I'm having trouble using the "line profile" tool in FreeView. I have a PET
image overlaid on an MR image, and would like to view a line profile of a
rectangular ROI on the PET image. I assumed that the "line profile" selection
in "Tools" would be able to do this, but I haven't been able
On 01/14/2015 04:55 PM, Albrecht, Daniel S. wrote:
I'm having trouble using the "line profile" tool in FreeView. I have a PET
image overlaid on an MR image, and would like to view a line profile of a
rectangular ROI on the PET image. I assumed that the "line profile
Sorry if this isn’t the right forum for the question, but not sure where to
direct it.
I’m trying to incorporate some FSL commands into a Matlab script. I’m using a
Linux machine and running Matlab 7.11.0 (2010b). I tried to access the FSL
toolbox through Matlab using:
I've been using spmregister in order to coregister a static PET image to an
MPRAGE, typically with good results. A representative run is as follows:
spmregister --mov $file.nii --s $subj --reg SUV_lin_T1.dat --fsvol orig
We then convert *.dat to *.mat with tkregister2, and apply the *.ma
We have a PET dataset where we expect to see pathogenic changes in the
meninges. We'd like to extract the meningeal signal in subject space, and were
hoping to come up with an automated strategy to create meningeal ROIs,
containing no brain or scalp.
So my question is: can you suggest an
We are attempting to extract cortical thickness values from a pre-defined ROI
in MNI space.
Originally, we had followed the instructions detailed here:
for extraction in MNI space, but now wanted to extract thickness
Thanks, Doug!
I think we were probably going about this the wrong way. If I transform the ROI
from MNI space back into native space, will the following commands give the
proper cortical thickness extraction from native space?
mri_vol2surf --mov roi_in_native_space.nii.gz --out rh.roi_in_native
I’ve been using PETSurfer for partial volume correction of PET images using the
RBV option. I’m amending the parcellations/segmentations to add in
extracortical areas of high PET signal (to prevent spill-in into the brain),
and after adjusting the *ctab file this runs successfully.
Hello everyone,
I've been using mri_vol2surf to move some activation data in MNI space to the
fsaverage surface with the following command:
mri_vol2surf --mov MNIvol.nii --projfrac-max 0 1 0.1 --hemi rh --o rh.out.mgz
This works well, but I'm losing a small temporal gyrus cluster t