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Hi FreeSurfer community,
I recently discovered the SAMSEG application in the FreeSurfer 7.2.0 release
and started to give a try on few subjects were FreeSurfer was having a hard
time to segment brain structures (due to poor contrast).
So I have few q
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We are seeking a full-time postdoctoral fellow with a strong background in
resting state fMRI data analysis to join our team. We aim to better
understand the neural correlates of visual perceptual dysfunctions observed
in survivors of brain injury. We a
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My name is Cristina and I'm a PhD Student from Clinical Neurosciences Group in
IRB LLEIDA. I downloaded " Freesurfer VirtualBox Image" and I need the paswword
to login as the user "developer" in the login menu.
I'm waiting for your answer,
for the annot, it should get the color table from the annot itself. for
the output, there is not an option to change the colortable, but you can
mri_convert -ctab your.ctab file.mgz file.mgz
On 2/14/2022 3:49 PM, Zeng, Victor (BIDMC - Keshavan - Psychiatry) wrote:
External Email
If you want to do an ROI analysis using FS-based ROIs, you should do
that at the individual level. Resample the PET to the anatoimical space,
then run mri_segstats passing the PET with --i and using --seg to spec
the segmentation. If you really want to do it in MNI305 space, then it
is the same
I just sent info on how to do this, but see step 5 in the wiki
On 2/14/2022 6:27 PM, Jennifer Bramen wrote:
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Dear Freesurfer Developers
I am doing an ROI--based amyloid PET scan analysis. I am following the
steps from the PetSurfer wiki. I see instructions
Did it create the output folder and some output files? I noticed that
there is a "error: No such file or directory" error
On 2/14/2022 8:46 PM, 정현우 wrote:
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Hi Dr. Greve,
Thank you for your reply. I attached the fsgd file, mtx file and the
Xg.dat file
Does that file exist?
ps. Please remember to post to the list. Thanks!
On 2/15/2022 5:06 PM, Willett, Andrew Sunday wrote:
Dr. Greve,
I hope this email finds you well. Thank you for your response to my
listed question on Freesurfer’s mailing list on Sunday! I wanted to
reach out to followup
On 2/16/2022 4:12 AM, k3...@free.fr wrote:
> External Email - Use Caution
> Hi FreeSurfer community,
> I recently discovered the SAMSEG application in the FreeSurfer 7.2.0 release
> and started to give a try on few subjects were FreeSurfer was having a hard
> time to segment brain
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Hi Dr. Greve,
Yes, it seems like the output folder and some output files were created.
After running the mri_glmfit, 'three_group_comparison.area.lh.glmdir'
folder was created. In the glmdir folder, 'three_group_comparison.area'
folder was created, an
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Dear FreeSurfer experts,
I am trying to use the spatiotemporal mass-univariate LME approach for my data
but am struggling with choosing the right contrast.
I have one group with 14 subjects, two timepoints for each subject and age. My
goal is to test
It looks like it is failing when computing the partial correlation coef.
Try running it with --no-pcc
On 2/16/2022 10:53 AM, 정현우 wrote:
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Hi Dr. Greve,
Yes, it seems like the output folder and some output files were created.
After running the mri_glmfit,
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Hello Douglas,
I am afraid I am getting error while running "mris_preproc --fsgd
ERROR: no subjects specified
I believe I am missing very basic and doing wrong while exporting specific
paths and subject names. Could you please
Dear FS users,
I’m trying to get surface indices from surfaces generated with recon-all into a
volume in native functional/EPI space. I’m using mri_surf2vol for that, though
if there is a better alternative solution, I’m happy to take it.
My issue is that the output index volume (vtxvol) I get
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Hi all,
previous question from Florent triggered my interest in SAMSEG and I am
running now couple of cases to see what it gives. I would like to ask
- SAMSEG can also output a mesh. How is the mesh stored in file?
- how can it be visualized (Pa
Dr. Greve,
I don't believe that file exists--fsaverage folder was empty. We re-ran these
files through v7.2.1 while seeking solutions. Is it going to produce tenable
findings if we run Freesurfer v7.2.1 cross-sectional data through Freesurfer's
v6.0's longitudinal stream?
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Hello Pål
Please let us know how much memory your machine has and what OS is running.
I would also check you have 20-30G of free disk space on your boot drive,
e.g., the C: drive on Windows.
- R.
On Feb 16, 2022, at 12:47, Pål Gunnar Larsson
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Sending the info to your email shortly.
- R.
On Feb 16, 2022, at 10:02, Cristina Pereira Priego
wrote:External Email - Use
CautionHi,My name is Cristina
and I'm a PhD Student from Clinical Neuroscien
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Hi Dr. Greve,
Thank you for your suggestion. Unfortunately, the same problem occurred
when I ran the command with --no-pcc. Folders and files with the same names
were created. and the following error message (identical to the previous
one) appeared.
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