I am sorry if my question is really basic, but I am choosing the seeds for
fsfast resting state connectivity analysis, and I am looking at the
different options in the litterature. Seeds are often presented with the
talairach coordinates, and I was looking for a way to find the
corresponding vertex number on fsaverage surface, so that I can build the
corresponding label that I could use for the fcseed-sess command.
I found this previous email, and there seem to be a command to do that but
I don't know how to launch this command select_talairach_point <xtal>
<ytal> <ztal>
Thank you very much

> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : Bruce Fischl [mailto:fischl at nmr.mgh.harvard.edu]
> Envoyé : mercredi, 10. février 2010 16:18
> À : Ben Hamida Cammoun Leila Faiza
> Cc : freesurfer at nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
> Objet : Re: [Freesurfer] ROI based on Talairach coordinate
> Hi Leila,
> you can use the tcl command
> select_talairach_point <xtal> <ytal> <ztal>
> in tksurfer in the tcl window (with the % prompt), then make a label from
> that point and dilate it a few times.
> cheers,
> Bruce
> On Wed, 10 Feb 2010, Ben Hamida
> Cammoun Leila
> Faiza wrote:
>> Dear Freesurfer users and experts,
>> This is my second attempt :(
>> I am trying to construct a roi based on some talairach coordinate
coming from a paper, but I completely fail to do it with matlab and
neither manually with tksurfer.
>> My first try was to use the transformation Talairach.xfm with matlab,
inverse it and try to recover RAS coordinate, it gives me completely
wrong values.
>> Second try was to introduce the Tal coordinate directly in Tksurfer,
which is not possible I think (correct me if I am wrong), with the
version I have the is a bug in tkmedit I guess when introducing
Talairach coord (the ideas was to save them and to load the vertex in
tksurfer).. the values changes in the edit box..
>> Is there another way??
>> Is it possible with script? Or how to do this by matlab?
>> Please don't ignore the request.
>> Leila
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