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Hello Freesurfer experts
I am trying to recon-all using T2 images as well to improve pial
surfaces. Does anyone know how to use GNU Parallel in bash to run the
following commands in parallel?
recon-all -subject subjectname -i /path/to/T1w.nii -T2 /pat
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That is a single command. How can you run a single command in parallel?
You can add the -parallel flag to get freesurfer to run recon-all in
parallel threads.
On Thu, Apr 27, 2023 at 8:16 AM Toshiharu Kamishikiryo
> External Email -
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Bumping this up. Thanks so much!
> On Apr 24, 2023, at 8:52 PM, Fred d'Oleire Uquillas
> wrote:
> Dear Fs support,
> If I have the following FSGD with 4 classes and 3 variables, and I'd like to
> run an interaction of ROIa x R
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Hi Eugenio,
Thanks for your reply. Just to check if I've understood correctly, these
can be the steps by using mri_easyreg:
*Linear (with --affine-only):*
1. Register all the subjects to the MNI (subj_to_MNI_lin_1)
2. Average the subj_to_MNI_li
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Dear experts,
I have been using the mri_normalize in FSv7.3.2 to standardize the
intensity of FLAIR images , and I've observed that increasing the sigma
parameter up to 25 is effective in improving the quality of the normalized
images for noisy datasets
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Thanks for pointing that out, sir.
2023年4月27日(木) 16:15 Toshiharu Kamishikiryo :
> Hello Freesurfer experts
> I am trying to recon-all using T2 images as well to improve pial
> surfaces. Does anyone know how to use GNU Parallel in bash to run the
> f
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Dear Freesurfer team,
I noticed that some studies/publications add figures with heatmaps to
visualize the significant cortical results (after correction), others do
We tried to use the heat map (from yellow/red to dark blue/light blue) to
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Thank you for clarifying.
On Wed, Apr 26, 2023 at 6:44 PM Douglas N. Greve
> External Email - Use Caution
> Yes, this is the expected behavior, ie, it should cover only subcortical
> GM regions. It is expected that cortical r
External Email - Use CautionHey Eszter,Have you tried loading in the “sig.masked.mgh” file that’s in your contrast results folder? It should show only the significant cluster after multiple comparisons correction with the original colorbar gradient inside.Best,FredOn Apr 27, 2023, a