External Email - Use Caution
Hello Freesurfer experts,
I recently upgraded to Freesurfer 7.1. Many nice changes so thanks for that.
I often work with merged gifti files and the previous stable version of
Freesurfer/Freeview (6.0) had no issue with them. Now, Freeview can view
my unmerged overlays but not the merged ones. I get this error:
Number of vertices in overlay data (1 or 1) does not match with surface
The (very simple) matlab code used for merging giftis is here:
. It simply concatenates left and right overlays into a single one which
i plot on a merged surface.
Wondering if anybody has any ideas? I have confirmed on an identical
system using all the same files that this issue is specific to
Freesurfer 7. The merged overlays work fine in python, matlab, etc.
*Nicholas M. Blauch*
Ph.D. Student, Program in Neural Computation
Carnegie Mellon University
pronouns: he/him/his
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