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Dear freesurfer community,
I have been working with the freesurfer stat files for some time now but never
got to explore the group analysis pipeline. I tried this mri_glmfit command to
see the correlation of my anatomical data(57 subjects) with a cli
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I'm interested in locating the MGN and LGN using
segmentationThalamicNuclei, but there is a mismatch between their
location in the discrete segmentation (ThalamicNuclei.v10.T1.mgz) and
the underlying probability maps obtained by setting envi
Can you upload the subject so I can take a look? Instructions below
From the linux command line,
Create the file you want to upload, eg,
tar cvfz subject.tar.gz ./subject
Now log into our anonymous FTP site:
ftp surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
It will ask you for a user name: use "a
Can you send the full terminal output?
On 6/15/2020 10:41 PM, 邓刊 wrote:
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Hello Freesurfer Experts!
I met the mri_glmfit error: matrix is ill-conditioned or badly scaled, condno
= 1e+08.I am trying to run a 8 group 3 variables analysis: with diagnosis bei
Can you send your command line and terminal output? ...not all of it if
it has been running for 4 days:)
On 6/16/2020 8:34 AM, Mageshwar Selvakumar wrote:
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Dear freesurfer community,
I have been working with the freesurfer stat files for some time now
Try mri_segcentroids. Run it with --help to get docs
On 6/16/2020 8:39 AM, Ian wrote:
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Hi Freesurfers.
I'm looking to find the center of the various Ventricles. Are they
included in the freesurfer segmentation images with a specific code?
If not, what
Dear Julien,
Thanks for your very interesting email! One thing at the time:
At each voxel, the discrete segmentation is given by the label with the highest
probability. Therefore, there is no fixed threshold. One voxel my require a
probability of 0.51 to "win" (if another class has probability
I have your data, but it does not have the base image. Can you upload
that as well?
On 6/15/2020 5:15 PM, Danielian, Laura (NIH/NINDS) [E] wrote:
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Hi Douglas,
I just upload the files as danielian.tar.gz. I didn’t notice any
damage or artifact on this par
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Hi Bruce,
I just used the load command. See below.
>> load('rh.wang15_mplbl.mgz')
Error using load
Unknown text on line number 1 of ASCII file rh.wang15_mplbl.mgz
Mason T Wells, MSc
PhD student
School of Optometry and Visi
You can't just use the load() command. Try
rh = MRIread(filename)
The pixel data will be in rh.vol
On 6/16/2020 10:25 AM, Mason Wells wrote:
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Hi Bruce,
I just used the load command. See below.
>> load('rh.wang15_mplbl.mgz')
Error using load
Unknown text
Yes, I put a linux version here
On 6/16/2020 10:32 AM, Ian Hardingham wrote:
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Is this only in FSL 7 Doug? I can't find it in 6.
On 16/06/2020 14:59, Douglas N. Greve wrote:
Try mri_segcent
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I ran a pet longitudinal paired t-test analysis with 2 timepoints using
mri_glmfit and I found significant clusters. I want to extract the values
of these significant clusters for each timepoints. How do I go about doing
Thank you.
You need to use load_mgh or MRIread (which we distribute)
From: freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
On Behalf Of Mason Wells
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2020 10:26 AM
To: Freesurfer support list
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Splitting surface overlay into separate files
did you run the correction for multiple comparisons to get your
clusters? If so, then there should be a table with a row for each
subject and a column for each cluster.
On 6/16/2020 11:03 AM, miracle ozzoude wrote:
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I ran a pet longitudinal paired
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Thanks Doug.
I ran multiple comparisons to get the clusters. However, I want to extract
the clusters values for the individual timepoints. The paired t-test does a
paired-difference (timepoint1 - timepoint2) and I presume the significant
clusters come
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Hi Freesurfers.
I'm looking to find the center of the various Ventricles. Are they
included in the freesurfer segmentation images with a specific code?
If not, what approach would you use?
*Ian Hardingham*
ok, still pretty easy
mri_segstats --seg ocn.mgh --exclude 0 --i timepoint1.mgh --avgwf
ocn.mgh is something like cache.th13.abs.sig.ocn.mgh
timepoint1.mgh is the stack of timepoint 1 for all subjects
The output will be a table with subjects on the rows and clusters
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Lovely. Thank you very much Doug. I appreciate your help.
On Tue, Jun 16, 2020 at 12:41 PM Douglas N. Greve
> ok, still pretty easy
> mri_segstats --seg ocn.mgh --exclude 0 --i timepoint1.mgh --avgwf
> timepoint1.table.dat
> w
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Hi Douglas,
OK I just uploaded the base separately. danielianbase.tar.gz I thought it was
part of the original bundle. Sorry!
From: "Douglas N. Greve"
Reply-To: Freesurfer support list
Date: Tuesday, June 16, 2020 at 10:10 AM
To: "frees
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Is this only in FSL 7 Doug? I can't find it in 6.
On 16/06/2020 14:59, Douglas N. Greve wrote:
Try mri_segcentroids. Run it with --help to get docs
On 6/16/2020 8:39 AM, Ian wrote:
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Hi Freesurfers.
I'm looking
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Thank you so much Doug.
On 16/06/2020 15:44, Douglas N. Greve wrote:
Yes, I put a linux version here
On 6/16/2020 10:32 AM, Ian Hardingham wrote:
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I was wondering if Freesurfer version 7 will be released as a container on
docker hub?
Freesurfer mailing list
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Thanks Juan.
Nevermind. It turns out that I was comparing a discrete segmentation
done with v10 (Freesurfer v6 or older) with posterior probability maps
obtained using v12 (Freesurfer 7.0) in the same subject.
The locations of the MGN and LGN segmen
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Hello Freesurfer experts,
I recently upgraded to Freesurfer 7.1. Many nice changes so thanks for that.
I often work with merged gifti files and the previous stable version of
Freesurfer/Freeview (6.0) had no issue with them. Now, Freeview can view
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