Dear FS users,

I’m trying to get surface indices from surfaces generated with recon-all into a 
volume in native functional/EPI space. I’m using mri_surf2vol for that, though 
if there is a better alternative solution, I’m happy to take it.

My issue is that the output index volume (vtxvol) I get from mri_surf2vol does 
not seem to ever be properly aligned/registered with the target space.

Here's the command I run (I'm interesting in vtxvol.nii.gz)

mri_surf2vol  --reg anat2epi.dat  --hemi lh --vtxvol vtxvol.nii.gz --fillribbon 
--outvol foo.nii.gz --template epi.nii.gz --mkmask

Upon further investigation, I learn I can’t get the projection to work properly 
even if I try projecting the surface onto the native anatomical space. As in:

mri_surf2vol  --hemi lh --vtxvol vtxvol.nii.gz --fillribbon --outvol foo.nii.gz 
--template ../mri/orig.mgz --mkmask --identity sub-01

Given the output vtxvol doesn't even have the same dimensions as the template 
specified in the command line, it makes me think I’m doing something wrong:

> nib-ls vtxvol.nii.gz ../mri/orig.mgz
vtxvol.nii.gz   float32 [320, 320, 320] 1.00x1.00x1.00   sform
../mri/orig.mgz  uint8  [320, 320, 320] 0.75x0.75x0.75

What is the proper way to get vertex indices in EPI space?

Thank you,


Daniel Gomez, Ph.D.
MR Physics and Instrumentation Group
A. A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging
Massachusetts General Hospital
149 13th Street, Charlestown, MA 02129 USA

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