Hi Anastasia
Thanks for your answer.
I think I am missing something because I tried with this registration file
but the result does not look correct. I have the lesion mask in the
freesurfer space that I can overlay on brainmask or dtifit_FA.nii on
freeview and it seemed correctly registered on both.
the command I am running is:
mri_vol2vol --mov recons_dir/subj1/dmri/lowb.nii.gz --targ
lesion_mask/subj1/lesion_WM.nii.gz --interp nearest --o
/lesion_mask/subj1/lesion_WM_vol2vol.nii.gz --reg
recons_dir/subj1/dmri/xfms/anatorig2diff.bbr.dat --no-save-reg --inv

And then when I open lesion_WM_vol2vol.nii.gz in freeview, the voxel sieze
is the same as the DTI images, but the lesions are not at the same place.
That is why I thought I had picked the wrong registration file...?

> Hi Celine - If the lesion mask is already in the space of the freesurfer
> recon, you can pass to mri_vol2vol the dmri/xfms/anatorig2diff.bbr.dat
> transform. That's the one generated by bbregister for the
> anatomical-diffusion registration.
> Hope this helps,
> a.y
> On Thu, 13 Feb 2014, Celine Louapre wrote:
>> Hello freesurfer team
>> I have binary lesions mask from T2star images (resolution 0.3*0.3*1)
>> already registered on freesurfer space that I would like to resample on
>> diffusion images (that have been processed with tracula) to further
>> exclude the lesion voxels on the DTI maps.
>> To do so I have found several possibilities on the mailing list but I am
>> not sure about which one is appropriate.
>> I have tried:
>> mri_convert but I am not sure about which resampling method to use. The
>> nearest voxel miss quite a few lesions.
>> I have also seen the command mri_vol2vol:
>> mri_vol2vol --mov /subject/dmri/lowb.nii.gz --targ lesion_mask.nii.gz
>> --inv --interp nearest --o lesion_mask_resampled.nii.gz --reg
>> /dmri/xfms/?
>> --no-save-reg
>> I don't know what registration file to use in that case?
>> I have also seen mri_label2vol command where I could set the fill
>> threshold parameter but I am not sure again about the registration file
>> to
>> use.
>> And eventually I also saw this command:
>> mri_mask but I guess that the mask volume needs to be in the same
>> dimension than the diffusion space?
>> Thanks a lot in advance for your help
>> Best
>> Celine
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