External Email - Use Caution        

I used freesurfer for ADNI data, specifically MRI for AD/CN.  Even I run
segmentation many times , I always  having the same statistics. Would you
share with us the commend line you used !

Le sam. 27 août 2022 à 09:32, Giulio Siracusano <siracusanogiu...@gmail.com>
a écrit :

>         External Email - Use Caution
> Hi Douglas,
> I've investigated the use of SAMSEG for AD/MCI patients. I'm using the 7.2
> version of Freesurfer and I've realized that I get different results using
> the same data but when I run the SAMSEG multiple times (on the same
> patient).
> Differently from using ASEG, SAMSEG provides also the chance to execute
> the code using multiple threads.
> In the first run I've executed SAMSEG on ADNI patient id 002_S_0685 using
> the MP-RAGE series having ID I18211 (the link below provides the NIFTI
> version of the series which has been used for the processing). This
> patients is part of ADNI dataset.
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> The first execution of SAMSEG was with default settings (1 thread) and
> results are attached, the second was using --threads 6.
> These results from the SAME series are similar but they are NOT the same.
> How can we explain that?
> Regards
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