2diff.bbr.dat
> transform. That's the one generated by bbregister for the
> anatomical-diffusion registration.
> Hope this helps,
> a.y
> On Thu, 13 Feb 2014, Celine Louapre wrote:
>> Hello freesurfer team
>> I have
parameter but it does not solve the problem of the registration file?
also mri_convert
And eventually I also saw this command:
mri_mask but I guess that the mask volume needs to be in the same
dimension as the diffusion space?
Thanks a lot
Celine Louapre, MD-PhD
> doug
> On 2/17/14 9:30 PM, Celine Louapre wrote:
>> Hi Doug
>> I don't know if you had the chance to read my email below to resample a
>> lesion mask on diffusion images. Anastasia gave me the registration file
>> to use (anatorig2diff.bbr
olate and then binarize the mask was one possible option). I can
show you the results tomorrow if you prefer
> what does it look like if you run
> tkmedit -f lowb.nii.gz -ov lesion_WM_vol2vol.nii.gz -fminmax .5 1
> On 2/17/14 10:00 PM, Celine Louapre wrote
> doug
> On 2/17/14 10:41 PM, Celine Louapre wrote:
>> The lesion_vol2vol volume is still not correctly overlapping the DTI.
>> The only command that didn't give me registration issue is mri_convert
>> wh
DTI images, then my sampling is probably wrong too?
The tracts are correctly displayed on the native DTI images, but if I want
to display them on the anat space then it is not correct.
Thanks for your help
Celine Louapre, MD-PhD
Research Fellow at Massachusetts General Hospital
TI data in the same session. For this subject, were they acquired in
>> different sessions or was the subject removed and replaced back in the
>> scanner? When you sample the data onto the surfaces, you should always
>> use a registration file.
>> doug
>> On 02
> This will regenerate all the pathstats.* files, but now the parts of the
> tract that go through the lesions will have zero values (or very low, if
> they're mixed in with some neighboring voxels).
> Let us know if this worked! If not I may be able to implement something.
line - This command assumes that --intrc is a tracula output
> directory, containing all the files that tracula saves in such a
> directory. What are you trying to get stats from?
> a.y
> On Mon, 3 Mar 2014, Celine Louapre wrote:
>> Hi Anastasia
>> I have fi
Celine Louapre, MD-PhD
Research Fellow at Massachusetts General Hospital
Department of Radiology, MGH
Building 149, Room 2301
13th Street
Charlestown, MA 02129
Freesurfer mailing list
I am sorry if my question is really basic, but I am choosing the seeds for
fsfast resting state connectivity analysis, and I am looking at the
different options in the litterature. Seeds are often presented with the
talairach coordinates, and I was looking for a way to find the
corresponding ver
I just find out how to launch the command, it is in the terminal where
tksurfer is running, after the % sign. (I didn't understand what the tcl
window was meaning)
> Hi
> I am sorry if my question is really basic, but I am choosing the seeds for
> fsfast resting state connectivity a
Hi Doug and FS team
I did glm analyses using mri_glmfit, and I was trying to plot the
individual values in the population for a specific significant cluster.
However I am not sure how to extract individual values from the entire
cluster. (note that the concatenated surface used as input for the gl
create labels (ie, annotations) of
> the clusters as well as run mri_segstats to get means in each cluster
> for each subject. Try that link now
> doug
> On 09/18/2014 12:15 PM, Celine Louapre wrote:
>> Hi Doug and FS team
>> I did glm analyses using m
> should be something like cache.th13.abs.y.ocn.dat
> also, you can look in mri_glmfit-sim --help to get info about each
> output file
> On 09/19/2014 04:47 PM, Celine Louapre wrote:
>> Indeed I ran mri_glmfit-sim. What file is the output of mri_segstat?
>> The cache.th13.abs.
way to work around, or should I just try to do it only
from non pvr glm analyses?
> X and C have different numbers of columns. What was your mri_glmfit
> command line? If you used a --pvr, then the pcc script will not work.
> doug
> On 09/22/2014 01:21 PM, Ce
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