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The problem is solved, I just changed the freesurfer version , thnx for
your help
Le mar. 14 juin 2022 à 22:27, Aaron Tanenbaum
a écrit :
> External Email - Use Caution
> Our lab is moving from FreeSurfer 5.3 to 7.2. We have thousands of sc
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I wonder if someone can help me to do something similar to that:
" the mean intensity of each FreeSurfer region (ROI) for the 45
subcortical and the 68 cortical regions were assessed the mean intensity of
each FreeSurfer region (ROI) for the 45 su
glad I was of some help. I still need my questions answered.
> On Tue, Jun 14, 2022 at 4:33 PM Bouchra Guelib <
> bouchra.gue...@univ-constantine2.dz> wrote:
>> External Email - Use Caution
>> The problem is solved, I just changed the freesurfer
External Email - Use Caution
I try to do something like that, Would anyone help me
*GUELIB Bouchra: *Ph.D. student
*Lire *Laboratory
University: Constantine 2-Abdelhamid Mehri- *Algeria *
Alternative email: guelibbouc...@gmail.com
subcortical regions but it doesn't work
PS: does mri_gtmpvc compute SUV? or the mean intensity?
Le dim. 19 juin 2022 à 20:55, Douglas N. Greve a
écrit :
> what is your mri_gtmpvc command line?
> On 6/19/2022 2:22 PM, Bouchra Guelib wrote:
> External Email - Use Cau
may fail.
> It can compute a relative SUV (relative to a give n ROI). By default, this
> will be pons, but you can chose others. SUV requires knowing things like
> the patients weight.
> On 6/19/2022 4:15 PM, Bouchra Guelib wrote:
> External Email - Use Caution
External Email - Use Caution
I already used VMware as virtual machine to install Freesurfer, I would
advice you to change your OS to linux or Mac , it won't take the same time
as you run Freesurfer on VM, also the installation is easy, just download
the freesurfer and use tar c
kflow in the
> petsurfer documentation is you want assistance.
> On 6/21/2022 4:40 AM, Bouchra Guelib wrote:
> External Email - Use Caution
> Hi,
> I want to register PET to T1 MRI using FSL dof12
> then I want to extract the SUV.
> I would like you to help me o
External Email - Use Caution
I have a nifty MRI, converted to mni 305 space when I apply recon-all, I
have this error:
ERROR: talairach_afd: Talairach Transform: transforms/talairach.xfm
***FAILED*** (p=0.0525, pval=0.0034 < threshold=0.0050)
Command exited with non-zero status 1
ng those instructions.
> On 7/22/2022 7:00 AM, Bouchra Guelib wrote:
> External Email - Use Caution
> I have a nifty MRI, converted to mni 305 space when I apply recon-all, I
> have this error:
> ERROR: talairach_afd: Talairach Transform: transforms/talairac
External Email - Use Caution
It is clear now thank you.
Le mer. 27 juil. 2022 à 14:13, Douglas N. Greve a
écrit :
> recon-all does not change the space to mni305 (it just "conforms" it).
> On 7/26/2022 10:22 AM, Bouchra Guelib wrote:
> Ext
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-- Forwarded message -
De : Bouchra Guelib
Date: mer. 27 juil. 2022 à 19:28
Subject: eTIV
I hope you can help me with this point
I extracted the measures in 'aseg.stats', 'lh.aparc.stats',and
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I want to segment registered PET to T1 MRI to 45 subcortical regions as the
regions in aseg.stats of MRI.
I used mri_segstats --seg MRI-floder/mri/aparc+aseg.mgz --reg
Pet2T1.register.dof12.lta --sum petsuv.segstats.dat --i PET-SPM.mgh
18:24, Douglas N. Greve a
écrit :
> I usually just divide the volume by the eTIV (you can do this in
> asegstats2table with the --etiv flag). Some people will use it as a
> nuisance regressor in the GLM
> On 7/27/2022 3:11 PM, Bouchra Guelib wrote:
> Externa
registration is correct? What version of FS are you
> running?
> On 8/5/2022 4:44 PM, Bouchra Guelib wrote:
> External Email - Use Caution
> I want to segment registered PET to T1 MRI to 45 subcortical regions as
> the regions in aseg.stats of MRI.
> I used
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I used freesurfer for ADNI data, specifically MRI for AD/CN. Even I run
segmentation many times , I always having the same statistics. Would you
share with us the commend line you used !
Le sam. 27 août 2022 à 09:32, Giulio Siracusano
a écrit :
External Email - Use Caution
Why you didn't run recon-all directly ?
Le sam. 27 août 2022 à 11:32, Giulio Siracusano
a écrit :
> External Email - Use Caution
> Hello,
> this is true (i.e. reproducibility) for ASEG (when running recon-all -all).
> But, if you use SA
External Email - Use Caution
Firstly, thanks for your explanation, I didn't know that it would take less
than hours since I used recon-all to run 202 samples, I used parallel to
run 8 images at once and it took almost 13 hours, but at the end , you can
be sure of the results you ha
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