Dear FS Community,
is there an easy way to split a lablemap in the .annot format into parts?
In detail I would like to split network 6 (frontoparietal) of the yeo atlas
(fsaverage/label/rh.Yeo2011_7Networks_N1000.annot) into the frontal, parietal
and temporal part on each side.
Is there an easy
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I'm working on data from different sites, scanned with different
MRI-Scanners ans slightly different parameters (all in the range of 1x1x1
to 1.2x1.2x1). I wonder if you would recommend to run recon all and
segmentation of HC sub-fields in differen
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When I run recon-all i get the follwing error message:
mri_watershed Error:
GLOBAL region of the brain empty !
Linux 02f92500bcfb 4.15.0-36-generic #39~16.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Tue Sep 25
08:59:23 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
recon-all -s sub-X
an you check to make sure that the input to the watershed looks ok? Also, in
> general it is a lot easier for us to help if you send us the full command
> line and screeen output and attach the recon-all.log
> cheers
> Bruce
> On Thu, 11 Oct 2018, Boris Rauchmann wr
rms dir) if you want and I'll take a look
> cheers
> Bruce
> On Thu, 11 Oct 2018, Boris Rauchmann wrote:
>> External Email - Use Caution
>> Hi again,
>> sorry. Please find attached
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<>Dear FreeSurfer Developers,
I´m trying to extract the cortical thickness of individuals from a study cohort
based on an hammersmith n30r83 atlas segmentation. I have this atlas only in as
a volumetric file. I already run recon-all on all subjec
> description of exactly how it is not working?
> On 1/25/19 10:56 AM, Boris Rauchmann wrote:
>> External Email - Use Caution
>> <>Dear FreeSurfer Developers,
>> I´m trying to extract the cortical thickness of
> cheers
> Bruce
> On Sun, 27 Jan 2019, Boris Rauchmann wrote:
>> External Email - Use Caution
>> Hi,
>> I used the following commands:
>> mri_vol2surf —src .../
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My_pc$ mri_surf2vol --o 0021_thickness-in-volume.nii.gz --subject 0021 \ --so
$SUBJECTS_DIR/0021/surf/lh.white $SUBJECTS_DIR/0021/surf/lh.thickness \ --so
$SUBJECTS_DIR/0021/surf/rh.white $SUBJECTS_DIR/0021/surf/rh.thickness
ERROR: Option --so unkno
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Hi FreeSurfer community,
when I run mri_coreg I get the following error.
/XYZ/2123/mri/brainmask.mgz is in the specified location.
Can you help me with this?
mri_coreg --s 2123 --mov /XYZ/2123.nii --reg 2123.reg.lta
Could not set loca
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Dear FS community,
I would like to assess how PET tracer uptake is related to thickness changes in
AD patients. Is it possible to generate difference maps for both methods and
run a GLM? Or would you suggest another approach?
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reading input surface xyz/fs_all_subjects/0031/surf/rh.qsphere.nofix...
reading brain volume from brain...
reading wm segmentation from wm...
Reading original properties of orig.nofix
Reading vertex positions of inflated.nofix
Computing Initial Surface
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Dear Freesurfer community,
I am trying to extract SUV values from sub-cortical segmentation or gtmseg
I don t want to use any PVC.
I used the following commands:
gtmseg --s xyz
mri_coreg --s xyz --mov abetapet.nii.gz --reg abetapet.reg.lta
> In mri_segstats, use --seg $SUBJECTS_DIR/xyz/mri/aparc+aseg.mgz
> --ctab-default ...
> when you use --annot, you are saying that the input is on the surface.
> On 5/17/2019 9:07 AM, Boris Rauchmann wrote:
>> External Email - Use Caution
External Email - Use Caution
Hi all,
is there a way to easily get the volume stats for all regions after pvc
correction using mri_gtmpvc ? I think its not included in gtm.stats.dat.
Freesurfer mailing list
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Dear all,
depends the Segmentation of hippocampal subfields and nuclei of the amygdala
pipeline on the fs-recon all pipeline? I made some changes mainly by defining
control points to fix intensity normalization in my dataset and rerun recon
all. I´m
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Dear all,
is there any way to find the scan acquisition date in the recon-all log?
Freesurfer mailing list
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Dear FS community,
how can I create group mean tracer uptake images in surface space with FS from
several overlays?
Von meinem iPhone gesendet
Freesurfer mailing list
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Dear all,
my intention is to use the Brainnetome Atlas parcellation/segmentation in
PETSurfer to obtain PVC corrected SUVRs for the atlas ROIs. I used:
gtmseg --s XYZ --o BN.gtmseg.mgz --ctx-annot BN_Atlas.annot --ctab
nnetome is, but it looks like you have it in
> annotation form. I think that command should work. Why are you using
> --no-xcerseg? This will cause it to not include extracerebral
> structures. Also note that you cannot use arbitrarily small segments
> when doing PVC.
on the shape as
> well).
> I think the --no-xcerseg is the right way to go now
> On 8/13/19 11:00 AM, Boris Rauchmann wrote:
> >
> > External Email - Use Caution
> >
> > Thank you for your prompt answer - the command worked. This is th
er, the PVC
> noise amplification will become bigger (it also depends on the shape as
> well).
> I think the --no-xcerseg is the right way to go now
> On 8/13/19 11:00 AM, Boris Rauchmann wrote:
> >
> > External Email - Use Caution
> >
> > Thank
> subcortical seg for the given subject
> On 11/5/19 1:06 PM, Boris Rauchmann wrote:
> >
> > External Email - Use Caution
> >
> > I just realized that the above mentioned command (gtmseg --s XYZ --o
> > BN.gtmseg.mgz --ctx-annot BN_Atlas.annot --ct
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Dear all,
I have a LUT, a gca file for subcortical segmentation and two gcs files for
parcellation available. How can I get SUVRs for both the cortical and
subcortical structures?
I tried using xcerebralseg to create a individual segmentation to repl
structures, but only the subcortical would also be fine as long as I can
get mri_gtmpvc running on it.
On Mon, Dec 2, 2019 at 5:31 PM Greve, Douglas N.,Ph.D. <> wrote:
> Can you send the log file for each of the gtmseg runs?
> On 11/26/2019
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Did you already have the time to look at the logfile? Do you have any
suggestions how to proceed?
Thank you!
> Am 02.12.2019 um 19:18 schrieb Boris Rauchmann :
> In this example tried it with only the subcortical segmentat
ately, I think this is
> going to require a fair amount of effort on my part. When I wrote this part
> of PETsurfer, I just did not make it super flexible.
> doug
> On 12/5/2019 10:17 PM, Boris Rauchmann wrote:
> External Email - Use Caution
> Did you already
N_Atlas_subcotex.mgz as input to xcerebralseg, and then
> run gtmseg as you have done below.
> Let me know if that works
> doug
> On 12/2/19 1:18 PM, Boris Rauchmann wrote:
> >
> > External Email - Use Caution
> >
> > In this example tried it with
chl :
> Hi Boris
> can you send us the full command line and screen output of the commands that
> are failing?
> cheers
> Bruce
> On Thu, 12 Dec 2019, Boris Rauchmann wrote:
>> External Email - Use Caution
>> Thanks. unfortunately I ge
> On 12/12/19 12:57 PM, Boris Rauchmann wrote:
> >
> > External Email - Use Caution
> >
> > My-Computer:~ boris$ mri_aparc2aseg --s 1122 --volmask --aseg
> > BN_Atlas_subcotex.mgz --o aparc+BN_Atlas_subcotex.mgz
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Here the results:
ls -l BN_Atlas_subcotex.mgz:
-rwxrwxrwx 1 boris staff 37013 13 Aug 23:30 BN_Atlas_subcotex.mgz
> Am 13.12.2019 um 23:53 schrieb Greve, Douglas N.,Ph.D.
> :
> pwd
External Email - Use Caution
Boriss-MacBook-Pro:mri boris$ mri_info N_Atlas_subcotex.mgz
mghRead(/Users/boris/Desktop/MirLIND_test/1122/mri/N_Atlas_subcotex.mgz, -1):
could not open file
> Am 16.12.2019 um 19:08 schrieb Greve, Douglas N.,Ph.D.
> :
> mri_info N_Atlas_subcotex.
:12 schrieb Greve, Douglas N.,Ph.D.
> :
> There is something weird about that file. How was it created?
> doug
> ps. Please include previous correspondence in the email
> On 12/16/19 1:12 PM, Boris Rauchmann wrote:
>> External Email - Use Caution
-1. -0. -0. 128.
-0. -0. -1. 128.
-0. 1. -0. 128.
-0. -0. -0. 1.
> Am 16.12.2019 um 21:21 schrieb Boris Rauchmann :
> Thanks, it was crea
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Dear Douglas,
I uploaded two files: 1122.tar.gz is the sample subject and
BN_Atlas_freesurfer.tar.gz this is the Atlas I want use for the cortical and
subcortical parcellation/segmentation.
Thank you so much,
> Am 02.01.2020 um 17:06 schrieb
n 12/12/2019 11:57 AM, Boris Rauchmann wrote:
>> External Email - Use Caution
>> My-Computer:~ boris$ mri_aparc2aseg --s 1122 --volmask --aseg
>> BN_Atlas_subcotex.mgz --o aparc+BN_Atlas_subcotex.mgz
>> SUBJECTS_DIR /Users/boris/Desktop/mydir
_DIR/1122/mri when you run mri_aparc2aseg and are you sure that
> BN_Atlas_subcotex.mgz is in the same folder?
>> On 1/3/20 3:07 PM, Boris Rauchmann wrote:
>> External Email - Use Caution
>> Thank you for testing it. As before I get the same e
--o BN_apas+head.mgz
Any ideas on that?
Am Mo., 6. Jan. 2020 um 23:14 Uhr schrieb Greve, Douglas N.,Ph.D. <>:
> Are you sure you have permission to view that file?
> On 1/6/20 5:01 PM, Boris Rauchmann
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Thanks, that solution seems to work finally. I just ignored the remaining
voxels labeled according to the standard aseg scheme and proceeded with the the
PET analysis and the combined LUT.
I will ignore the remaining fragment labels from the original
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Dear FS experts,
In my dataset I have 4 subjects where the T1 was acquired, planning the FOV
very close to the occipital lobe. I guess that triggers the error:
getSignalBehindHead ERROR (no slices behind head) WARNING: only 0 < 7
slices behind head! ER
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Please find the logfile attached.
Thank you
Am Do., 4. Juni 2020 um 15:18 Uhr schrieb Douglas N. Greve <>:
> Can you send the log file?
> On 6/4/2020 9:12 AM, Boris Rauchmann wrote:
> Externa
> It will ask you for a password: use "anonymous" (no quotes)
> cd transfer/incoming
> binary
> put subject.tar.gz
> Send an email that the file has been and the name of the file.
> On 6/4/2020 9:40 AM, Boris Rauchmann wrote:
> External Email -
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Dear all,
is there a way to use freeviews -ss command to obtain snapshots
using tkregisterfv? I have a bunch of registrations to check and would
prefer to do that using a bash script and snapshots.
tkregisterfv --mov template.nii.gz --reg
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Dear all,
How can I easily scale the mgx.ctxgm.nii.gz files with the whole brain mean
intensity using PETSufer? Is there a command to use in mri_gtmpvc like
--rescale X?
I know that I can find the mean in and I can use that value
for sca
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Dear all,
How can I run a voxelwise statistic using grey and white matter uptake?
mgx.ctxgm.nii.gz and the other files in output all only include gm as I
My goal is to run whole brain volume-based analysis. Like in this example
for subcort
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